3 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Multiresolution Matching Pursuit and its Relations with the Human Visual System

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    This paper proposes a multiresolution Matching Pursuit decomposition of natural images. Matching Pursuit is a greedy algorithm that decomposes any signal into a linear expansion of waveforms taken from a redundant dictionary, by iteratively picking the waveform that best matches the input signal. Since the computational cost rapidly grows with the size of the signal, we propose a multiresolution strategy that, together with an efficient dictionary, significantly reduces the encoding complexity while still providing an efficient representation. Such a decomposition is perceptually very effective at low bit rate coding, thanks to similiarities with the Human Visual System information processing

    Affine invariant Matching Pursuit-based shape representation and recognition using scale-space

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    In this paper, we propose an analytical low-level representation of images, obtained by a decomposition process, here the matching pursuit (MP) algorithm, as a new way of describing objects through a general continuous description using an affine invariant dictionary of basis functions. This description is used to recognize objects in images. In the learning phase, a template object is decomposed, and the extracted subset of basis functions, called meta-atom, gives the description of our object. We then extend naturally this description into the linear scale-space using the definition of our basis functions, and thus bringing a more general representation of our object. We use this enhanced description as a predefined dictionary of the object to conduct an MP-based shape recognition (MPSR) task into the linear scale-space. The introduction of the scale-space approach improves the robustness of our method, and permits to avoid local minima problems encountered when minimizing a non-convex energy function. We show results for the detection of complex synthetic shapes, as well as natural (aerial and medical) images