1,206 research outputs found

    Acquiring Word-Meaning Mappings for Natural Language Interfaces

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    This paper focuses on a system, WOLFIE (WOrd Learning From Interpreted Examples), that acquires a semantic lexicon from a corpus of sentences paired with semantic representations. The lexicon learned consists of phrases paired with meaning representations. WOLFIE is part of an integrated system that learns to transform sentences into representations such as logical database queries. Experimental results are presented demonstrating WOLFIE's ability to learn useful lexicons for a database interface in four different natural languages. The usefulness of the lexicons learned by WOLFIE are compared to those acquired by a similar system, with results favorable to WOLFIE. A second set of experiments demonstrates WOLFIE's ability to scale to larger and more difficult, albeit artificially generated, corpora. In natural language acquisition, it is difficult to gather the annotated data needed for supervised learning; however, unannotated data is fairly plentiful. Active learning methods attempt to select for annotation and training only the most informative examples, and therefore are potentially very useful in natural language applications. However, most results to date for active learning have only considered standard classification tasks. To reduce annotation effort while maintaining accuracy, we apply active learning to semantic lexicons. We show that active learning can significantly reduce the number of annotated examples required to achieve a given level of performance

    Identifying Purpose Behind Electoral Tweets

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    Tweets pertaining to a single event, such as a national election, can number in the hundreds of millions. Automatically analyzing them is beneficial in many downstream natural language applications such as question answering and summarization. In this paper, we propose a new task: identifying the purpose behind electoral tweets--why do people post election-oriented tweets? We show that identifying purpose is correlated with the related phenomenon of sentiment and emotion detection, but yet significantly different. Detecting purpose has a number of applications including detecting the mood of the electorate, estimating the popularity of policies, identifying key issues of contention, and predicting the course of events. We create a large dataset of electoral tweets and annotate a few thousand tweets for purpose. We develop a system that automatically classifies electoral tweets as per their purpose, obtaining an accuracy of 43.56% on an 11-class task and an accuracy of 73.91% on a 3-class task (both accuracies well above the most-frequent-class baseline). Finally, we show that resources developed for emotion detection are also helpful for detecting purpose

    Mostly-Unsupervised Statistical Segmentation of Japanese Kanji Sequences

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    Given the lack of word delimiters in written Japanese, word segmentation is generally considered a crucial first step in processing Japanese texts. Typical Japanese segmentation algorithms rely either on a lexicon and syntactic analysis or on pre-segmented data; but these are labor-intensive, and the lexico-syntactic techniques are vulnerable to the unknown word problem. In contrast, we introduce a novel, more robust statistical method utilizing unsegmented training data. Despite its simplicity, the algorithm yields performance on long kanji sequences comparable to and sometimes surpassing that of state-of-the-art morphological analyzers over a variety of error metrics. The algorithm also outperforms another mostly-unsupervised statistical algorithm previously proposed for Chinese. Additionally, we present a two-level annotation scheme for Japanese to incorporate multiple segmentation granularities, and introduce two novel evaluation metrics, both based on the notion of a compatible bracket, that can account for multiple granularities simultaneously.Comment: 22 pages. To appear in Natural Language Engineerin

    Synthetic Data and Artificial Neural Networks for Natural Scene Text Recognition

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    In this work we present a framework for the recognition of natural scene text. Our framework does not require any human-labelled data, and performs word recognition on the whole image holistically, departing from the character based recognition systems of the past. The deep neural network models at the centre of this framework are trained solely on data produced by a synthetic text generation engine -- synthetic data that is highly realistic and sufficient to replace real data, giving us infinite amounts of training data. This excess of data exposes new possibilities for word recognition models, and here we consider three models, each one "reading" words in a different way: via 90k-way dictionary encoding, character sequence encoding, and bag-of-N-grams encoding. In the scenarios of language based and completely unconstrained text recognition we greatly improve upon state-of-the-art performance on standard datasets, using our fast, simple machinery and requiring zero data-acquisition costs

    Efficient machine learning: models and accelerations

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    One of the key enablers of the recent unprecedented success of machine learning is the adoption of very large models. Modern machine learning models typically consist of multiple cascaded layers such as deep neural networks, and at least millions to hundreds of millions of parameters (i.e., weights) for the entire model. The larger-scale model tend to enable the extraction of more complex high-level features, and therefore, lead to a significant improvement of the overall accuracy. On the other side, the layered deep structure and large model sizes also demand to increase computational capability and memory requirements. In order to achieve higher scalability, performance, and energy efficiency for deep learning systems, two orthogonal research and development trends have attracted enormous interests. The first trend is the acceleration while the second is the model compression. The underlying goal of these two trends is the high quality of the models to provides accurate predictions. In this thesis, we address these two problems and utilize different computing paradigms to solve real-life deep learning problems. To explore in these two domains, this thesis first presents the cogent confabulation network for sentence completion problem. We use Chinese language as a case study to describe our exploration of the cogent confabulation based text recognition models. The exploration and optimization of the cogent confabulation based models have been conducted through various comparisons. The optimized network offered a better accuracy performance for the sentence completion. To accelerate the sentence completion problem in a multi-processing system, we propose a parallel framework for the confabulation recall algorithm. The parallel implementation reduce runtime, improve the recall accuracy by breaking the fixed evaluation order and introducing more generalization, and maintain a balanced progress in status update among all neurons. A lexicon scheduling algorithm is presented to further improve the model performance. As deep neural networks have been proven effective to solve many real-life applications, and they are deployed on low-power devices, we then investigated the acceleration for the neural network inference using a hardware-friendly computing paradigm, stochastic computing. It is an approximate computing paradigm which requires small hardware footprint and achieves high energy efficiency. Applying this stochastic computing to deep convolutional neural networks, we design the functional hardware blocks and optimize them jointly to minimize the accuracy loss due to the approximation. The synthesis results show that the proposed design achieves the remarkable low hardware cost and power/energy consumption. Modern neural networks usually imply a huge amount of parameters which cannot be fit into embedded devices. Compression of the deep learning models together with acceleration attracts our attention. We introduce the structured matrices based neural network to address this problem. Circulant matrix is one of the structured matrices, where a matrix can be represented using a single vector, so that the matrix is compressed. We further investigate a more flexible structure based on circulant matrix, called block-circulant matrix. It partitions a matrix into several smaller blocks and makes each submatrix is circulant. The compression ratio is controllable. With the help of Fourier Transform based equivalent computation, the inference of the deep neural network can be accelerated energy efficiently on the FPGAs. We also offer the optimization for the training algorithm for block circulant matrices based neural networks to obtain a high accuracy after compression
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