84,550 research outputs found

    Integration of task level planning and diagnosis for an intelligent robot

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    The use of robots in the future must go beyond present applications and will depend on the ability of a robot to adapt to a changing environment and to deal with unexpected scenarios (i.e., picking up parts that are not exactly where they were expected to be). The objective of this research is to demonstrate the feasibility of incorporating high level planning into a robot enabling it to deal with anomalous situations in order to minimize the need for constant human instruction. The heuristics can be used by a robot to apply information about previous actions towards accomplishing future objectives more efficiently. The system uses a decision network that represents the plan for accomplishing a task. This enables the robot to modify its plan based on results of previous actions. The system serves as a method for minimizing the need for constant human instruction in telerobotics. This paper describes the integration of expert systems and simulation as a valuable tool that goes far beyond this project. Simulation can be expected to be used increasingly as both hardware and software improve. Similarly, the ability to merge an expert system with simulation means that we can add intelligence to the system. A malfunctioning space satellite is described. The expert system uses a series of heuristics in order to guide the robot to the proper location. This is part of task level planning. The final part of the paper suggests directions for future research. Having shown the feasibility of an expert system embedded in a simulation, the paper then discusses how the system can be integrated with the MSFC graphics system

    Intelligent fault management for the Space Station active thermal control system

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    The Thermal Advanced Automation Project (TAAP) approach and architecture is described for automating the Space Station Freedom (SSF) Active Thermal Control System (ATCS). The baseline functionally and advanced automation techniques for Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) will be compared and contrasted. Advanced automation techniques such as rule-based systems and model-based reasoning should be utilized to efficiently control, monitor, and diagnose this extremely complex physical system. TAAP is developing advanced FDIR software for use on the SSF thermal control system. The goal of TAAP is to join Knowledge-Based System (KBS) technology, using a combination of rules and model-based reasoning, with conventional monitoring and control software in order to maximize autonomy of the ATCS. TAAP's predecessor was NASA's Thermal Expert System (TEXSYS) project which was the first large real-time expert system to use both extensive rules and model-based reasoning to control and perform FDIR on a large, complex physical system. TEXSYS showed that a method is needed for safely and inexpensively testing all possible faults of the ATCS, particularly those potentially damaging to the hardware, in order to develop a fully capable FDIR system. TAAP therefore includes the development of a high-fidelity simulation of the thermal control system. The simulation provides realistic, dynamic ATCS behavior and fault insertion capability for software testing without hardware related risks or expense. In addition, thermal engineers will gain greater confidence in the KBS FDIR software than was possible prior to this kind of simulation testing. The TAAP KBS will initially be a ground-based extension of the baseline ATCS monitoring and control software and could be migrated on-board as additional computation resources are made available

    The composite load spectra project

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    Probabilistic methods and generic load models capable of simulating the load spectra that are induced in space propulsion system components are being developed. Four engine component types (the transfer ducts, the turbine blades, the liquid oxygen posts and the turbopump oxidizer discharge duct) were selected as representative hardware examples. The composite load spectra that simulate the probabilistic loads for these components are typically used as the input loads for a probabilistic structural analysis. The knowledge-based system approach used for the composite load spectra project provides an ideal environment for incremental development. The intelligent database paradigm employed in developing the expert system provides a smooth coupling between the numerical processing and the symbolic (information) processing. Large volumes of engine load information and engineering data are stored in database format and managed by a database management system. Numerical procedures for probabilistic load simulation and database management functions are controlled by rule modules. Rules were hard-wired as decision trees into rule modules to perform process control tasks. There are modules to retrieve load information and models. There are modules to select loads and models to carry out quick load calculations or make an input file for full duty-cycle time dependent load simulation. The composite load spectra load expert system implemented today is capable of performing intelligent rocket engine load spectra simulation. Further development of the expert system will provide tutorial capability for users to learn from it

    Advanced satellite workstation: An integrated workstation environment for operational support of satellite system planning and analysis

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    A prototype integrated environment, the Advanced Satellite Workstation (ASW), is described that has been developed and delivered for evaluation and operator feedback in an operational satellite control center. The current ASW hardware consists of a Sun Workstation and Macintosh II Workstation connected via an ethernet Network Hardware and Software, Laser Disk System, Optical Storage System, and Telemetry Data File Interface. The central mission of ASW is to provide an intelligent decision support and training environment for operator/analysts of complex systems such as satellites. There have been many workstation implementations recently which incorporate graphical telemetry displays and expert systems. ASW is a considerably broader look at intelligent, integrated environments for decision support, based upon the premise that the central features of such an environment are intelligent data access and integrated toolsets. A variety of tools have been constructed in support of this prototype environment including: an automated pass planner for scheduling vehicle support activities, architectural modeler for hierarchical simulation and analysis of satellite vehicle subsystems, multimedia-based information systems that provide an intuitive and easily accessible interface to Orbit Operations Handbook and other relevant support documentation, and a data analysis architecture that integrates user modifiable telemetry display systems, expert systems for background data analysis, and interfaces to the multimedia system via inter-process communication

