33,708 research outputs found

    Decomposing the queue length distribution of processor-sharing models into queue lengths of permanent customer queues

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    We obtain a decomposition result for the steady state queue length distribution in egalitarian processor-sharing (PS) models. In particular, for an egalitarian PS queue with KK customer classes, we show that the marginal queue length distribution for class kk factorizes over the number of other customer types. The factorizing coefficients equal the queue length probabilities of a PS queue for type kk in isolation, in which the customers of the other types reside \textit{ permanently} in the system. Similarly, the (conditional) mean sojourn time for class kk can be obtained by conditioning on the number of permanent customers of the other types. The decomposition result implies linear relations between the marginal queue length probabilities, which also hold for other PS models such as the egalitarian processor-sharing models with state-dependent system capacity that only depends on the total number of customers in the system. Based on the exact decomposition result for egalitarian PS queues, we propose a similar decomposition for discriminatory processor-sharing (DPS) models, and numerically show that the approximation is accurate for moderate differences in service weights. \u

    The MVA Priority Approximation

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    A Mean Value Analysis (MVA) approximation is presented for computing the average performance measures of closed-, open-, and mixed-type multiclass queuing networks containing Preemptive Resume (PR) and nonpreemptive Head-Of-Line (HOL) priority service centers. The approximation has essentially the same storage and computational requirements as MVA, thus allowing computationally efficient solutions of large priority queuing networks. The accuracy of the MVA approximation is systematically investigated and presented. It is shown that the approximation can compute the average performance measures of priority networks to within an accuracy of 5 percent for a large range of network parameter values. Accuracy of the method is shown to be superior to that of Sevcik's shadow approximation

    On Efficiency and Validity of Previous Homeplug MAC Performance Analysis

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    The Medium Access Control protocol of Power Line Communication networks (defined in Homeplug and IEEE 1901 standards) has received relatively modest attention from the research community. As a consequence, there is only one analytic model that complies with the standardised MAC procedures and considers unsaturated conditions. We identify two important limitations of the existing analytic model: high computational expense and predicted results just prior to the predicted saturation point do not correspond to long-term network performance. In this work, we present a simplification of the previously defined analytic model of Homeplug MAC able to substantially reduce its complexity and demonstrate that the previous performance results just before predicted saturation correspond to a transitory phase. We determine that the causes of previous misprediction are common analytical assumptions and the potential occurrence of a transitory phase, that we show to be of extremely long duration under certain circumstances. We also provide techniques, both analytical and experimental, to correctly predict long-term behaviour and analyse the effect of specific Homeplug/IEEE 1901 features on the magnitude of misprediction errors

    A variational approach for continuous supply chain networks

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    We consider a continuous supply chain network consisting of buffering queues and processors first proposed by [D. Armbruster, P. Degond, and C. Ringhofer, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 66 (2006), pp. 896–920] and subsequently analyzed by [D. Armbruster, P. Degond, and C. Ringhofer, Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. (N.S.), 2 (2007), pp. 433–460] and [D. Armbruster, C. De Beer, M. Fre- itag, T. Jagalski, and C. Ringhofer, Phys. A, 363 (2006), pp. 104–114]. A model was proposed for such a network by [S. G ̈ottlich, M. Herty, and A. Klar, Commun. Math. Sci., 3 (2005), pp. 545–559] using a system of coupling ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. In this article, we propose an alternative approach based on a variational method to formulate the network dynamics. We also derive, based on the variational method, a computational algorithm that guarantees numerical stability, allows for rigorous error estimates, and facilitates efficient computations. A class of network flow optimization problems are formulated as mixed integer programs (MIPs). The proposed numerical algorithm and the corresponding MIP are compared theoretically and numerically with existing ones [A. Fu ̈genschuh, S. Go ̈ttlich, M. Herty, A. Klar, and A. Martin, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 30 (2008), pp. 1490–1507; S. Go ̈ttlich, M. Herty, and A. Klar, Commun. Math. Sci., 3 (2005), pp. 545–559], which demonstrates the modeling and computational advantages of the variational approach