4 research outputs found

    An adaptive jellyfish search algorithm for packing items with conflict

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    The bin packing problem (BPP) is a classic combinatorial optimization problem with several variations. The BPP with conflicts (BPPCs) is not a well-investigated variation. In the BPPC, there are conditions that prevent packing some items together in the same bin. There are very limited efforts utilizing metaheuristic methods to address the BPPC. The current methods only pack the conflict items only and then start a new normal BPP for the non-conflict items; thus, there are two stages to address the BPPC. In this work, an adaption of the jellyfish metaheuristic has been proposed to solve the BPPC in one stage (i.e., packing the conflict and non-conflict items together) by defining the jellyfish operations in the context of the BPPC by proposing two solution representations. These representations frame the BPPC problem on two different levels: item-wise and bin-wise. In the item-wise solution representation, the adapted jellyfish metaheuristic updates the solutions through a set of item swaps without any preference for the bins. In the bin-wise solution representation, the metaheuristic method selects a set of bins, and then it performs the item swaps from these selected bins only. The proposed method was thoroughly benchmarked on a standard dataset and compared against the well-known PSO, Jaya, and heuristics. The obtained results revealed that the proposed methods outperformed the other comparison methods in terms of the number of bins and the average bin utilization. In addition, the proposed method achieved the lowest deviation rate from the lowest bound of the standard dataset relative to the other methods of comparison

    Enhanced pseudo-polynomial formulations for bin packing and cutting stock problems

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    We study pseudopolynomial formulations for the classical bin packing and cutting stock problems. We first propose an overview of dominance and equivalence relations among the main pattern-based and pseudopolynomial formulations from the literature. We then introduce reflect, a new formulation that uses just half of the bin capacity to model an instance and needs significantly fewer constraints and variables than the classical models. We propose upper- and lower-bounding techniques that make use of column generation and dual information to compensate reflect weaknesses when bin capacity is too high. We also present nontrivial adaptations of our techniques that solve two interesting problem variants, namely the variable-sized bin packing problem and the bin packing problem with item fragmentation. Extensive computational tests on benchmark instances show that our algorithms achieve state of the art results on all problems, improving on previous algorithms and finding several new proven optimal solutions


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    We consider a class of optimization problems having a distinctive feature: both discrete and continuous decisions need to be taken simultaneously. These problems arise in many practical applications, for example broadband telecommunications and green transportation problems, where resources are available, that can be fractionally consumed or assigned. These problems are proven of being harder than their purely discrete counterpart. We propose effective methodologies to tackle them. Our approach is to consider variants of classical combinatorial optimization problems belonging to three domains: packing, routing and integrated routing/packing. Our results suggest that indeed effective approaches exist, reducing the computational effort required for solving the problem. Mostly, they are based on exploiting the structure of optimal solutions to reduce the search space

    Exactly solving packing problems with fragmentation

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    In packing problems with fragmentation a set of items of known weight is given, together with a set of bins of limited capacity; the task is to find an assignment of items to bins such that the sum of items assigned to the same bin does not exceed its capacity. As a distinctive feature, items can be split at a price, and fractionally assigned to different bins. Arising in diverse application fields, packing with fragmentation has been investigated in the literature from both theoretical, modeling, approximation and exact optimization points of view. We improve the theoretical understanding of the problem and we introduce new models by exploiting only its combinatorial nature. We design new exact solution algorithms and heuristics based on these models. We consider also variants from the literature with different objective functions and the option of handling weight overhead after splitting. We present experimental results on both datasets from the literature and new, more challenging, ones. These show that our algorithms are both flexible and effective, outperforming by orders of magnitude previous approaches from the literature for all the variants considered. By using our algorithms we could also assess the impact of explicitly handling split overhead, in terms of both solutions quality and computing effort