854 research outputs found

    Discrete Event Systems: Models and Applications; Proceedings of an IIASA Conference, Sopron, Hungary, August 3-7, 1987

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    Work in discrete event systems has just begun. There is a great deal of activity now, and much enthusiasm. There is considerable diversity reflecting differences in the intellectual formation of workers in the field and in the applications that guide their effort. This diversity is manifested in a proliferation of DEM formalisms. Some of the formalisms are essentially different. Some of the "new" formalisms are reinventions of existing formalisms presented in new terms. These "duplications" reveal both the new domains of intended application as well as the difficulty in keeping up with work that is published in journals on computer science, communications, signal processing, automatic control, and mathematical systems theory - to name the main disciplines with active research programs in discrete event systems. The first eight papers deal with models at the logical level, the next four are at the temporal level and the last six are at the stochastic level. Of these eighteen papers, three focus on manufacturing, four on communication networks, one on digital signal processing, the remaining ten papers address methodological issues ranging from simulation to computational complexity of some synthesis problems. The authors have made good efforts to make their contributions self-contained and to provide a representative bibliography. The volume should therefore be both accessible and useful to those who are just getting interested in discrete event systems

    Anpassen verteilter eingebetteter Anwendungen im laufenden Betrieb

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    The availability of third-party apps is among the key success factors for software ecosystems: The users benefit from more features and innovation speed, while third-party solution vendors can leverage the platform to create successful offerings. However, this requires a certain decoupling of engineering activities of the different parties not achieved for distributed control systems, yet. While late and dynamic integration of third-party components would be required, resulting control systems must provide high reliability regarding real-time requirements, which leads to integration complexity. Closing this gap would particularly contribute to the vision of software-defined manufacturing, where an ecosystem of modern IT-based control system components could lead to faster innovations due to their higher abstraction and availability of various frameworks. Therefore, this thesis addresses the research question: How we can use modern IT technologies and enable independent evolution and easy third-party integration of software components in distributed control systems, where deterministic end-to-end reactivity is required, and especially, how can we apply distributed changes to such systems consistently and reactively during operation? This thesis describes the challenges and related approaches in detail and points out that existing approaches do not fully address our research question. To tackle this gap, a formal specification of a runtime platform concept is presented in conjunction with a model-based engineering approach. The engineering approach decouples the engineering steps of component definition, integration, and deployment. The runtime platform supports this approach by isolating the components, while still offering predictable end-to-end real-time behavior. Independent evolution of software components is supported through a concept for synchronous reconfiguration during full operation, i.e., dynamic orchestration of components. Time-critical state transfer is supported, too, and can lead to bounded quality degradation, at most. The reconfiguration planning is supported by analysis concepts, including simulation of a formally specified system and reconfiguration, and analyzing potential quality degradation with the evolving dataflow graph (EDFG) method. A platform-specific realization of the concepts, the real-time container architecture, is described as a reference implementation. The model and the prototype are evaluated regarding their feasibility and applicability of the concepts by two case studies. The first case study is a minimalistic distributed control system used in different setups with different component variants and reconfiguration plans to compare the model and the prototype and to gather runtime statistics. The second case study is a smart factory showcase system with more challenging application components and interface technologies. The conclusion is that the concepts are feasible and applicable, even though the concepts and the prototype still need to be worked on in future -- for example, to reach shorter cycle times.Eine große Auswahl von Drittanbieter-Lösungen ist einer der Schlüsselfaktoren für Software Ecosystems: Nutzer profitieren vom breiten Angebot und schnellen Innovationen, während Drittanbieter über die Plattform erfolgreiche Lösungen anbieten können. Das jedoch setzt eine gewisse Entkopplung von Entwicklungsschritten der Beteiligten voraus, welche für verteilte Steuerungssysteme noch nicht erreicht wurde. Während Drittanbieter-Komponenten möglichst spät -- sogar Laufzeit -- integriert werden müssten, müssen Steuerungssysteme jedoch eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit gegenüber Echtzeitanforderungen aufweisen, was zu Integrationskomplexität führt. Dies zu lösen würde insbesondere zur Vision von Software-definierter Produktion beitragen, da ein Ecosystem für moderne IT-basierte Steuerungskomponenten wegen deren höherem Abstraktionsgrad und der Vielzahl verfügbarer Frameworks zu schnellerer Innovation führen würde. Daher behandelt diese Dissertation folgende Forschungsfrage: Wie können wir moderne IT-Technologien verwenden und unabhängige Entwicklung und einfache Integration von Software-Komponenten in verteilten Steuerungssystemen ermöglichen, wo Ende-zu-Ende-Echtzeitverhalten gefordert ist, und wie können wir insbesondere verteilte Änderungen an solchen Systemen konsistent und im Vollbetrieb vornehmen? Diese Dissertation beschreibt Herausforderungen und verwandte Ansätze im Detail und zeigt auf, dass existierende Ansätze diese Frage nicht vollständig behandeln. Um diese Lücke zu schließen, beschreiben wir eine formale Spezifikation einer Laufzeit-Plattform und einen zugehörigen Modell-basierten Engineering-Ansatz. Dieser Ansatz entkoppelt die Design-Schritte der Entwicklung, Integration und des Deployments von Komponenten. Die Laufzeit-Plattform unterstützt den Ansatz durch Isolation von Komponenten und zugleich Zeit-deterministischem Ende-zu-Ende-Verhalten. Unabhängige Entwicklung und Integration werden durch Konzepte für synchrone Rekonfiguration im Vollbetrieb unterstützt, also durch dynamische Orchestrierung. Dies beinhaltet auch Zeit-kritische Zustands-Transfers mit höchstens begrenzter Qualitätsminderung, wenn überhaupt. Rekonfigurationsplanung wird durch Analysekonzepte unterstützt, einschließlich der Simulation formal spezifizierter Systeme und Rekonfigurationen und der Analyse der etwaigen Qualitätsminderung mit dem Evolving Dataflow Graph (EDFG). Die Real-Time Container Architecture wird als Referenzimplementierung und Evaluationsplattform beschrieben. Zwei Fallstudien untersuchen Machbarkeit und Nützlichkeit der Konzepte. Die erste verwendet verschiedene Varianten und Rekonfigurationen eines minimalistischen verteilten Steuerungssystems, um Modell und Prototyp zu vergleichen sowie Laufzeitstatistiken zu erheben. Die zweite Fallstudie ist ein Smart-Factory-Demonstrator, welcher herausforderndere Applikationskomponenten und Schnittstellentechnologien verwendet. Die Konzepte sind den Studien nach machbar und nützlich, auch wenn sowohl die Konzepte als auch der Prototyp noch weitere Arbeit benötigen -- zum Beispiel, um kürzere Zyklen zu erreichen

    Investigación de nuevas metodologías para la planificación de sistemas de tiempo real multinúcleo mediante técnicas no convencionales

