1,365,780 research outputs found

    Solving Medium-Density Subset Sum Problems in Expected Polynomial Time: An Enumeration Approach

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    The subset sum problem (SSP) can be briefly stated as: given a target integer EE and a set AA containing nn positive integer aja_j, find a subset of AA summing to EE. The \textit{density} dd of an SSP instance is defined by the ratio of nn to mm, where mm is the logarithm of the largest integer within AA. Based on the structural and statistical properties of subset sums, we present an improved enumeration scheme for SSP, and implement it as a complete and exact algorithm (EnumPlus). The algorithm always equivalently reduces an instance to be low-density, and then solve it by enumeration. Through this approach, we show the possibility to design a sole algorithm that can efficiently solve arbitrary density instance in a uniform way. Furthermore, our algorithm has considerable performance advantage over previous algorithms. Firstly, it extends the density scope, in which SSP can be solved in expected polynomial time. Specifically, It solves SSP in expected O(nlog⁥n)O(n\log{n}) time when density d≄c⋅n/log⁥nd \geq c\cdot \sqrt{n}/\log{n}, while the previously best density scope is d≄c⋅n/(log⁥n)2d \geq c\cdot n/(\log{n})^{2}. In addition, the overall expected time and space requirement in the average case are proven to be O(n5log⁥n)O(n^5\log n) and O(n5)O(n^5) respectively. Secondly, in the worst case, it slightly improves the previously best time complexity of exact algorithms for SSP. Specifically, the worst-case time complexity of our algorithm is proved to be O((n−6)2n/2+n)O((n-6)2^{n/2}+n), while the previously best result is O(n2n/2)O(n2^{n/2}).Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Effect of Coriaria arborea on seed banks during primary succession on Mt Tarawera, New Zealand

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    An experiment was conducted over two years to investigate the effect of Coriaria arborea, a native nitrogen-fixing shrub, on soil seed banks at sites representing a post-volcanic successional sequence on Mt Tarawera, New Zealand. The sites ranged from bare volcanic ash and lapilli substrate, through low-growing pre-Coriaria vegetation, to dense stands of Coriaria scrub. Soils (to a depth of 50 mm) under recently established Coriaria and older stands had more seedlings (1096 and 1585 seedlings 0.4 m-2, respectively) and species (37 and 45 species 0.4 m-2, respectively) emerge than where there was no Coriaria (243-320 seedlings 0.4 m-2, 14-25 species 0.4 m-2) and were the only soils with Coriaria seedlings. In total, 3488 seedlings representing 63 taxa were recorded. Seeds were still germinating after 24 months but rates declined markedly in the second year. For example, Coriaria reached a germination peak at 8 weeks but continued to germinate sporadically over the 2-year period. Tree species present in young forest within 0.5 km of the sites were absent. Establishment of Coriaria greatly accelerated an underlying trend of gradually increasing abundance and diversity of seeds in the soil with vegetation age. Adventive, wind-dispersed, and annual species were over-represented in the seed banks compared with the regional evergreen forest-dominated flora. These proportions are expected to decline as succession to forest gradually occurs
