345,022 research outputs found

    Complexity results and exact algorithms for robust knapsack problems.

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    This paper studies the robust knapsack problem, for which solutions are, up to a certain point, immune to data uncertainty. We complement the works found in the literature where uncertainty affects only the profits or only the weights of the items by studying the complexity and approximation of the general setting with uncertainty regarding both the profits and the weights, for three different objective functions. Furthermore, we develop a scenario-relaxation algorithm for solving the general problem and present computational results.Knapsack problem; Robustness; Scenario-relaxation algorithm; NP-hard; Approximation;

    On the Computation of the Kullback-Leibler Measure for Spectral Distances

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    Efficient algorithms for the exact and approximate computation of the symmetrical Kullback-Leibler (1998) measure for spectral distances are presented for linear predictive coding (LPC) spectra. A interpretation of this measure is given in terms of the poles of the spectra. The performances of the algorithms in terms of accuracy and computational complexity are assessed for the application of computing concatenation costs in unit-selection-based speech synthesis. With the same complexity and storage requirements, the exact method is superior in terms of accuracy

    Exact Algorithms for 0-1 Integer Programs with Linear Equality Constraints

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    In this paper, we show O(1.415n)O(1.415^n)-time and O(1.190n)O(1.190^n)-space exact algorithms for 0-1 integer programs where constraints are linear equalities and coefficients are arbitrary real numbers. Our algorithms are quadratically faster than exhaustive search and almost quadratically faster than an algorithm for an inequality version of the problem by Impagliazzo, Lovett, Paturi and Schneider (arXiv:1401.5512), which motivated our work. Rather than improving the time and space complexity, we advance to a simple direction as inclusion of many NP-hard problems in terms of exact exponential algorithms. Specifically, we extend our algorithms to linear optimization problems

    Minimum Degree up to Local Complementation: Bounds, Parameterized Complexity, and Exact Algorithms

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    The local minimum degree of a graph is the minimum degree that can be reached by means of local complementation. For any n, there exist graphs of order n which have a local minimum degree at least 0.189n, or at least 0.110n when restricted to bipartite graphs. Regarding the upper bound, we show that for any graph of order n, its local minimum degree is at most 3n/8+o(n) and n/4+o(n) for bipartite graphs, improving the known n/2 upper bound. We also prove that the local minimum degree is smaller than half of the vertex cover number (up to a logarithmic term). The local minimum degree problem is NP-Complete and hard to approximate. We show that this problem, even when restricted to bipartite graphs, is in W[2] and FPT-equivalent to the EvenSet problem, which W[1]-hardness is a long standing open question. Finally, we show that the local minimum degree is computed by a O*(1.938^n)-algorithm, and a O*(1.466^n)-algorithm for the bipartite graphs

    On the Construction of Polar Codes

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    We consider the problem of efficiently constructing polar codes over binary memoryless symmetric (BMS) channels. The complexity of designing polar codes via an exact evaluation of the polarized channels to find which ones are "good" appears to be exponential in the block length. In \cite{TV11}, Tal and Vardy show that if instead the evaluation if performed approximately, the construction has only linear complexity. In this paper, we follow this approach and present a framework where the algorithms of \cite{TV11} and new related algorithms can be analyzed for complexity and accuracy. We provide numerical and analytical results on the efficiency of such algorithms, in particular we show that one can find all the "good" channels (except a vanishing fraction) with almost linear complexity in block-length (except a polylogarithmic factor).Comment: In ISIT 201
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