360 research outputs found

    A survey on fiber nonlinearity compensation for 400 Gbps and beyond optical communication systems

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    Optical communication systems represent the backbone of modern communication networks. Since their deployment, different fiber technologies have been used to deal with optical fiber impairments such as dispersion-shifted fibers and dispersion-compensation fibers. In recent years, thanks to the introduction of coherent detection based systems, fiber impairments can be mitigated using digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms. Coherent systems are used in the current 100 Gbps wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) standard technology. They allow the increase of spectral efficiency by using multi-level modulation formats, and are combined with DSP techniques to combat the linear fiber distortions. In addition to linear impairments, the next generation 400 Gbps/1 Tbps WDM systems are also more affected by the fiber nonlinearity due to the Kerr effect. At high input power, the fiber nonlinear effects become more important and their compensation is required to improve the transmission performance. Several approaches have been proposed to deal with the fiber nonlinearity. In this paper, after a brief description of the Kerr-induced nonlinear effects, a survey on the fiber nonlinearity compensation (NLC) techniques is provided. We focus on the well-known NLC techniques and discuss their performance, as well as their implementation and complexity. An extension of the inter-subcarrier nonlinear interference canceler approach is also proposed. A performance evaluation of the well-known NLC techniques and the proposed approach is provided in the context of Nyquist and super-Nyquist superchannel systems.Comment: Accepted in the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Processamento ótico e digital de sinal em sistemas de transmissão com multiplexagem por divisão espacial

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    The present thesis focuses on the development of optical and digital signal processing techniques for coherent optical transmission systems with spacedivision multiplexing (SDM). According to the levels of spatial crosstalk, these systems can be grouped in the ones with and the ones without spatial selectivity; drastically changing its operation principle. In systems with spatial selectivity, the mode coupling is negligible and therefore, an arbitrary spacial channel can be independently routed through the optical network and post-processed at the optical coherent receiver. In systems without spatial selectivity, mode coupling plays a key role in a way that spatial channels are jointly transmitted and post-processed at the optical coherent receiver. With this in mind, optical switching techniques for SDM transmission systems with spatial selectivity are developed, whereas digital techniques for space-demultiplexing are developed for SDM systems without spatial selectivity. With the purpose of developing switching techniques, the acoustic-optic effect is analyzed in few-mode fibers (FMF)s and in multicore fibers (MCF)s. In FMF, the signal switching between two arbitrary modes using flexural or longitudinal acoustic waves is numerically and experimentally demonstrated. While, in MCF, it is shown that a double resonant coupling, induced by flexural acoustic waves, allows for the signal switching between two arbitrary cores. Still in the context of signal switching, the signal propagation in the multimodal nonlinear regime is analyzed. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation is deduced in the presence of mode coupling, allowing the meticulous analysis of the multimodal process of four-wave mixing. Under the right conditions, it is shown that such process allows for the signal switching between distinguishable optical modes. The signal representation in higher-order Poincaré spheres is introduced and analyzed in order to develop digital signal processing techniques. In this representation, an arbitrary pair of tributary signals is represented in a Poincaré sphere, where the samples appear symmetrically distributed around a symmetry plane. Based on this property, spatial-demultiplexing and mode dependent loss compensation techniques are developed, which are independent of the modulation format, are free of training sequences and tend to be robust to frequency offsets and phase fluctuations. The aforementioned techniques are numerically validated, and its performance is assessed through the calculation of the remaining penalty in the signal-to-noise ratio of the post-processed signal. Finally, the complexity of such techniques is analytically described in terms of real multiplications per sample.A presente tese tem por objectivo o desenvolvimento de técnicas de processamento ótico e digital de sinal para sistemas coerentes de transmissão ótica com multiplexagem por diversidade espacial. De acordo com a magnitude de diafonia espacial, estes sistemas podem ser agrupados em sistemas com e sem seletividade espacial, alterando drasticamente o seu princípio de funcionamento. Em sistemas com seletividade espacial, o acoplamento modal é negligenciável e, portanto, um canal espacial arbitrário pode ser encaminhado de forma independente através da rede ótica e pós-processado no recetor ótico coerente. Em sistemas sem seletividade espacial, o acoplamento modal tem um papel fulcral pelo que os canais espaciais são transmitidos e pós-processados conjuntamente. Perante este cenário, foram desenvolvidas técnicas de comutação entre canais espaciais para sistemas com seletividade espacial, ao passo que para sistemas sem seletividade espacial, foram desenvolvidas técnicas digitais de desmultiplexagem espacial. O efeito acústico-ótico foi analisado em fibras com alguns modos (FMF) e em fibras com múltiplos núcleos (MCF) com o intuito de desenvolver técnicas de comutação de sinal no domínio ótico. Em FMF, demonstrou-se numérica e experimentalmente a comutação do sinal entre dois modos de propagação arbitrários através de ondas acústicas transversais ou longitudinais, enquanto, em MCF, a comutação entre dois núcleos arbitrários é mediada por um processo de acoplamento duplamente ressonante induzido por ondas acústicas transversais. Ainda neste contexto, analisou-se a propagação do sinal no regime multimodal não linear. Foi deduzida a equação não linear de Schrödinger na presença de acoplamento modal, posteriormente usada na análise do processo multimodal de mistura de quatro ondas. Nas condições adequadas, é demonstrado que este processo permite a comutação ótica de sinal entre dois modos de propagação distintos. A representação de sinal em esferas de Poincaré de ordem superior é introduzida e analisada com o objetivo de desenvolver técnicas de processamento digital de sinal. Nesta representação, um par arbitrário de sinais tributários é representado numa esfera de Poincaré onde as amostras surgem simetricamente distribuídas em torno de um plano de simetria. Com base nesta propriedade, foram desenvolvidas técnicas de desmultiplexagem espacial e de compensação das perdas dependentes do modo de propagação, as quais são independentes do formato de modulação, não necessitam de sequências de treino e tendem a ser robustas aos desvios de frequência e às flutuações de fase. As técnicas referidas foram validadas numericamente, e o seu desempenho é avaliado mediante a penalidade remanescente na relação sinal-ruído do sinal pós-processado. Por fim, a complexidade destas é analiticamente descrita em termos de multiplicações reais por amostra.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Wavelength-division-multiplexed Transmission Using Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers And Electronic Impairment Compensation