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Los sistemas de tiempo real se caracterizan por exigir el cumplimento de unos requisitos temporales que garanticen el funcionamiento aceptable de un sistema. Especialmente, en los sistemas de tiempo real estricto estos requisitos temporales deben ser inviolables. Estos sistemas suelen aplicarse en áreas como la aviación, la seguridad ferroviaria, satélites y control de procesos, entre otros. Por tanto, el incumplimiento de un requisito temporal en un sistema de tiempo real estricto puede ocasionar un fallo catastrófico. La planificación de sistemas de tiempo real es una área en la que se estudian y aplican diversas metodologías, heurísticas y algoritmos que intentan asignar el recurso de la CPU sin pérdidas de plazo. El uso de sistemas de computación multinúcleo es una opción cada vez más recurrente en los sistemas de tiempo real estrictos. Esto se debe, entre otras causas, a su alto rendimiento a nivel de computación gracias a su capacidad de ejecutar varios procesos en paralelo. Por otro lado, los sistemas multinúcleo presentan un nuevo problema, la contención que ocurre debido a la compartición de los recursos de hardware. El origen de esta contención es la interferencia que en ocasiones ocurre entre tareas asignadas en distintos núcleos que pretenden acceder al mismo recurso compartido simultáneamente, típicamente acceso a memoria compartida. Esta interferencia añadida puede suponer un incumplimiento de los requisitos temporales, y por tanto, la planificación no sería viable. En este trabajo se proponen nuevas metodologías y estrategias de planificación no convencionales para aportar soluciones al problema de la interferencia en sistemas multinúcleo. Estas metodologías y estrategias abarcan algoritmos de planificación, algoritmos de asignación de tareas a núcleos, modelos temporales y análisis de planificabilidad. El resultado del trabajo realizado se ha publicado en diversos artículos en revistas del área. En ellos se presentan estas nuevas propuestas que afrontan los retos de la planificación de tareas. En la mayoría de los artículos presentados la estructura es similar: se introduce el contexto en el que nos situamos, se plantea la problemática existente, se expone una propuesta para solventar o mejorar los resultados de la planificación, después se realiza una experimentación para evaluar de forma práctica la metodología propuesta, se analizan los resultados obtenidos y finalmente se exponen unas conclusiones sobre la propuesta. Los resultados de las metodologías no convencionales propuestas en los artículos que conforman esta tesis muestran una mejora del rendimiento de las planificaciones en comparación con algoritmos clásicos del área. Especialmente la mejora se produce en términos de disminución de la interferencia producida y mejora de la tasa de planificabilidad.[CA] Els sistemes de temps real es caracteritzen per exigir el compliment d'uns requisits temporals que garantisquen el funcionament acceptable d'un sistema. Especialment, en els sistemes de temps real estricte aquests requisits temporals han de ser inviolables. Aquests sistemes solen aplicar-se en àrees com l'aviació, la seguretat ferroviària, satèl·lits i control de processos, entre altres. Per tant, l'incompliment d'un requisit temporal en un sistema de temps real estricte pot ocasionar un error catastròfic. La planificació de sistemes de temps real és una àrea en la qual s'estudien i apliquen diverses metodologies, heurístiques i algorismes que intenten assignar el recurs de la CPU sense pèrdues de termini. L'ús de sistemes de computació multinucli és una opció cada vegada més recurrent en els sistemes de temps real estrictes. Això es deu, entre altres causes, al seu alt rendiment a nivell de computació gràcies a la seua capacitat d'executar diversos processos en paral·lel. D'altra banda, els sistemes multinucli presenten un nou problema, la contenció que ocorre a causa de la compartició dels recursos de hardware. L'origen d'aquesta contenció és la interferència que a vegades ocorre entre tasques assignades en diferents nuclis que pretenen accedir al mateix recurs compartit simultàniament, típicament accés a memòria compartida. Aquesta interferència afegida pot suposar un incompliment dels requisits temporals, i per tant, la planificació no seria viable. En aquest treball es proposen noves metodologies i estratègies de planificació no convencionals per aportar solucions al problema de la interferència en sistemes multinucli. Aquestes metodologies i estratègies comprenen algorismes de planificació, algorismes d'assignació de tasques a nuclis, models temporals i anàlisis