2 research outputs found

    Expectations of linear functions with respect to truncated multinormal distributions, with applications for uncertainty analysis in environmental modelling

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    This paper discusses results concerning multivariate normal distributions that are subject to truncation by a hyperplane and how such results can be applied to uncertainty analysis in the environmental sciences. We present a suite of results concerning truncated multivariate normal distributions, some of which already appear in the mathematical literature. The focus here is to make these types of results more accesible to the environmental science community and to this end we include a conceptually simple alternative derivation of an important result. We illustrate how the theory of truncated multivariate normal distributions can be employed in the environmental sciences by means of an example from the economics of climate change control

    Expectations of linear functions with respect to truncazted multinormal distributions, with applications for uncertainty analysis in environmental modelling

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    Uncertainty can hamper the stringency of commitments under cap and trade schemes. We assess how well intensity targets, where countries' permit allocations are indexed to future realised GDP, can cope with uncertainties in a post-Kyoto international greenhouse emissions trading scheme. We present some empirical foundations for intensity targets and derive a simple rule for the optimal degree of indexation to GDP. Using an 18-region simulation model of a 2020 global cap-and-trade treaty under multiple uncertainties and endogenous commitments, we estimate that optimal intensity targets could achieve global abatement as much as 20 per cent higher than under absolute targets, and even greater increases in welfare measures. The optimal degree of indexation to GDP would vary greatly between countries, including super-indexation in some advanced countries, and partial indexation for most developing countries. Standard intensity targets (with one-toone indexation) would also improve the overall outcome, but to a lesser degree and not in all cases. Although target indexation is no magic wand for a future global climate treaty, gains from reduced cost uncertainty might justify increased complexity, framing issues and other potential downsides of intensity targets.linear functions, truncazted multinormal distributions, uncertainty analysis, environmental modelling