227 research outputs found

    Solving Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints as Nonlinear Programming: A New Framework

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    We present a new framework for the solution of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs). In this algorithmic framework, an MPECs is viewed as a concentration of an unconstrained optimization which minimizes the complementarity measure and a nonlinear programming with general constraints. A strategy generalizing ideas of Byrd-Omojokun's trust region method is used to compute steps. By penalizing the tangential constraints into the objective function, we circumvent the problem of not satisfying MFCQ. A trust-funnel-like strategy is used to balance the improvements on feasibility and optimality. We show that, under MPEC-MFCQ, if the algorithm does not terminate in finite steps, then at least one accumulation point of the iterates sequence is an S-stationary point


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    An interior-point method for solving mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs) is proposed. At each iteration of the algorithm, a single primaldual step is computed from each subproblem of a sequence. Each subproblem is defined as a relaxation of the MPEC with a nonempty strictly feasible region. In contrast to previous approaches, the proposed relaxation scheme preserves the nonempty strict feasibility of each subproblem even in the limit. Local and superlinear convergence of the algorithm is proved even with a less restrictive strict complementarity condition than the standard one. Moreover, mechanisms for inducing global convergence in practice are proposed. Numerical results on the MacMPEC test problem set demonstrate the fast-local convergence properties of the algorithm.

    An interior-point method for mpecs based on strictly feasible relaxations.

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    An interior-point method for solving mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs) is proposed. At each iteration of the algorithm, a single primaldual step is computed from each subproblem of a sequence. Each subproblem is defined as a relaxation of the MPEC with a nonempty strictly feasible region. In contrast to previous approaches, the proposed relaxation scheme preserves the nonempty strict feasibility of each subproblem even in the limit. Local and superlinear convergence of the algorithm is proved even with a less restrictive strict complementarity condition than the standard one. Moreover, mechanisms for inducing global convergence in practice are proposed. Numerical results on the MacMPEC test problem set demonstrate the fast-local convergence properties of the algorithm

    KKT reformulation and necessary conditions for optimality in nonsmooth bilevel optimization

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    For a long time, the bilevel programming problem has essentially been considered as a special case of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs), in particular when the so-called KKT reformulation is in question. Recently though, this widespread believe was shown to be false in general. In this paper, other aspects of the difference between both problems are revealed as we consider the KKT approach for the nonsmooth bilevel program. It turns out that the new inclusion (constraint) which appears as a consequence of the partial subdifferential of the lower-level Lagrangian (PSLLL) places the KKT reformulation of the nonsmooth bilevel program in a new class of mathematical program with both set-valued and complementarity constraints. While highlighting some new features of this problem, we attempt here to establish close links with the standard optimistic bilevel program. Moreover, we discuss possible natural extensions for C-, M-, and S-stationarity concepts. Most of the results rely on a coderivative estimate for the PSLLL that we also provide in this paper

    Optimal control of Allen-Cahn systems

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    Optimization problems governed by Allen-Cahn systems including elastic effects are formulated and first-order necessary optimality conditions are presented. Smooth as well as obstacle potentials are considered, where the latter leads to an MPEC. Numerically, for smooth potential the problem is solved efficiently by the Trust-Region-Newton-Steihaug-cg method. In case of an obstacle potential first numerical results are presented

    Exact Penalty Functions for Mathematical Programs with Linear Complementarity Constraints

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    We establish a new general exact penalty function result for a constrained optimization problem and apply this result to a mathematical program with linear complementarity constraints