de planificabilitat. El resultat del treball realitzat s'ha publicat en diversos articles en revistes de l'àrea. En ells es presenten aquestes noves propostes que afronten els reptes de la planificació de tasques. En la majoria dels articles presentats l'estructura és similar: s'introdueix el context en el qual ens situem, es planteja la problemàtica existent, s'exposa una proposta per a solucionar o millorar els resultats de la planificació, després es realitza una experimentació per a avaluar de manera pràctica la metodologia proposada, s'analitzen els resultats obtinguts i finalment s'exposen unes conclusions sobre la proposta. Els resultats de les metodologies no convencionals proposades en els articles que conformen aquesta tesi mostren una millora del rendiment de les planificacions en comparació amb algorismes clàssics de l'àrea. Especialment, la millora es produeix en termes de disminució de la interferència produïda i millora de la taxa de planificabilitat.[EN] Real-time systems are characterised by the demand for temporal constraints that guarantee acceptable operation and feasibility of a system. Especially, in hard real-time systems these temporal constraints must be respected. These systems are typically applied in areas such as aviation, railway safety, satellites and process control, among others. Therefore, a missed deadline in a hard-real time system can lead to a catastrophic failure. The scheduling of real-time systems is an area where various methodologies, heuristics and algorithms are studied and applied in an attempt to allocate the CPU resources without missing any deadline. The use of multicore computing systems is an increasingly recurrent option in hard real-time systems. This is due, among other reasons, to its high computational performance thanks to the ability to run multiple processes in parallel. On the other hand, multicore systems present a new problem, the contention that occurs due to the sharing of hardware resources. The source of this contention is the interference that sometimes happens between tasks allocated in different cores that try to access the same shared resource simultaneously, typically shared memory access. This added interference can lead to miss a deadline, and therefore, the scheduling would not be feasible. This paper proposes new non-conventional scheduling methodologies and strategies to provide solutions to the interference problem in multicore systems. These methodologies and strategies include scheduling algorithms, task allocation algorithms, temporal models and schedulability analysis. The results of this work have been published in several journal articles in the field. In these articles the new proposals are presented, they face the challenges of task scheduling. In the majority of these articles the structure is similar: the context is introduced, the existing problem is identified, a proposal to solve or improve the results of the scheduling is presented, then the proposed methodology is experimented in order to evaluate it in practical terms, the results obtained are analysed and finally conclusions about the proposal are expressed. The results of the non-conventional methodologies proposed in the articles that comprise this thesis show an improvement in the performance of the scheduling compared to classical algorithms in the area. In particular, the improvement is produced in terms of reducing the interference and a higher schedulability rate.Esta tesis se ha realizado en el marco de dos proyectos de investigación de carácter nacional. Uno de ellos es el proyecto es PRECON-I4. Consiste en la búsqueda de sistemas informáticos predecibles y confiables para la industria 4.0. El otro proyecto es PRESECREL, que consiste en la búsqueda de modelos y plataformas para sistemas informáticos industriales predecibles, seguros y confiables. Tanto PRECON-I4 como PRESECREL son proyectos coordinados financiados por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades y los fondos FEDER (AEI/FEDER, UE). En ambos proyectos participa la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, la Universidad de Cantabria y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Además, en PRESECREL también participa IKERLAN S. COOP I.P. Además, parte de los resultados de esta tesis también han servido para validar la asignación de recursos temporales en sistemas críticos en el marco del proyecto METROPOLIS (PLEC2021-007609).Aceituno Peinado, JM. (2024). Investigación de nuevas metodologías para la planificación de sistemas de tiempo real multinúcleo mediante técnicas no convencionales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203212Compendi

