12 research outputs found

    Small-variance asymptotics for Bayesian neural networks

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    Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) are a rich and flexible class of models that have several advantages over standard feedforward networks, but are typically expensive to train on large-scale data. In this thesis, we explore the use of small-variance asymptotics-an approach to yielding fast algorithms from probabilistic models-on various Bayesian neural network models. We first demonstrate how small-variance asymptotics shows precise connections between standard neural networks and BNNs; for example, particular sampling algorithms for BNNs reduce to standard backpropagation in the small-variance limit. We then explore a more complex BNN where the number of hidden units is additionally treated as a random variable in the model. While standard sampling schemes would be too slow to be practical, our asymptotic approach yields a simple method for extending standard backpropagation to the case where the number of hidden units is not fixed. We show on several data sets that the resulting algorithm has benefits over backpropagation on networks with a fixed architecture.2019-01-02T00:00:00

    Neuroevolution with Analog Genetic Encoding

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    The evolution of artificial neural networks (ANNs) is often used to tackle difficult control problems. There are different approaches to the encoding of neural networks in artificial genomes. Analog Genetic Encoding (AGE) is a new implicit method derived from the observation of biological genetic regulatory networks. This paper shows how AGE can be used to simultaneously evolve the topology and the weights of ANNs for complex control systems. AGE is applied to a standard benchmark problem and we show that its performance is equivalent or superior to some of the most powerful algorithms for neuroevolution in the literature

    Analog Genetic Encoding for the Evolution of Circuits and Networks

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    This paper describes a new kind of genetic representation called analog genetic encoding (AGE). The representation is aimed at the evolutionary synthesis and reverse engineering of circuits and networks such as analog electronic circuits, neural networks, and genetic regulatory networks. AGE permits the simultaneous evolution of the topology and sizing of the networks. The establishment of the links between the devices that form the network is based on an implicit definition of the interaction between different parts of the genome. This reduces the amount of information that must be carried by the genome relatively to a direct encoding of the links. The application of AGE is illustrated with examples of analog electronic circuit and neural network synthesis. The performance of the representation and the quality of the results obtained with AGE are compared with those produced by genetic programming

    Effective Task Transfer Through Indirect Encoding

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    An important goal for machine learning is to transfer knowledge between tasks. For example, learning to play RoboCup Keepaway should contribute to learning the full game of RoboCup soccer. Often approaches to task transfer focus on transforming the original representation to fit the new task. Such representational transformations are necessary because the target task often requires new state information that was not included in the original representation. In RoboCup Keepaway, changing from the 3 vs. 2 variant of the task to 4 vs. 3 adds state information for each of the new players. In contrast, this dissertation explores the idea that transfer is most effective if the representation is designed to be the same even across different tasks. To this end, (1) the bird’s eye view (BEV) representation is introduced, which can represent different tasks on the same two-dimensional map. Because the BEV represents state information associated with positions instead of objects, it can be scaled to more objects without manipulation. In this way, both the 3 vs. 2 and 4 vs. 3 Keepaway tasks can be represented on the same BEV, which is (2) demonstrated in this dissertation. Yet a challenge for such representation is that a raw two-dimensional map is highdimensional and unstructured. This dissertation demonstrates how this problem is addressed naturally by the Hypercube-based NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (HyperNEAT) approach. HyperNEAT evolves an indirect encoding, which compresses the representation by exploiting its geometry. The dissertation then explores further exploiting the power of such encoding, beginning by (3) enhancing the configuration of the BEV with a focus on iii modularity. The need for further nonlinearity is then (4) investigated through the addition of hidden nodes. Furthermore, (5) the size of the BEV can be manipulated because it is indirectly encoded. Thus the resolution of the BEV, which is dictated by its size, is increased in precision and culminates in a HyperNEAT extension that is expressed at effectively infinite resolution. Additionally, scaling to higher resolutions through gradually increasing the size of the BEV is explored. Finally, (6) the ambitious problem of scaling from the Keepaway task to the Half-field Offense task is investigated with the BEV. Overall, this dissertation demonstrates that advanced representations in conjunction with indirect encoding can contribute to scaling learning techniques to more challenging tasks, such as the Half-field Offense RoboCup soccer domain

    Evolving artificial neural networks

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    Quality Diversity: Harnessing Evolution to Generate a Diversity of High-Performing Solutions

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    Evolution in nature has designed countless solutions to innumerable interconnected problems, giving birth to the impressive array of complex modern life observed today. Inspired by this success, the practice of evolutionary computation (EC) abstracts evolution artificially as a search operator to find solutions to problems of interest primarily through the adaptive mechanism of survival of the fittest, where stronger candidates are pursued at the expense of weaker ones until a solution of satisfying quality emerges. At the same time, research in open-ended evolution (OEE) draws different lessons from nature, seeking to identify and recreate processes that lead to the type of perpetual innovation and indefinitely increasing complexity observed in natural evolution. New algorithms in EC such as MAP-Elites and Novelty Search with Local Competition harness the toolkit of evolution for a related purpose: finding as many types of good solutions as possible (rather than merely the single best solution). With the field in its infancy, no empirical studies previously existed comparing these so-called quality diversity (QD) algorithms. This dissertation (1) contains the first extensive and methodical effort to compare different approaches to QD (including both existing published approaches as well as some new methods presented for the first time here) and to understand how they operate to help inform better approaches in the future. It also (2) introduces a new technique for encoding neural networks for evolution with indirect encoding that contain multiple sensory or output modalities. Further, it (3) explores the idea that QD can act as an engine of open-ended discovery by introducing an expressive platform called Voxelbuild where QD algorithms continually evolve robots that stack blocks in new ways. A culminating experiment (4) is presented that investigates evolution in Voxelbuild over a very long timescale. This research thus stands to advance the OEE community\u27s desire to create and understand open-ended systems while also laying the groundwork for QD to realize its potential within EC as a means to automatically generate an endless progression of new content in real-world applications