3 research outputs found

    Experimenting with real application-specific QoS guarantees in a large-scale RINA demonstrator

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    漏 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper reports the definition, setup and obtained results of the Fed4FIRE + medium experiment ERASER, aimed to evaluate the actual Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees that the clean-slate Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) can deliver to heterogeneous applications at largescale. To this goal, a 37Node 5G metro/regional RINA network scenario, spanning from the enduser to the server where applications run in a datacenter has been configured in the Virtual Wall experimentation facility. This scenario has initially been loaded with synthetic application traffic flows, with diverse QoS requirements, thus reproducing different network load conditions. Next,their experienced QoS metrics endtoend have been measured with two different QTAMux (i.e., the most accepted candidate scheduling policy for providing RINA with its QoS support) deployment scenarios. Moreover, on this RINA network scenario loaded with synthetic application traffic flows, a real HD (1080p) video streaming demonstration has also been conducted, setting up video streaming sessions to endusers at different network locations, illustrating the perceived Quality of Experience (QoE). Obtained results in ERASER disclose that, by appropriately deploying and configuring QTAMux, RINA can yield effective QoS support, which has provided perfect QoE in almost all locations in our demo when assigning video traffic flows the highest (i.e., Gold) QoS Cube.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Despliegue de infraestructura en RINA

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    En el a帽o 2018, se lanz贸 el proyecto Experimenting with Real Application-specific QoS Guarantees in a Large-scale RINA Demonstrator, que para simplificar, se llam贸 ERASER. Este proyecto nace de la creciente investigaci贸n nacida sobre RINA (Recursive InterNetwork Architecture) durante los 煤ltimos a帽os. Se ha visto que varios investigadores se han visto interesados en las posibilidades que nos ofrece este nuevo paradigma de arquitectura de red, siendo uno de los posibles reemplazos al modelo tradicional TCP/IP, modelo que lleva reinando sobre Internet por los 煤ltimos cincuenta a帽os. El objetivo de este proyecto era realizar un estudio sobre la arquitectura de RINA y sobre la herramienta que, pienso, mejor implementada est谩 para poder desplegar una simulaci贸n de RINA: IRATI (Investigating RINA as an Alternative to TCP/IP). Una vez realizado este estudio, nuestro objetivo principal era replicar el proyecto ERASER hecho en remoto en los servidores de Fed4Fire, pero esta vez hacer una replica en un escenario virtual (mediante VirtualBox), para posteriormente poder realizar las pruebas en un escenario real en servidores comprados para su utilizaci贸n en el CBA. Durante el desarrollo de este proyecto descubr铆 distintas cosas que podr谩n ayudar a acabar el desarrollo del proyecto, ya que debido a diversos obst谩culos, el mismo no pudo llegar a finalizarse en su totalidad. Sin embargo, pienso que las notas que he dejado y la simulaci贸n hecha tanto virtual como f铆sica ser谩 una base importante para que se pueda llegar a finalizar este proyecto en su escenario m谩s complejo. Como resultado hemos comprobado que, efectivamente, se puede realizar un despliegue de RINA en servidores f铆sicos sin necesidad de tener que realizar una simulaci贸n mediante m谩quinas virtuales. Realizando todos los experimentos en m谩quinas reales, siendo estas mismas los servidores localizados en el CBA.In 2018, the Experimenting with Real Application-specific QoS Guarantees in a Large-scale RINA Demonstrator project was released, which for simplicity was called ERASER. This project was born from the growing research about RINA (Recursive InterNetwork Architecture) during the last years. It has been seen that several researchers have been interested in the possibilities offered by this new network architecture paradigm, being one of the possible replacements for the traditional TCP/IP model, a model that has reigned over the Internet for the last fifty years. The objective of this project was to carry out a study on the architecture of RINA and on the tool that, I think, is the best implementation to this day to be able to deploy a simulation of RINA: IRATI (Investigating RINA as an Alternative to TCP/IP). When this study was over, our main objective was to replicate the ERASER project which was done remotely on the Fed4Fire servers, but this time we wanted to replicate it in a virtual scenario (using VirtualBox), in order to be able to carry out the tests in a real scenario on servers purchased to be used in the CBA. During the development of this project I discovered different things that could help to finish the development of the project, since due to obstacles, it could not be completed in its entirety. However, I think that the notes that I have left and the simulation made both virtual and physical will be an important basis for this project to be completed in its most complex scenario. As a result, we have verified that, effectively, a RINA deployment can be carried out on physical servers without the need to carry out a simulation using virtual machines. Carrying out all the experiments on real machines, these being the servers located in the CBA

    Experimenting with real application-specific QoS guarantees in a large-scale RINA demonstrator

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    漏 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper reports the definition, setup and obtained results of the Fed4FIRE + medium experiment ERASER, aimed to evaluate the actual Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees that the clean-slate Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) can deliver to heterogeneous applications at largescale. To this goal, a 37Node 5G metro/regional RINA network scenario, spanning from the enduser to the server where applications run in a datacenter has been configured in the Virtual Wall experimentation facility. This scenario has initially been loaded with synthetic application traffic flows, with diverse QoS requirements, thus reproducing different network load conditions. Next,their experienced QoS metrics endtoend have been measured with two different QTAMux (i.e., the most accepted candidate scheduling policy for providing RINA with its QoS support) deployment scenarios. Moreover, on this RINA network scenario loaded with synthetic application traffic flows, a real HD (1080p) video streaming demonstration has also been conducted, setting up video streaming sessions to endusers at different network locations, illustrating the perceived Quality of Experience (QoE). Obtained results in ERASER disclose that, by appropriately deploying and configuring QTAMux, RINA can yield effective QoS support, which has provided perfect QoE in almost all locations in our demo when assigning video traffic flows the highest (i.e., Gold) QoS Cube.Peer Reviewe