    Safety and security of cyber-physical systems

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    The number of embedded controllers in charge of physical systems has rapidly increased over the past years. Embedded controllers are present in every aspect of our lives, from our homes to our vehicles and factories. The complexity of these systems is also more than ever. These systems are expected to deliver many features and high performance without trading off in robustness and assurance. As systems increase in complexity, however, the cost of formally verifying their correctness and eliminating security vulnerabilities can quickly explode. On top of the unintentional bugs and problems, malicious attacks on cyber-physical systems (CPS) can also lead to adverse outcomes on physical plants. Some of the recent attacks on CPS are focused on causing physical damage to the plants or the environment. Such intruders make their way into the system using cyber exploits but then initiate actions that can destabilize and even damage the underlying (physical) systems. Given the reality mentioned above and the reliability standards of the industry, there is a need to embrace new CPS design paradigms where faults and security vulnerabilities are the norms rather than an anomaly. Such imperfections must be assumed to exist in every system and component unless it is formally verified and scanned. Faults and vulnerabilities should be safely handled and the CPS must be able to recover from them at run-time. Our goal in this work is to introduce and investigate a few designs compatible with this paradigm. The architectures and techniques proposed in this dissertation do not rely on the testing and complete system verification. Instead, they enforce safety at the highest level of the system and extend guaranteed safety from a few certified components to the entire system. These solutions are carefully curated to utilize unverified components and provide guaranteed performance

