79,840 research outputs found

    Experimental Validation of Contact Dynamics for In-Hand Manipulation

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    This paper evaluates state-of-the-art contact models at predicting the motions and forces involved in simple in-hand robotic manipulations. In particular it focuses on three primitive actions --linear sliding, pivoting, and rolling-- that involve contacts between a gripper, a rigid object, and their environment. The evaluation is done through thousands of controlled experiments designed to capture the motion of object and gripper, and all contact forces and torques at 250Hz. We demonstrate that a contact modeling approach based on Coulomb's friction law and maximum energy principle is effective at reasoning about interaction to first order, but limited for making accurate predictions. We attribute the major limitations to 1) the non-uniqueness of force resolution inherent to grasps with multiple hard contacts of complex geometries, 2) unmodeled dynamics due to contact compliance, and 3) unmodeled geometries dueto manufacturing defects.Comment: International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, ISER 2016, Tokyo, Japa

    Reactive Planar Manipulation with Convex Hybrid MPC

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    This paper presents a reactive controller for planar manipulation tasks that leverages machine learning to achieve real-time performance. The approach is based on a Model Predictive Control (MPC) formulation, where the goal is to find an optimal sequence of robot motions to achieve a desired object motion. Due to the multiple contact modes associated with frictional interactions, the resulting optimization program suffers from combinatorial complexity when tasked with determining the optimal sequence of modes. To overcome this difficulty, we formulate the search for the optimal mode sequences offline, separately from the search for optimal control inputs online. Using tools from machine learning, this leads to a convex hybrid MPC program that can be solved in real-time. We validate our algorithm on a planar manipulation experimental setup where results show that the convex hybrid MPC formulation with learned modes achieves good closed-loop performance on a trajectory tracking problem

    A probabilistic data-driven model for planar pushing

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    This paper presents a data-driven approach to model planar pushing interaction to predict both the most likely outcome of a push and its expected variability. The learned models rely on a variation of Gaussian processes with input-dependent noise called Variational Heteroscedastic Gaussian processes (VHGP) that capture the mean and variance of a stochastic function. We show that we can learn accurate models that outperform analytical models after less than 100 samples and saturate in performance with less than 1000 samples. We validate the results against a collected dataset of repeated trajectories, and use the learned models to study questions such as the nature of the variability in pushing, and the validity of the quasi-static assumption.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, ICRA 201

    Stable Prehensile Pushing: In-Hand Manipulation with Alternating Sticking Contacts

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    This paper presents an approach to in-hand manipulation planning that exploits the mechanics of alternating sticking contact. Particularly, we consider the problem of manipulating a grasped object using external pushes for which the pusher sticks to the object. Given the physical properties of the object, frictional coefficients at contacts and a desired regrasp on the object, we propose a sampling-based planning framework that builds a pushing strategy concatenating different feasible stable pushes to achieve the desired regrasp. An efficient dynamics formulation allows us to plan in-hand manipulations 100-1000 times faster than our previous work which builds upon a complementarity formulation. Experimental observations for the generated plans show that the object precisely moves in the grasp as expected by the planner. Video Summary -- youtu.be/qOTKRJMx6HoComment: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 201

    Propagation Networks for Model-Based Control Under Partial Observation

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    There has been an increasing interest in learning dynamics simulators for model-based control. Compared with off-the-shelf physics engines, a learnable simulator can quickly adapt to unseen objects, scenes, and tasks. However, existing models like interaction networks only work for fully observable systems; they also only consider pairwise interactions within a single time step, both restricting their use in practical systems. We introduce Propagation Networks (PropNet), a differentiable, learnable dynamics model that handles partially observable scenarios and enables instantaneous propagation of signals beyond pairwise interactions. Experiments show that our propagation networks not only outperform current learnable physics engines in forward simulation, but also achieve superior performance on various control tasks. Compared with existing model-free deep reinforcement learning algorithms, model-based control with propagation networks is more accurate, efficient, and generalizable to new, partially observable scenes and tasks.Comment: Accepted to ICRA 2019. Project Page: http://propnet.csail.mit.edu Video: https://youtu.be/ZAxHXegkz4

    Learning Latent Space Dynamics for Tactile Servoing

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    To achieve a dexterous robotic manipulation, we need to endow our robot with tactile feedback capability, i.e. the ability to drive action based on tactile sensing. In this paper, we specifically address the challenge of tactile servoing, i.e. given the current tactile sensing and a target/goal tactile sensing --memorized from a successful task execution in the past-- what is the action that will bring the current tactile sensing to move closer towards the target tactile sensing at the next time step. We develop a data-driven approach to acquire a dynamics model for tactile servoing by learning from demonstration. Moreover, our method represents the tactile sensing information as to lie on a surface --or a 2D manifold-- and perform a manifold learning, making it applicable to any tactile skin geometry. We evaluate our method on a contact point tracking task using a robot equipped with a tactile finger. A video demonstrating our approach can be seen in https://youtu.be/0QK0-Vx7WkIComment: Accepted to be published at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2019. The final version for publication at ICRA 2019 is 7 pages (i.e. 6 pages of technical content (including text, figures, tables, acknowledgement, etc.) and 1 page of the Bibliography/References), while this arXiv version is 8 pages (added Appendix and some extra details
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