2 research outputs found

    extending wenmr e infrastructure outside europe

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    WeNMR (Worldwide e-Infrastructure for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Structural Biology) is a EU FP7 project that brings together research teams in the Structural Biology area into a Virtual Research Community at a worldwide level, focusing on bio-molecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS). This has been achieved through the implementation of a grid based e-Infrastructure, now fully integrated into EGI, aimed at providing the user community with a platform integrating and streamlining the computational approaches necessary for NMR and SAXS data analysis and structural modelling. Nowadays more than 20% of the users come from outside Europe. Therefore, in the last year the WeNMR team has worked to extend the e-Infrastructure with new resource centres from South Africa, Latin America, North America, Mediterranean and Asia-Pacific areas, with the goal of involving their NGIs to support their local NMR/SAXS community. In particular, a program to interoperate with the OSG grid in US in collaboration with their SBGrid Virtual Organisation has started, and the first tests of WeNMR job submission to OSG have been successfully carried out in the last months. WeNMR is also involved, through its collaboration with the EU FP7 project CHAIN (Coordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-INfrastructures) in the effort to foster interoperability among EGI and those other grid infrastructures in China and India, which are not based on the EMI/gLite middleware

    Applications Development for the Computational Grid

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