4 research outputs found

    Orbital Angular Momentum-based Space Division Multiplexing for High-capacity Underwater Optical Communications

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    To increase system capacity of underwater optical communications, we employ the spatial domain to simultaneously transmit multiple orthogonal spatial beams, each carrying an independent data channel. In this paper, we multiplex and transmit four green orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams through a single aperture. Moreover, we investigate the degrading effects of scattering/turbidity, water current, and thermal gradient-induced turbulence, and we find that thermal gradients cause the most distortions and turbidity causes the most loss. We show systems results using two different data generation techniques, one at 1064 nm for 10-Gbit/s/beam and one at 520 nm for 1-Gbit/s/beam, we use both techniques since present data-modulation technologies are faster for infrared (IR) than for green. For the higher-rate link, data is modulated in the IR, and OAM imprinting is performed in the green using a specially-designed metasurface phase mask. For the lower rates, a green laser diode is directly modulated. Finally, we show that inter-channel crosstalk induced by thermal gradients can be mitigated using multi-channel equalisation processing.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Mode division multiplexing in radio-over-free-space-optical system incorporating orthogonal frequency division multiplexing and photonic crystal fiber equalization

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    Radio over free space optics (Ro-FSO) is a revolutionary technology for seamlessly integrating radio and optical networks without expensive optical fiber cabling. RoFSO technology plays a crucial role in supporting broadband connectivity in rural and remote areas where current broadband infrastructure is not feasible due to geographical and economic inconvenience. Although the capacity of Ro-FSO can be increased by mode division multiplexing (MDM), the transmission distance and capacity is still limited by multipath fading and mode coupling losses due to atmospheric turbulences such as light fog, thin fog and heavy fog. The main intention of this thesis is to design MDM system for Ro-FSO for long and short haul communication. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is proposed for long haul communication to mitigate multipath fading and Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) is proposed for short haul communication to reduce mode coupling losses. The reported results of the proposed scheme for long haul communication show a significant 47% power improvement in deep fades from multipath propagation with the use of OFDM in MDM-Ro-FSO systems as compared to without OFDM. The results of the proposed scheme for short haul communication show 90.6% improvement in power in the dominant mode with the use of PCF in MDM-Ro-FSO as compared to without PCF. The reported results in the thesis show significant improvement in Ro-FSO systems as compared to previous systems in terms of capacity and transmission distance under clear weather conditions as well as under varying levels of fog. The contributions of this thesis are expected to provide seamless broadband services in remote areas