905 research outputs found

    Existence and construction of edge disjoint paths on expander graphs

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    On covering expander graphs by Hamilton cycles

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    The problem of packing Hamilton cycles in random and pseudorandom graphs has been studied extensively. In this paper, we look at the dual question of covering all edges of a graph by Hamilton cycles and prove that if a graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta satisfies some basic expansion properties and contains a family of (1o(1))Δ/2(1-o(1))\Delta/2 edge disjoint Hamilton cycles, then there also exists a covering of its edges by (1+o(1))Δ/2(1+o(1))\Delta/2 Hamilton cycles. This implies that for every α>0\alpha >0 and every pnα1p \geq n^{\alpha-1} there exists a covering of all edges of G(n,p)G(n,p) by (1+o(1))np/2(1+o(1))np/2 Hamilton cycles asymptotically almost surely, which is nearly optimal.Comment: 19 pages. arXiv admin note: some text overlap with arXiv:some math/061275

    Degree-3 Treewidth Sparsifiers

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    We study treewidth sparsifiers. Informally, given a graph GG of treewidth kk, a treewidth sparsifier HH is a minor of GG, whose treewidth is close to kk, V(H)|V(H)| is small, and the maximum vertex degree in HH is bounded. Treewidth sparsifiers of degree 33 are of particular interest, as routing on node-disjoint paths, and computing minors seems easier in sub-cubic graphs than in general graphs. In this paper we describe an algorithm that, given a graph GG of treewidth kk, computes a topological minor HH of GG such that (i) the treewidth of HH is Ω(k/polylog(k))\Omega(k/\text{polylog}(k)); (ii) V(H)=O(k4)|V(H)| = O(k^4); and (iii) the maximum vertex degree in HH is 33. The running time of the algorithm is polynomial in V(G)|V(G)| and kk. Our result is in contrast to the known fact that unless NPcoNP/polyNP \subseteq coNP/{\sf poly}, treewidth does not admit polynomial-size kernels. One of our key technical tools, which is of independent interest, is a construction of a small minor that preserves node-disjoint routability between two pairs of vertex subsets. This is closely related to the open question of computing small good-quality vertex-cut sparsifiers that are also minors of the original graph.Comment: Extended abstract to appear in Proceedings of ACM-SIAM SODA 201

    Hamilton cycles in graphs and hypergraphs: an extremal perspective

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    As one of the most fundamental and well-known NP-complete problems, the Hamilton cycle problem has been the subject of intensive research. Recent developments in the area have highlighted the crucial role played by the notions of expansion and quasi-randomness. These concepts and other recent techniques have led to the solution of several long-standing problems in the area. New aspects have also emerged, such as resilience, robustness and the study of Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs. We survey these developments and highlight open problems, with an emphasis on extremal and probabilistic approaches.Comment: to appear in the Proceedings of the ICM 2014; due to given page limits, this final version is slightly shorter than the previous arxiv versio

    Logarithmically-small Minors and Topological Minors

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    Mader proved that for every integer tt there is a smallest real number c(t)c(t) such that any graph with average degree at least c(t)c(t) must contain a KtK_t-minor. Fiorini, Joret, Theis and Wood conjectured that any graph with nn vertices and average degree at least c(t)+ϵc(t)+\epsilon must contain a KtK_t-minor consisting of at most C(ϵ,t)lognC(\epsilon,t)\log n vertices. Shapira and Sudakov subsequently proved that such a graph contains a KtK_t-minor consisting of at most C(ϵ,t)lognloglognC(\epsilon,t)\log n \log\log n vertices. Here we build on their method using graph expansion to remove the loglogn\log\log n factor and prove the conjecture. Mader also proved that for every integer tt there is a smallest real number s(t)s(t) such that any graph with average degree larger than s(t)s(t) must contain a KtK_t-topological minor. We prove that, for sufficiently large tt, graphs with average degree at least (1+ϵ)s(t)(1+\epsilon)s(t) contain a KtK_t-topological minor consisting of at most C(ϵ,t)lognC(\epsilon,t)\log n vertices. Finally, we show that, for sufficiently large tt, graphs with average degree at least (1+ϵ)c(t)(1+\epsilon)c(t) contain either a KtK_t-minor consisting of at most C(ϵ,t)C(\epsilon,t) vertices or a KtK_t-topological minor consisting of at most C(ϵ,t)lognC(\epsilon,t)\log n vertices.Comment: 19 page

    Proof of Koml\'os's conjecture on Hamiltonian subsets

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    Koml\'os conjectured in 1981 that among all graphs with minimum degree at least dd, the complete graph Kd+1K_{d+1} minimises the number of Hamiltonian subsets, where a subset of vertices is Hamiltonian if it contains a spanning cycle. We prove this conjecture when dd is sufficiently large. In fact we prove a stronger result: for large dd, any graph GG with average degree at least dd contains almost twice as many Hamiltonian subsets as Kd+1K_{d+1}, unless GG is isomorphic to Kd+1K_{d+1} or a certain other graph which we specify.Comment: 33 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the London Mathematical Societ