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    Over the last decade, rapid growth of broadband services necessitated research aimed at increasing transmission capacity in fiber-optic communication systems. Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology has been widely used in fiber-optic systems to fully utilize fiber transmission bandwidth. Among optical amplifiers for WDM transmission, semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is a promising candidate, thanks to its broad bandwidth, compact size, and low cost. In transmission systems using SOAs, due to their large noise figures, high signal launching powers are required to ensure reasonable optical signal-to-noise ratio of the received signals. Hence the SOAs are operated in the saturation region and the signals will suffer from SOA impairments including self-gain modulation, self-phase modulation, and inter channel crosstalk effects such as cross-gain modulation, cross-phase modulation, and four-wave mixing in WDM. One possibility to circumvent these nonlinear impairments is to use constant-intensity modulation format in the 1310 nm window where dispersion is also negligible. In this dissertation, differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) WDM transmission in the 1310 nm window using SOAs was first considered to increase the capacity of existing telecommunication network. A WDM transmission of 4 x 10 Gbit/s DPSK signals over 540 km standard single mode fiber (SSMF) using cascaded SOAs was demonstrated in a recirculating loop. In order to increase the transmission reach of such WDM systems, those SOA impairments must be compensated. To do so, an accurate model for quantum-dot (QD) SOA must be established. In this dissertation, the QD-SOA was modeled with the assumption of overall charge neutrality. Static gain was calculated. Optical modulation response and nonlinear phase noise were studied semi-analytically based on small-signal analysis. The quantitative studies show that an ultrafast gain recovery time of ~0.1 ps can be achieved when QD-SOAs are under high current injection, which leads to high saturation output power. However more nonlinear phase noise is induced when the QD-SOAs are used in the transmission systems operating at 10 Gbit/s or 40 Gbit/s. Electronic post-compensation for SOA impairments using coherent detection and digital signal processing (DSP) was investigated next in this dissertation. An on-off keying transmission over 100 km SSMF using three SOAs at 1.3 [micrometer] were demonstrated experimentally with direct detection and SOA impairment compensation. The data pattern effect of the signal was compensated effectively. Both optimum launching power and Q-factor were improved by 8 dB. For advanced modulation formats involving phase modulation or in transmission windows with large dispersion, coherent detection must be used and fiber impairments in WDM systems need to be compensated as well. The proposed fiber impairment compensation is based on digital backward propagation. The corresponding DSP implementation was described and the required calculations as well as system latency were derived. Finally joint SOA and fiber impairment compensations were experimentally demonstrated for an amplitude-phase-shift keying transmission

    Novel linear and nonlinear optical signal processing for ultra-high bandwidth communications