    Implementation of an intelligent control system

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    A laboratory testbed facility which was constructed at NASA LeRC for the development of an Intelligent Control System (ICS) for reusable rocket engines is described. The framework of the ICS consists of a hierarchy of various control and diagnostic functions. The traditional high speed, closed-loop controller resides at the lowest level of the ICS hierarchy. Above this level resides the diagnostic functions which identify engine faults. The ICS top level consists of the coordination function which manages the interaction between an expert system and a traditional control system. The purpose of the testbed is to demonstrate the feasibility of the OCS concept by implementing the ICS as the primary controller in a simulation of the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME). The functions of the ICS which are implemented in the testbed are as follows: an SSME dynamic simulation with selected fault mode models, a reconfigurable controller, a neural network for sensor validation, a model-based failure detection algorithm, a rule based failure detection algorithm, a diagnostic expert system, an intelligent coordinator, and a user interface which provides a graphical representation of the event occurring within the testbed. The diverse nature of the ICS has led to the development of a distributed architecture consisting of specialized hardware and software for the implementation of the various functions. This testbed is made up of five different computer systems. These individual computers are discussed along with the schemes used to implement the various ICS components. The communication between computers and the timing and synchronization between components are also addressed

    Broadening the interface bandwidth in simulation based training

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    Currently most computer based simulations rely exclusively on computer generated graphics to create the simulation. When training is involved, the method almost exclusively used to display information to the learner is text displayed on the cathode ray tube. MICROEXPERT Systems is concentrating on broadening the communications bandwidth between the computer and user by employing a novel approach to video image storage combined with sound and voice output. An expert system is used to combine and control the presentation of analog video, sound, and voice output with computer based graphics and text. Researchers are currently involved in the development of several graphics based user interfaces for NASA, the U.S. Army, and the U.S. Navy. Here, the focus is on the human factors considerations, software modules, and hardware components being used to develop these interfaces


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    Cyber intrusions have become a serious problem with growing frequency and complexity. Current Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) are deficient in speed and/or accuracy. Expert systems are one functionally effective IDS/IPS method. However, they are in general computationally intensive and too slow for real time requirements. This poor performance prohibits expert system's applications in gigabit networks. This dissertation describes a novel intrusion prevention expert system architecture that utilizes the parallel search capability of Content Addressable Memory (CAM) to perform intrusion detection at gigabit/second wire speed. A CAM is a parallel search memory that compares all of its entries against input data in parallel. This parallel search is much faster than the serial search operation in Random Access Memory (RAM). The major contribution of this thesis is to accelerate the expert system's performance bottleneck "match" processes using the parallel search power of a CAM, thereby enabling the expert systems for wire speed network IDS/IPS applications. To map an expert system's Match process into a CAM, this research introduces a novel "Contextual Rule" (C-Rule) method that fundamentally changes expert systems' computational structures without changing its functionality for the IDS/IPS problem domain. This "Contextual Rule" method combines expert system rules and current network states into a new type of dynamic rule that exists only under specific network state conditions. This method converts the conventional two-database match process into a one-database search process. Therefore it enables the core functionality of the expert system to be mapped into a CAM and take advantage of its search parallelism.This thesis also introduces the CAM-Assisted Intrusion Prevention Expert System (CAIPES) architecture and shows how it can support the vast majority of the rules in the 1999 Lincoln Lab's DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation data set, and rules in the open source IDS "Snort". Supported rules are able to detect single-packet attacks, abusive traffic and packet flooding attacks, sequences of packets attacks, and flooding of sequences attacks. Prototyping and simulation have been performed to demonstrate the detection capability of these four types of attacks. Hardware simulation of an existing CAM shows that the CAIPES architecture enables gigabit/s IDS/IPS

    Mapping analysis and planning system for the John F. Kennedy Space Center

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    Environmental management, impact assessment, research and monitoring are multidisciplinary activities which are ideally suited to incorporate a multi-media approach to environmental problem solving. Geographic information systems (GIS), simulation models, neural networks and expert-system software are some of the advancing technologies being used for data management, query, analysis and display. At the 140,000 acre John F. Kennedy Space Center, the Advanced Software Technology group has been supporting development and implementation of a program that integrates these and other rapidly evolving hardware and software capabilities into a comprehensive Mapping, Analysis and Planning System (MAPS) based in a workstation/local are network environment. An expert-system shell is being developed to link the various databases to guide users through the numerous stages of a facility siting and environmental assessment. The expert-system shell approach is appealing for its ease of data access by management-level decision makers while maintaining the involvement of the data specialists. This, as well as increased efficiency and accuracy in data analysis and report preparation, can benefit any organization involved in natural resources management

    Multisensor Data Fusion Implementation for a Sensor Based Fertilizer Application System

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    "Mapping systems" (“mapping approach”), real-time sensor-actuator systems ("sensor approach") or the combination of both (“Real-time approach with map overlay”) determine the process control in mobile application systems for spatially variable fertilization. Within the integrated research project “Information Systems Precision Farming Duernast” (IKB Duernast) the implementation of the “Real-time approach with map overlay” was done for intensive nitrogen fertilization. The bottom line of this sophisticated approach is a comprehensive situation assessment, a typical multisensor data fusion task. Based on a functional and procedural modelling of the multisensor data fusion and decision making process, it could be pointed out that an expert system is an adequate fusion paradigm and algorithm. Therefore, a software simulation with an expert system as core element was implemented to fuse on-line sensor technology measurements (REIP), maps (yield, EM38, environmental constraints, draft force) and user inputs in order to derive an application set point in real-time. The development of an expert system can be viewed as a structured transformation in five levels from the “specification level”, the “task level”, the “problem solving level” and the “knowledge base level” to the “tool level”. In the “tool level” the hybrid expert system shell JESS (Java Expert System Shell) was selected for implementation due to the results of preceding levels. Knowledge acquisition was done within another IKB-subproject by the means of data mining. Typical and maximal times of 10 ms and 60 ms for one fusion cycle were measured running this application on a 32-bit processor hardware (Intel Pentium III Mobile, 1 GHz)