29 research outputs found

    Quantum autoencoders via quantum adders with genetic algorithms

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    The quantum autoencoder is a recent paradigm in the field of quantum machine learning, which may enable an enhanced use of resources in quantum technologies. To this end, quantum neural networks with less nodes in the inner than in the outer layers were considered. Here, we propose a useful connection between approximate quantum adders and quantum autoencoders. Specifically, this link allows us to employ optimized approximate quantum adders, obtained with genetic algorithms, for the implementation of quantum autoencoders for a variety of initial states. Furthermore, we can also directly optimize the quantum autoencoders via genetic algorithms. Our approach opens a different path for the design of quantum autoencoders in controllable quantum platforms

    Quantum autoencoders via quantum adders with genetic algorithms

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    The quantum autoencoder is a recent paradigm in the field of quantum machine learning, which may enable an enhanced use of resources in quantum technologies. To this end, quantum neural networks with less nodes in the inner than in the outer layers were considered. Here, we propose a useful connection between quantum autoencoders and quantum adders, which approximately add two unknown quantum states supported in different quantum systems. Specifically, this link allows us to employ optimized approximate quantum adders, obtained with genetic algorithms, for the implementation of quantum autoencoders for a variety of initial states. Furthermore, we can also directly optimize the quantum autoencoders via genetic algorithms. Our approach opens a different path for the design of quantum autoencoders in controllable quantum platforms. (c) 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd.The authors acknowledge support from Spanish MINECO FIS2015-69983-P, Ram贸n y Cajal Grant RYC-2012-11391, UPV/EHU Postdoctoral Grant, and Basque Government Postdoctoral Grant POS_2017_1_0022 and IT986-16

    Quantum Machine Learning Implementations: Proposals and Experiments

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    This article gives an overview and a perspective of recent theoretical proposals and their experimental implementations in the field of quantum machine learning. Without an aim to being exhaustive, the article reviews specific high-impact topics such as quantum reinforcement learning, quantum autoencoders, and quantum memristors, and their experimental realizations in the platforms of quantum photonics and superconducting circuits. The field of quantum machine learning could be among the first quantum technologies producing results that are beneficial for industry and, in turn, to society. Therefore, it is necessary to push forward initial quantum implementations of this technology, in Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computers, aiming for achieving fruitful calculations in machine learning that are better than with any other current or future computing paradigm.Comment: Invited Perspective for Advanced Quantum Technologie

    On compression rate of quantum autoencoders: Control design, numerical and experimental realization

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    Quantum autoencoders which aim at compressing quantum information in a low-dimensional latent space lie in the heart of automatic data compression in the field of quantum information. In this paper, we establish an upper bound of the compression rate for a given quantum autoencoder and present a learning control approach for training the autoencoder to achieve the maximal compression rate. The upper bound of the compression rate is theoretically proven using eigen-decomposition and matrix differentiation, which is determined by the eigenvalues of the density matrix representation of the input states. Numerical results on 2-qubit and 3-qubit systems are presented to demonstrate how to train the quantum autoencoder to achieve the theoretically maximal compression, and the training performance using different machine learning algorithms is compared. Experimental results of a quantum autoencoder using quantum optical systems are illustrated for compressing two 2-qubit states into two 1-qubit states

    Quantum machine learning and quantum biomimetics: A perspective

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    Quantum machine learning has emerged as an exciting and promising paradigm inside quantum technologies. It may permit, on the one hand, to carry out more efficient machine learning calculations by means of quantum devices, while, on the other hand, to employ machine learning techniques to better control quantum systems. Inside quantum machine learning, quantum reinforcement learning aims at developing "intelligent" quantum agents that may interact with the outer world and adapt to it, with the strategy of achieving some final goal. Another paradigm inside quantum machine learning is that of quantum autoencoders, which may allow one for employing fewer resources in a quantum device via a training process. Moreover, the field of quantum biomimetics aims at establishing analogies between biological and quantum systems, to look for previously inadvertent connections that may enable useful applications. Two recent examples are the concepts of quantum artificial life, as well as of quantum memristors. In this Perspective, we give an overview of these topics, describing the related research carried out by the scientific community.Comment: Invited Perspective article for Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 17 pages, 6 figures, 110 reference

    Quantum Machine Learning: A tutorial

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    This tutorial provides an overview of Quantum Machine Learning (QML), a relatively novel discipline that brings together concepts from Machine Learning (ML), Quantum Computing (QC) and Quantum Information (QI). The great development experienced by QC, partly due to the involvement of giant technological companies as well as the popularity and success of ML have been responsible of making QML one of the main streams for researchers working on fuzzy borders between Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science. A possible, although arguably coarse, classification of QML methods may be based on those approaches that make use of ML in a quantum experimentation environment and those others that take advantage of QC and QI to find out alternative and enhanced solutions to problems driven by data, oftentimes offering a considerable speedup and improved performances as a result of tackling problems from a complete different standpoint. Several examples will be provided to illustrate both classes of methods.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades GC2018-095113-B-I00,PID2019-104002GB-C21, and PID2019-104002GB-C22 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE

    Resource-efficient high-dimensional subspace teleportation with a quantum autoencoder.

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    Quantum autoencoders serve as efficient means for quantum data compression. Here, we propose and demonstrate their use to reduce resource costs for quantum teleportation of subspaces in high-dimensional systems. We use a quantum autoencoder in a compress-teleport-decompress manner and report the first demonstration with qutrits using an integrated photonic platform for future scalability. The key strategy is to compress the dimensionality of input states by erasing redundant information and recover the initial states after chip-to-chip teleportation. Unsupervised machine learning is applied to train the on-chip autoencoder, enabling the compression and teleportation of any state from a high-dimensional subspace. Unknown states are decompressed at a high fidelity (~0.971), obtaining a total teleportation fidelity of ~0.894. Subspace encodings hold great potential as they support enhanced noise robustness and increased coherence. Laying the groundwork for machine learning techniques in quantum systems, our scheme opens previously unidentified paths toward high-dimensional quantum computing and networking