31,294 research outputs found

    UGENT-LT3 SCATE system for machine translation quality estimation

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    This paper describes the submission of the UGENT-LT3 SCATE system to the WMT15 Shared Task on Quality Estima-tion (QE), viz. English-Spanish word and sentence-level QE. We conceived QE as a supervised Machine Learning (ML) problem and designed additional features and combined these with the baseline feature set to estimate quality. The sen-tence-level QE system re-uses the word level predictions of the word-level QE system. We experimented with different learning methods and observe improve-ments over the baseline system for word-level QE with the use of the new features and by combining learning methods into ensembles. For sentence-level QE we show that using a single feature based on word-level predictions can perform better than the baseline system and using this in combination with additional features led to further improvements in performance

    A Multiple Cascade-Classifier System for a Robust and Partially Unsupervised Updating of Land-Cover Maps

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    A system for a regular updating of land-cover maps is proposed that is based on the use of multitemporal remote-sensing images. Such a system is able to face the updating problem under the realistic but critical constraint that, for the image to be classified (i.e., the most recent of the considered multitemporal data set), no ground truth information is available. The system is composed of an ensemble of partially unsupervised classifiers integrated in a multiple classifier architecture. Each classifier of the ensemble exhibits the following novel peculiarities: i) it is developed in the framework of the cascade-classification approach to exploit the temporal correlation existing between images acquired at different times in the considered area; ii) it is based on a partially unsupervised methodology capable to accomplish the classification process under the aforementioned critical constraint. Both a parametric maximum-likelihood classification approach and a non-parametric radial basis function (RBF) neural-network classification approach are used as basic methods for the development of partially unsupervised cascade classifiers. In addition, in order to generate an effective ensemble of classification algorithms, hybrid maximum-likelihood and RBF neural network cascade classifiers are defined by exploiting the peculiarities of the cascade-classification methodology. The results yielded by the different classifiers are combined by using standard unsupervised combination strategies. This allows the definition of a robust and accurate partially unsupervised classification system capable of analyzing a wide typology of remote-sensing data (e.g., images acquired by passive sensors, SAR images, multisensor and multisource data). Experimental results obtained on a real multitemporal and multisource data set confirm the effectiveness of the proposed system

    TSE-IDS: A Two-Stage Classifier Ensemble for Intelligent Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System

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    Intrusion detection systems (IDS) play a pivotal role in computer security by discovering and repealing malicious activities in computer networks. Anomaly-based IDS, in particular, rely on classification models trained using historical data to discover such malicious activities. In this paper, an improved IDS based on hybrid feature selection and two-level classifier ensembles is proposed. An hybrid feature selection technique comprising three methods, i.e. particle swarm optimization, ant colony algorithm, and genetic algorithm, is utilized to reduce the feature size of the training datasets (NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 are considered in this paper). Features are selected based on the classification performance of a reduced error pruning tree (REPT) classifier. Then, a two-level classifier ensembles based on two meta learners, i.e., rotation forest and bagging, is proposed. On the NSL-KDD dataset, the proposed classifier shows 85.8% accuracy, 86.8% sensitivity, and 88.0% detection rate, which remarkably outperform other classification techniques recently proposed in the literature. Results regarding the UNSW-NB15 dataset also improve the ones achieved by several state of the art techniques. Finally, to verify the results, a two-step statistical significance test is conducted. This is not usually considered by IDS research thus far and, therefore, adds value to the experimental results achieved by the proposed classifier