3 research outputs found

    Efficient tuning in supervised machine learning

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    The tuning of learning algorithm parameters has become more and more important during the last years. With the fast growth of computational power and available memory databases have grown dramatically. This is very challenging for the tuning of parameters arising in machine learning, since the training can become very time-consuming for large datasets. For this reason efficient tuning methods are required, which are able to improve the predictions of the learning algorithms. In this thesis we incorporate model-assisted optimization techniques, for performing efficient optimization on noisy datasets with very limited budgets. Under this umbrella we also combine learning algorithms with methods for feature construction and selection. We propose to integrate a variety of elements into the learning process. E.g., can tuning be helpful in learning tasks like time series regression using state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms? Are statistical methods capable to reduce noise e ffects? Can surrogate models like Kriging learn a reasonable mapping of the parameter landscape to the quality measures, or are they deteriorated by disturbing factors? Summarizing all these parts, we analyze if superior learning algorithms can be created, with a special focus on efficient runtimes. Besides the advantages of systematic tuning approaches, we also highlight possible obstacles and issues of tuning. Di fferent tuning methods are compared and the impact of their features are exposed. It is a goal of this work to give users insights into applying state-of-the-art learning algorithms profitably in practiceBundesministerium f ür Bildung und Forschung (Germany), Cologne University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Kind-Steinm uller-Stiftung (Gummersbach, Germany)Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Evolutionary kernel machines

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