    Safety‐oriented discrete event model for airport A‐SMGCS reliability assessment

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    A detailed analysis of State of the Art Technologies and Procedures into Airport Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems has been provided in this thesis, together with the review ofStatistical Monte Carlo Analysis, Reliability Assessment and Petri Nets theories. This practical and theoretical background has lead the author to the conclusion that there is a lack of linkage in between these fields. At the same of time the rapid increasing of Air Traffic all over the world, has brought in evidence the urgent need of practical instruments able to identify and quantify the risks connected with Aircraft operations on the ground, since the Airport has shown to be the actual ‘bottle neck’ of the entire Air Transport System. Therefore, the only winning approach to such a critical matter has to be multi-disciplinary, sewing together apparently different subjects, coming from the most disparate areas of interest and trying to fulfil the gap. The result of this thesis work has come to a start towards the end, when a Timed Coloured Petri Net (TCPN) model of a ‘sample’ Airport A-SMGCS has been developed, that is capable of taking into account different orders of questions arisen during these recent years and tries to give them some good answers. The A-SMGCS Airport model is, in the end, a parametric tool relying on Discrete Event System theory, able to perform a Reliability Analysis of the system itself, that: • uses a Monte Carlo Analysis applied to a Timed Coloured Petri Net, whose purpose is to evaluate the Safety Level of Surface Movements along an Airport • lets the user to analyse the impact of Procedures and Reliability Indexes of Systems such as Surface Movement Radars, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, Airport Lighting Systems, Microwave Sensors, and so on… onto the Safety Level of Airport Aircraft Transport System • not only is a valid instrument in the Design Phase, but it is useful also into the Certifying Activities an in monitoring the Safety Level of the above mentioned System with respect to changes to Technologies and different Procedures.This TCPN model has been verified against qualitative engineering expectations by using simulation experiments and occupancy time schedules generated a priori. Simulation times are good, and since the model has been written into Simulink/Stateflow programming language, it can be compiled to run real-time in C language (Real-time workshop and Stateflow Coder), thus relying on portable code, able to run virtually on any platform, giving even better performances in terms of execution time. One of the most interesting applications of this work is the estimate, for an Airport, of the kind of A-SMGCS level of implementation needed (Technical/Economical convenience evaluation). As a matter of fact, starting from the Traffic Volume and choosing the kind of Ground Equipment to be installed, one can make predictions about the Safety Level of the System: if the value is compliant with the TLS required by ICAO, the A-SMGCS level of Implementation is sufficiently adequate. Nevertheless, even if the Level of Safety has been satisfied, some delays due to reduced or simplified performances (even if Safety is compliant) of some of the equipment (e.g. with reference to False Alarm Rates) can lead to previously unexpected economical consequences, thus requiring more accurate systems to be installed, in order to meet also Airport economical constraints. Work in progress includes the analysis of the effect of weather conditions and re-sequencing of a given schedule. The effect of re-sequencing a given schedule is not yet enough realistic since the model does not apply inter arrival and departure separations. However, the model might show some effect on different sequences based on runway occupancy times. A further developed model containing wake turbulence separation conditions would be more sensitive for this case. Hence, further work will be directed towards: • The development of On-Line Re-Scheduling based on the available actual runway/taxiway configuration and weather conditions. • The Engineering Safety Assessment of some small Italian Airport A-SMGCSs (Model validation with real data). • The application of Stochastic Differential Equations systems in order to evaluate the collision risk on the ground inside the Place alone on the Petri Net, in the event of a Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA), by adopting Reich Collision Risk Model. • Optimal Air Traffic Control Algorithms Synthesis (Adaptive look-ahead Optimization), by Dynamically Timed Coloured Petri Nets, together with the implementation of Error-Recovery Strategies and Diagnosis Functions