484 research outputs found

    Selective Combining for Hybrid Cooperative Networks

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    In this study, we consider the selective combining in hybrid cooperative networks (SCHCNs scheme) with one source node, one destination node and NN relay nodes. In the SCHCN scheme, each relay first adaptively chooses between amplify-and-forward protocol and decode-and-forward protocol on a per frame basis by examining the error-detecting code result, and NcN_c (1≤Nc≤N1\leq N_c \leq N) relays will be selected to forward their received signals to the destination. We first develop a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) threshold-based frame error rate (FER) approximation model. Then, the theoretical FER expressions for the SCHCN scheme are derived by utilizing the proposed SNR threshold-based FER approximation model. The analytical FER expressions are validated through simulation results.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, IET Communications, 201

    Performance Analysis of Project-and-Forward Relaying in Mixed MIMO-Pinhole and Rayleigh Dual-Hop Channel

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    In this letter, we present an end-to-end performance analysis of dual-hop project-and-forward relaying in a realistic scenario, where the source-relay and the relay-destination links are experiencing MIMO-pinhole and Rayleigh channel conditions, respectively. We derive the probability density function of both the relay post-processing and the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratios, and the obtained expressions are used to derive the outage probability of the analyzed system as well as its end-to-end ergodic capacity in terms of generalized functions. Applying then the residue theory to Mellin-Barnes integrals, we infer the system asymptotic behavior for different channel parameters. As the bivariate Meijer-G function is involved in the analysis, we propose a new and fast MATLAB implementation enabling an automated definition of the complex integration contour. Extensive Monte-Carlo simulations are invoked to corroborate the analytical results.Comment: 4 pages, IEEE Communications Letters, 201
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