13 research outputs found

    A Recommendation System as a Digital Marketing tool for Online Communities

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    Recommender systems are able to predict users’ preferences and items of interest, by analysing historical data on their behaviour and actions. Different techniques exist and are applicable in different scenarios. This thesis explores how to combine Content-Based and Collaborative-Filtering techniques in a hybrid system and how personalised recommendations and one-to-one marketing techniques can lead to an improvement in user engagement. Specifically, it is analysed the case of online platforms where there is no rating system in place. Results are empirically tested and evaluated with training/testing approach and recommendations seem to be quite accurate. However, further online evaluation is needed to measure any actual increase in user engagement

    Predicting Customer Retention of an App-Based Business Using Supervised Machine Learning

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    Identification of retainable customers is very essential for the functioning and growth of any business. An effective identification of retainable customers can help the business to identify the reasons of retention and plan their marketing strategies accordingly. This research is aimed at developing a machine learning model that can precisely predict the retainable customers from the total customer data of an e-learning business. Building predictive models that can efficiently classify imbalanced data is a major challenge in data mining and machine learning. Most of the machine learning algorithms deliver a suboptimal performance when introduced to an imbalanced dataset. A variety of algorithm level (cost sensitive learning, one class learning, ensemble methods ) and data level methods (sampling, feature selection) are widely used to address the class imbalance in the retention prediction problems. This research employs a quantitative and inductive approach to build a supervised machine learning model that addresses the class imbalance problem and efficiently predict the customer retention. The retention Precision is used as the evaluation metrics for this research. The research evaluates the performance of different sampling methods (Random Under – Sampling, Random Over – Sampling, SMOTE) on different single and ensemble machine learning models. The results show that Random Under-Sampling used along with XGBoost classifier yields the best precision in identifying the retention class. The best model evolved in the research was also used to predict retainable customers from the recent unknown customer data, and could attain a retention precision of 57.5%

    Data Mining Approach for Predicting Learner's Achievement

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    Student achievement variables that may be included into student database can be classified into three main categories, student variables. Instructor variables and general variables. This paper presents a new machine-learning model for extracting knowledge From student attributes in a given database. This knowledge can be used for determining the relative importance and effectiveness of student's attributes for the prediction of their college academic achievement, and the relationship between these attributes and their achievement. The model includes three main algorithms namely: preprocessing of database, attribute selection and rule extraction algorithm. Preprocessing of database aims to alleviate the dimensionality of the given database. It is performed according to (i) Detecting memo attributes and abstracting their field values into minimum abstraction level, (ii) Detecting the attributes, which have repeated values (including sparse values), and dropping them from database and (iii) Using fuzzification for transferring the attributes of continuous values into linguistic terms. This transformation leads to reducing the search space. Attribute selection algorithm selects the most relevant attributes set by the calculations of an evaluation function. The resulted set of attributes is passed to rule extraction algorithm for extracting an accurate and comprehensible set of rules.

    Data Mining Approach for Predicting Learner's Achievement

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    Student achievement variables that may be included into student database can be classified into three main categories, student variables. Instructor variables and general variables. This paper presents a new machine-learning model for extracting knowledge From student attributes in a given database. This knowledge can be used for determining the relative importance and effectiveness of student's attributes for the prediction of their college academic achievement, and the relationship between these attributes and their achievement. The model includes three main algorithms namely: preprocessing of database, attribute selection and rule extraction algorithm. Preprocessing of database aims to alleviate the dimensionality of the given database. It is performed according to (i) Detecting memo attributes and abstracting their field values into minimum abstraction level, (ii) Detecting the attributes, which have repeated values (including sparse values), and dropping them from database and (iii) Using fuzzification for transferring the attributes of continuous values into linguistic terms. This transformation leads to reducing the search space. Attribute selection algorithm selects the most relevant attributes set by the calculations of an evaluation function. The resulted set of attributes is passed to rule extraction algorithm for extracting an accurate and comprehensible set of rules.