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    The thesis is articulated around the theme of ultra-wide bandwidth single channel signals. It focuses on the two main topics of transmission and processing of information by techniques compatible with high baudrates. The processing schemes introduced combine new linear and nonlinear optical platforms such as Fourier-domain programmable optical processors and chalcogenide chip waveguides, as well as the concept of neural network. Transmission of data is considered in the context of medium distance links of Optical Time Division Multiplexed (OTDM) data subject to environmental fluctuations. We experimentally demonstrate simultaneous compensation of differential group delay and multiple orders of dispersion at symbol rates of 640 Gbaud and 1.28 Tbaud. Signal processing at high bandwidth is envisaged both in the case of elementary post-transmission analog error mitigation and in the broader field of optical computing for high level operations (“optical processor”). A key innovation is the introduction of a novel four-wave mixing scheme implementing a dot-product operation between wavelength multiplexed channels. In particular, it is demonstrated for low-latency hash-key based all-optical error detection in links encoded with advanced modulation formats. Finally, the work presents groundbreaking concepts for compact implementation of an optical neural network as a programmable multi-purpose processor. The experimental architecture can implement neural networks with several nodes on a single optical nonlinear transfer function implementing functions such as analog-to-digital conversion. The particularity of the thesis is the new approaches to optical signal processing that potentially enable high level operations using simple optical hardware and limited cascading of components

    Optical Signal Processing for High-Order Quadrature- Amplitude Modulation Formats

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    In this book chapter, optical signal processing technology, including optical wavelength conversion, wavelength exchange and wavelength multicasting, for phase-noise-sensitive high-order quadrature-amplitude modulation (QAM) signals will be discussed. Due to the susceptibility of high-order QAM signals against phase noise, it is imperative to avoid the phase noise in the optical signal processing subsystems. To design high-performance optical signal processing subsystems, both linear and nonlinear phase noise and distortions are the main concerns in the system design. We will first investigate the effective monitoring approach to optimize the performance of wavelength conversion for avoiding undesired nonlinear phase noise and distortions, and then propose coherent pumping scheme to eliminate the linear phase noise from local pumps in order to realize pump-phase-noise-free wavelength conversion, wavelength exchange and multicasting for high-order QAM signals. All of the discussions are based on experimental investigation

    Digital Signal Processing Techniques For Coherent Optical Communication

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    Coherent detection with subsequent digital signal processing (DSP) is developed, analyzed theoretically and numerically and experimentally demonstrated in various fiber-optic transmission scenarios. The use of DSP in conjunction with coherent detection unleashes the benefits of coherent detection which rely on the preservation of full information of the incoming field. These benefits include high receiver sensitivity, the ability to achieve high spectral-efficiency and the use of advanced modulation formats. With the immense advancements in DSP speeds, many of the problems hindering the use of coherent detection in optical transmission systems have been eliminated. Most notably, DSP alleviates the need for hardware phase-locking and polarization tracking, which can now be achieved in the digital domain. The complexity previously associated with coherent detection is hence significantly diminished and coherent detection is once again considered a feasible detection alternative. In this thesis, several aspects of coherent detection (with or without subsequent DSP) are addressed. Coherent detection is presented as a means to extend the dispersion limit of a duobinary signal using an analog decision-directed phase-lock loop. Analytical bit-error ratio estimation for quadrature phase-shift keying signals is derived. To validate the promise for high spectral efficiency, the orthogonal-wavelength-division multiplexing scheme is suggested. In this scheme the WDM channels are spaced at the symbol rate, thus achieving the spectral efficiency limit. Theory, simulation and experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. Infinite impulse response filtering is shown to be an efficient alternative to finite impulse response filtering for chromatic dispersion compensation. Theory, design considerations, simulation and experimental results relating to this topic are presented. Interaction between fiber dispersion and nonlinearity remains the last major challenge deterministic effects pose for long-haul optical data transmission. Experimental results which demonstrate the possibility to digitally mitigate both dispersion and nonlinearity are presented. Impairment compensation is achieved using backward propagation by implementing the split-step method. Efficient realizations of the dispersion compensation operator used in this implementation are considered. Infinite-impulse response and wavelet-based filtering are both investigated as a means to reduce the required computational load associated with signal backward-propagation. Possible future research directions conclude this dissertation

    Harnessing machine learning for fiber-induced nonlinearity mitigation in long-haul coherent optical OFDM

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    © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) has attracted a lot of interest in optical fiber communications due to its simplified digital signal processing (DSP) units, high spectral-efficiency, flexibility, and tolerance to linear impairments. However, CO-OFDM’s high peak-to-average power ratio imposes high vulnerability to fiber-induced non-linearities. DSP-based machine learning has been considered as a promising approach for fiber non-linearity compensation without sacrificing computational complexity. In this paper, we review the existing machine learning approaches for CO-OFDM in a common framework and review the progress in this area with a focus on practical aspects and comparison with benchmark DSP solutions.Peer reviewe