6,306 research outputs found

    The Benefits of Haptic Feedback in Mobile Phone Camera

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    Communication is basically the act of transferring information from one place to another. Feedback is a system where the reaction or response of the receiver arrives at the sender after he/she has interpreted the message. Feedback is inevitably essential to make two way communications effective. In fact, without feedback communication remains incomplete. At times, feedback could be verbal such as written and oral. Then in some cases, it could be nonverbal. Feedback is mainly a response from your audiences; it allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your message. In fact research shows that the majority of the messages that have been sent are nonverbal and the ability to understand and use nonverbal communication is powerful tools that will help people connect with each other. As well as communication where nonverbal shows much more impressive, a sense of touch as known as haptics plays an important role in our new phase of technology. It is the science of applying touch sensation and control to interaction with computer applications by using special input/output devices. It gives users a slight jolt of energy at the point of touch, providing instant sensory feedback, while reducing the audio, visual or audio-visual demand. Haptic technology is an evolutionary step into interacting with objects as an extension of our mind and allows for more socially appropriate and subtle interaction. In this thesis, the benefits of haptic feedback in a mobile phone camera are explored and compared to the existing feedback mechanisms. Discovering expectations from users and gathering ideas in order to improve user experience in haptic feedback of a mobile phone camera will be the main focus as well as to understand “What make end users to use or not to use mobile phone camera?” and “What qualities of haptics could be used in the design of the user interface for mobile phone camera?”. Depending on the settings and the quality of the mobile phones, the feedback from the camera can affect the user experience in many ways. I believe that to improve the existing feedback by applying haptic output such as a vibration or a vibrotactile signal may also considerably improve the user experience. Because haptic feedback is a new technology and proved to be efficient, to apply it to the mobile phone camera feedback should provide better support for users when compared to the existing feedback signals, which are audio and visual only. One of the main objectives was to analyze the users’ needs and expectations regarding the mobile phone camera haptic feedback and applications in various types of difficult situations and challenges users have encountered. Therefore, a user study was done at the beginning of the thesis work. Its aim was to get general results, which can be applied to haptic interaction on the mobile phone camera in order to improve existing applications and help easing users in their photo taking activities with their mobile phone camera. In addition, the results are considered to provide input for further studies as well as to offer concrete input to the development of a prototype

    A sense of physical books in our digital society

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    Considerations in Designing Human-Computer Interfaces for Elderly People

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    As computing devices continue to become more heavily integrated into our lives, proper design of human-computer interfaces becomes a more important topic of discussion. Efficient and useful human-computer interfaces need to take into account the abilities of the humans who will be using such interfaces, and adapt to difficulties that different users may face – such as the difficulties that elderly users must deal with. Interfaces that allow for user-specific customization, while taking into account the multiple difficulties that older users might face, can assist the elderly in properly using these newer computing devices, and in doing so possibly achieving a better quality of life through the advanced technological support that these devices offer. In this paper, we explore common problems the elderly face when using computing devices and solutions developed for these problems. Difficulties ultimately fall into several categories: cognition, auditory, haptic, visual, and motor-based troubles. We also present an idea for a new adaptive operating system with advanced customizations that would simplify computing for older users

    Toward future 'mixed reality' learning spaces for STEAM education

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    Digital technology is becoming more integrated and part of modern society. As this begins to happen, technologies including augmented reality, virtual reality, 3d printing and user supplied mobile devices (collectively referred to as mixed reality) are often being touted as likely to become more a part of the classroom and learning environment. In the discipline areas of STEAM education, experts are expected to be at the forefront of technology and how it might fit into their classroom. This is especially important because increasingly, educators are finding themselves surrounded by new learners that expect to be engaged with participatory, interactive, sensory-rich, experimental activities with greater opportunities for student input and creativity. This paper will explore learner and academic perspectives on mixed reality case studies in 3d spatial design (multimedia and architecture), paramedic science and information technology, through the use of existing data as well as additional one-on-one interviews around the use of mixed reality in the classroom. Results show that mixed reality can provide engagement, critical thinking and problem solving benefits for students in line with this new generation of learners, but also demonstrates that more work needs to be done to refine mixed reality solutions for the classroom

