2,247 research outputs found

    A Numerical Scheme for Invariant Distributions of Constrained Diffusions

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    Reflected diffusions in polyhedral domains are commonly used as approximate models for stochastic processing networks in heavy traffic. Stationary distributions of such models give useful information on the steady state performance of the corresponding stochastic networks and thus it is important to develop reliable and efficient algorithms for numerical computation of such distributions. In this work we propose and analyze a Monte-Carlo scheme based on an Euler type discretization of the reflected stochastic differential equation using a single sequence of time discretization steps which decrease to zero as time approaches infinity. Appropriately weighted empirical measures constructed from the simulated discretized reflected diffusion are proposed as approximations for the invariant probability measure of the true diffusion model. Almost sure consistency results are established that in particular show that weighted averages of polynomially growing continuous functionals evaluated on the discretized simulated system converge a.s. to the corresponding integrals with respect to the invariant measure. Proofs rely on constructing suitable Lyapunov functions for tightness and uniform integrability and characterizing almost sure limit points through an extension of Echeverria's criteria for reflected diffusions. Regularity properties of the underlying Skorohod problems play a key role in the proofs. Rates of convergence for suitable families of test functions are also obtained. A key advantage of Monte-Carlo methods is the ease of implementation, particularly for high dimensional problems. A numerical example of a eight dimensional Skorohod problem is presented to illustrate the applicability of the approach

    Competing particle systems evolving by interacting L\'{e}vy processes

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    We consider finite and infinite systems of particles on the real line and half-line evolving in continuous time. Hereby, the particles are driven by i.i.d. L\'{e}vy processes endowed with rank-dependent drift and diffusion coefficients. In the finite systems we show that the processes of gaps in the respective particle configurations possess unique invariant distributions and prove the convergence of the gap processes to the latter in the total variation distance, assuming a bound on the jumps of the L\'{e}vy processes. In the infinite case we show that the gap process of the particle system on the half-line is tight for appropriate initial conditions and same drift and diffusion coefficients for all particles. Applications of such processes include the modeling of capital distributions among the ranked participants in a financial market, the stability of certain stochastic queueing and storage networks and the study of the Sherrington--Kirkpatrick model of spin glasses.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AAP743 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Heavy-tailed Distributions In Stochastic Dynamical Models

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    Heavy-tailed distributions are found throughout many naturally occurring phenomena. We have reviewed the models of stochastic dynamics that lead to heavy-tailed distributions (and power law distributions, in particular) including the multiplicative noise models, the models subjected to the Degree-Mass-Action principle (the generalized preferential attachment principle), the intermittent behavior occurring in complex physical systems near a bifurcation point, queuing systems, and the models of Self-organized criticality. Heavy-tailed distributions appear in them as the emergent phenomena sensitive for coupling rules essential for the entire dynamics

    Multidimensional sticky Brownian motions as limits of exclusion processes

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    We study exclusion processes on the integer lattice in which particles change their velocities due to stickiness. Specifically, whenever two or more particles occupy adjacent sites, they stick together for an extended period of time, and the entire particle system is slowed down until the ``collision'' is resolved. We show that under diffusive scaling of space and time such processes converge to what one might refer to as a sticky reflected Brownian motion in the wedge. The latter behaves as a Brownian motion with constant drift vector and diffusion matrix in the interior of the wedge, and reflects at the boundary of the wedge after spending an instant of time there. In particular, this leads to a natural multidimensional generalization of sticky Brownian motion on the half-line, which is of interest in both queuing theory and stochastic portfolio theory. For instance, this can model a market, which experiences a slowdown due to a major event (such as a court trial between some of the largest firms in the market) deciding about the new market leader.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AAP1019 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Stochastic Resource-Sharing Network for Electric Vehicle Charging

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    We consider a distribution grid used to charge electric vehicles such that voltage drops stay bounded. We model this as a class of resource-sharing networks, known as bandwidth-sharing networks in the communication network literature. We focus on resource-sharing networks that are driven by a class of greedy control rules that can be implemented in a decentralized fashion. For a large number of such control rules, we can characterize the performance of the system by a fluid approximation. This leads to a set of dynamic equations that take into account the stochastic behavior of EVs. We show that the invariant point of these equations is unique and can be computed by solving a specific ACOPF problem, which admits an exact convex relaxation. We illustrate our findings with a case study using the SCE 47-bus network and several special cases that allow for explicit computations.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Qualitative properties of α\alpha-fair policies in bandwidth-sharing networks

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    We consider a flow-level model of a network operating under an α\alpha-fair bandwidth sharing policy (with α>0\alpha>0) proposed by Roberts and Massouli\'{e} [Telecomunication Systems 15 (2000) 185-201]. This is a probabilistic model that captures the long-term aspects of bandwidth sharing between users or flows in a communication network. We study the transient properties as well as the steady-state distribution of the model. In particular, for α≥1\alpha\geq1, we obtain bounds on the maximum number of flows in the network over a given time horizon, by means of a maximal inequality derived from the standard Lyapunov drift condition. As a corollary, we establish the full state space collapse property for all α≥1\alpha\geq1. For the steady-state distribution, we obtain explicit exponential tail bounds on the number of flows, for any α>0\alpha>0, by relying on a norm-like Lyapunov function. As a corollary, we establish the validity of the diffusion approximation developed by Kang et al. [Ann. Appl. Probab. 19 (2009) 1719-1780], in steady state, for the case where α=1\alpha=1 and under a local traffic condition.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AAP915 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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