4,217 research outputs found

    On the Role of Social Identity and Cohesion in Characterizing Online Social Communities

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    Two prevailing theories for explaining social group or community structure are cohesion and identity. The social cohesion approach posits that social groups arise out of an aggregation of individuals that have mutual interpersonal attraction as they share common characteristics. These characteristics can range from common interests to kinship ties and from social values to ethnic backgrounds. In contrast, the social identity approach posits that an individual is likely to join a group based on an intrinsic self-evaluation at a cognitive or perceptual level. In other words group members typically share an awareness of a common category membership. In this work we seek to understand the role of these two contrasting theories in explaining the behavior and stability of social communities in Twitter. A specific focal point of our work is to understand the role of these theories in disparate contexts ranging from disaster response to socio-political activism. We extract social identity and social cohesion features-of-interest for large scale datasets of five real-world events and examine the effectiveness of such features in capturing behavioral characteristics and the stability of groups. We also propose a novel measure of social group sustainability based on the divergence in group discussion. Our main findings are: 1) Sharing of social identities (especially physical location) among group members has a positive impact on group sustainability, 2) Structural cohesion (represented by high group density and low average shortest path length) is a strong indicator of group sustainability, and 3) Event characteristics play a role in shaping group sustainability, as social groups in transient events behave differently from groups in events that last longer

    Discovering learning processes using inductive miner: A case study with learning management systems (LMSs)

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónDescubriendo procesos de aprendizaje aplicando Inductive Miner: un estudio de caso en Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Antecedentes: en la minería de procesos con datos educativos se utilizan diferentes algoritmos para descubrir modelos, sobremanera el Alpha Miner, el Heuristic Miner y el Evolutionary Tree Miner. En este trabajo proponemos la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo en datos educativos, el denominado Inductive Miner. Método: hemos utilizado datos de interacción de 101 estudiantes universitarios en una asignatura de grado desarrollada en la plataforma Moodle 2.0. Una vez prepocesados se ha realizado la minería de procesos sobre 21.629 eventos para descubrir los modelos que generan los diferentes algoritmos y comparar sus medidas de ajuste, precisión, simplicidad y generalización. Resultados: en las pruebas realizadas en nuestro conjunto de datos el algoritmo Inductive Miner es el que obtiene mejores resultados, especialmente para el valor de ajuste, criterio de mayor relevancia en lo que respecta al descubrimiento de modelos. Además, cuando ponderamos con pesos las diferentes métricas seguimos obteniendo la mejor medida general con el Inductive Miner. Conclusiones: la implementación de Inductive Miner en datos educativos es una nueva aplicación que, además de obtener mejores resultados que otros algoritmos con nuestro conjunto de datos, proporciona modelos válidos e interpretables en términos educativos.Universidad de Oviedo. Biblioteca de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s/n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126; [email protected]

    Toward automatic censorship detection in microblogs

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    Social media is an area where users often experience censorship through a variety of means such as the restriction of search terms or active and retroactive deletion of messages. In this paper we examine the feasibility of automatically detecting censorship of microblogs. We use a network growing model to simulate discussion over a microblog follow network and compare two censorship strategies to simulate varying levels of message deletion. Using topological features extracted from the resulting graphs, a classifier is trained to detect whether or not a given communication graph has been censored. The results show that censorship detection is feasible under empirically measured levels of message deletion. The proposed framework can enable automated censorship measurement and tracking, which, when combined with aggregated citizen reports of censorship, can allow users to make informed decisions about online communication habits.Comment: 13 pages. Updated with example cascades figure and typo fixes. To appear at the International Workshop on Data Mining in Social Networks (PAKDD-SocNet) 201

    Identification of Group Changes in Blogosphere

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    The paper addresses a problem of change identification in social group evolution. A new SGCI method for discovering of stable groups was proposed and compared with existing GED method. The experimental studies on a Polish blogosphere service revealed that both methods are able to identify similar evolution events even though both use different concepts. Some differences were demonstrated as wellComment: The 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, IEEE Computer Society, 2012, pp. 1233-123

    State of the art 2015: a literature review of social media intelligence capabilities for counter-terrorism

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    Overview This paper is a review of how information and insight can be drawn from open social media sources. It focuses on the specific research techniques that have emerged, the capabilities they provide, the possible insights they offer, and the ethical and legal questions they raise. These techniques are considered relevant and valuable in so far as they can help to maintain public safety by preventing terrorism, preparing for it, protecting the public from it and pursuing its perpetrators. The report also considers how far this can be achieved against the backdrop of radically changing technology and public attitudes towards surveillance. This is an updated version of a 2013 report paper on the same subject, State of the Art. Since 2013, there have been significant changes in social media, how it is used by terrorist groups, and the methods being developed to make sense of it.  The paper is structured as follows: Part 1 is an overview of social media use, focused on how it is used by groups of interest to those involved in counter-terrorism. This includes new sections on trends of social media platforms; and a new section on Islamic State (IS). Part 2 provides an introduction to the key approaches of social media intelligence (henceforth ‘SOCMINT’) for counter-terrorism. Part 3 sets out a series of SOCMINT techniques. For each technique a series of capabilities and insights are considered, the validity and reliability of the method is considered, and how they might be applied to counter-terrorism work explored. Part 4 outlines a number of important legal, ethical and practical considerations when undertaking SOCMINT work

    Displacing big data: How criminals cheat the system

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    Abstract: Many technical approaches for detecting and preventing cy-bercrime utilise big data and machine learning, drawing upon knowledgeabout the behaviour of legitimate customers and indicators of cyber-crime. These include fraud detection systems, behavioural analysis, spamdetection, intrusion detection systems, anti-virus software, and denial ofservice attack protection. However, criminals have adapted their meth-ods in response to big data systems. We present case studies for a numberof different cybercrime types to highlight the methods used for cheatingsuch systems. We argue that big data solutions are not a silver bulletapproach to disrupting cybercrime, but rather represent a Red Queen'srace, requiring constant running to stay in one spot