    General characteristics of anticipated user experience (AUX) with interactive products

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    Providing a positive user experience (UX) has become the key differentiator for products to win a competition in mature markets. To ensure that a product will support enjoyable experiences for its users, assessment of UX should be conducted early during the design and development process. However, most UX frameworks and evaluation techniques focus on understanding and assessing user’s experience with functional prototypes or existing products. This situation delays UX assessment until the late phases of product development which may result in costly design modifications and less desirable products. A qualitative study was conducted to investigate anticipated user experience (AUX) to address this issue. Twenty pairs of participants were asked to imagine an interactive product, draw their product concept, and anticipate their interactions and experiences with it. The data was analyzed to identify general characteristics of AUX. We found that while positive AUX was mostly related to an imagined/desired product, negative AUX was mainly associated with existing products. It was evident that the pragmatic quality of product was fundamental, and significantly influenced user’s anticipated experiences. Furthermore, the hedonic quality of product received more focus in positive than negative AUX. The results also showed that context, user profile, experiential knowledge, and anticipated emotion could be reflected in AUX. The understanding of AUX will help product designers to better foresee the users’ underlying needs and to focus on the most important aspects of their positive experiences, which in turn facilitates the designers to ensure pleasurable UX from the start of the design process

    Model-based target sonification on mobile devices

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    We investigate the use of audio and haptic feedback to augment the display of a mobile device controlled by tilt input. We provide an example of this based on Doppler effects, which highlight the user's approach to a target, or a target's movement from the current state, in the same way we hear the pitch of a siren change as it passes us. Twelve participants practiced navigation/browsing a state-space that was displayed via audio and vibrotactile modalities. We implemented the experiment on a Pocket PC, with an accelerometer attached to the serial port and a headset attached to audio port. Users navigated through the environment by tilting the device. Feedback was provided via audio displayed via a headset, and by vibrotactile information displayed by a vibrotactile unit in the Pocket PC. Users selected targets placed randomly in the state-space, supported by combinations of audio, visual and vibrotactile cues. The speed of target acquisition and error rate were measured, and summary statistics on the acquisition trajectories were calculated. These data were used to compare different display combinations and configurations. The results in the paper quantified the changes brought by predictive or 'quickened' sonified displays in mobile, gestural interaction

    Mid-Air Haptics for Control Interfaces

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    Control interfaces and interactions based on touch-less gesture tracking devices have become a prevalent research topic in both industry and academia. Touch-less devices offer a unique interaction immediateness that makes them ideal for applications where direct contact with a physical controller is not desirable. On the other hand, these controllers inherently lack active or passive haptic feedback to inform users about the results of their interaction. Mid-air haptic interfaces, such as those using focused ultrasound waves, can close the feedback loop and provide new tools for the design of touch-less, un-instrumented control interactions. The goal of this workshop is to bring together the growing mid-air haptic research community to identify and discuss future challenges in control interfaces and their application in AR/VR, automotive, music, robotics and teleoperation

    Challenges in Developing Applications for Aging Populations

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    Elderly individuals can greatly benefit from the use of computer applications, which can assist in monitoring health conditions, staying in contact with friends and family, and even learning new things. However, developing accessible applications for an elderly user can be a daunting task for developers. Since the advent of the personal computer, the benefits and challenges of developing applications for older adults have been a hot topic of discussion. In this chapter, the authors discuss the various challenges developers who wish to create applications for the elderly computer user face, including age-related impairments, generational differences in computer use, and the hardware constraints mobile devices pose for application developers. Although these challenges are concerning, each can be overcome after being properly identified
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