573 research outputs found

    Experiments on reaction null-space based decoupled control of a flexible structure mounted manipulator system

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    Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Intemational Conference on Robotics and Automation Albuquerque, New Mexico - April 199

    Reaction null-space based control of flexible structure mounted manipulator systems

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    Proceedings of the 35th FM15 330 Conference on Decision and Control Kobe, Japan December 199

    Reaction Null Space of a multibody system with applications in robotics

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    This paper provides an overview of implementation examples based on the Reaction Null Space formalism, developed initially to tackle the problem of satellite-base disturbance of a free-floating space robot, when the robot arm is activated. The method has been applied throughout the years to other unfixed-base systems, e.g. flexible-base and macro/mini robot systems, as well as to the balance control problem of humanoid robots. The paper also includes most recent results about complete dynamical decoupling of the end-link of a fixed-base robot, wherein the end-link is regarded as the unfixed-base. This interpretation is shown to be useful with regard to motion/force control scenarios. Respective implementation results are provided

    Hierarchical Task-Priority Control for Human-Robot Co-manipulation

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    The extensive distribution of collaborative robots in indus- trial workplaces allows human operators to decrease the weight and the repetitiveness of their activities. In order to facilitate the role of the human worker during the interaction with these robots, innovative con- trol paradigms, enabling an intuitive human-robot collaborative manipu- lation, are needed. In this work, a dynamic and hierarchical task-priority control framework is proposed, leveraging a physical interaction with a redundant robot manipulator through a force sensor. The foremost objec- tive of this approach is to exploit the non-trivial null-space of the redun- dant robot to increase the performance of the co-manipulation and, con- sequently, its effectiveness. A comparison between the proposed method- ology and a standard admittance control scheme is carried out within an industrial use case study consisting of a human operator interacting with a KUKA LBR iiwa arm

    Force, orientation and position control in redundant manipulators in prioritized scheme with null space compliance

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    This paper addresses the problem of executing multiple prioritized tasks for robot manipulators with compliant behavior in the remaining null space. A novel controller–observer is proposed to ensure accurate accomplishment of various tasks based on a predefined hierarchy using a new priority assignment approach. Force control, position control and orientation control are considered. Moreover, a compliant behavior is imposed in the null space to handle physical interaction without using joint torque measurements. Asymptotic stability of the task space error and external torque estimation error during executing multiple tasks are shown. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated on a 7R light weight robot arm by several case studies

    Safety Awareness for Rigid and Elastic Joint Robots: An Impact Dynamics and Control Framework

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    This thesis aims at making robots with rigid and elastic joints aware of human collision safety. A framework is proposed that captures human injury occurrence and robot inherent safety properties in a unified manner. It allows to quantitatively compare and optimize the safety characteristics of different robot designs and is applied to stationary and mobile manipulators. On the same basis, novel motion control schemes are developed and experimentally validated