1,037,428 research outputs found

    Computability of entropy and information in classical Hamiltonian systems

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    We consider the computability of entropy and information in classical Hamiltonian systems. We define the information part and total information capacity part of entropy in classical Hamiltonian systems using relative information under a computable discrete partition. Using a recursively enumerable nonrecursive set it is shown that even though the initial probability distribution, entropy, Hamiltonian and its partial derivatives are computable under a computable partition, the time evolution of its information capacity under the original partition can grow faster than any recursive function. This implies that even though the probability measure and information are conserved in classical Hamiltonian time evolution we might not actually compute the information with respect to the original computable partition

    Optimal Policy with Partial Information in a Forward-Looking Model: Certainty-Equivalence Redux

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    This paper proves a certainty equivalence result for optimal policy under commitment with symmetric partial information about the state of the economy in a model with forward-looking variables. This result is used in our previous paper, Indicator Variables for Optimal Policy,' which synthesizes what is known about the case of symmetric partial information, and derives useful general formulas for computation of the optimal policy response coefficients and efficient estimates of the state of the economy in the context of a fairly general forward-looking rational-expectations model. In particular, our proof takes into account that, under commitment, the policymaker can affect the future evolution of the observable variables, and thereby potentially affect the future information available.

    Variational and Potential Formulation for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

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    There is recent interest in finding a potential formulation for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDEs). The rationale behind this idea lies in obtaining all the dynamical information of the system under study from one single expression. In this Letter we formally provide a general Lagrangian formalism for SPDEs using the Hojman et al. method. We show that it is possible to write the corresponding effective potential starting from an s-equivalent Lagrangean, and that this potential is able to reproduce all the dynamics of the system, once a special differential operator has been applied. This procedure can be used to study the complete time evolution and spatial inhomogeneities of the system under consideration, and is also suitable for the statistical mechanics description of the problem. Keywords: stochastic partial differential equations, variational formulation, effective potential. PACS: 45.20.Jj; 02.50.-r; 02.50.Ey.Comment: Letter, 4 pages, no figures; v2: references added, minor change

    Retrieving qubit information despite decoherence

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    The time evolution of a qubit, consisting of two single-level quantum dots, is studied in the presence of telegraph noise. The dots are connected by two tunneling paths, with an Aharonov-Bohm flux enclosed between them. Under special symmetry conditions, which can be achieved by tuning gate voltages, there develops partial decoherence: at long times, the off-diagonal element of the reduced density matrix (in the basis of the two dot states) approaches a non-zero value, generating a circulating current around the loop. The flux dependence of this current contains full information on the initial quantum state of the qubit, even at infinite time. Small deviations from this symmetry yield a very slow exponential decay towards the fully-decoherent limit. However, the amplitudes of this decay also contain the full information on the initial qubit state, measurable either via the current or via the occupations of the qubit dots.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Local Tomography of Large Networks under the Low-Observability Regime

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    This article studies the problem of reconstructing the topology of a network of interacting agents via observations of the state-evolution of the agents. We focus on the large-scale network setting with the additional constraint of partialpartial observations, where only a small fraction of the agents can be feasibly observed. The goal is to infer the underlying subnetwork of interactions and we refer to this problem as locallocal tomographytomography. In order to study the large-scale setting, we adopt a proper stochastic formulation where the unobserved part of the network is modeled as an Erd\"{o}s-R\'enyi random graph, while the observable subnetwork is left arbitrary. The main result of this work is establishing that, under this setting, local tomography is actually possible with high probability, provided that certain conditions on the network model are met (such as stability and symmetry of the network combination matrix). Remarkably, such conclusion is established under the lowlow-observabilityobservability regimeregime, where the cardinality of the observable subnetwork is fixed, while the size of the overall network scales to infinity.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Quantum Dynamical Approach of Wavefunction Collapse in Measurement Process and Its Application to Quantum Zeno Effect

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    The systematical studies on the dynamical approach of wavefunction collapse in quantum measurement are reported in this paper based on the Hepp-Coleman's model and its generalizations. Under certain physically reasonable conditions, which are easily satisfied by the practical problems, it is shown that the off-diagonal elements of the reduced density matrix vanish in quantum mechanical evolution process in the macroscopic limit with a very large particle number N. Various examples with detector made up of oscillators of different spectrum distribution are used to illustrate this observations . With the two-level system as an explicit illustration, the quantum information entropy is exactly obtained to quantitatively describe the degree of decoherence for the so-called partial coherence caused by detector. The entropy for the case with many levels is computed based on perturbation method in the limits with very large and very small N. As an application of this general approach for quantum measurement, a dynamical realization of the quantum Zeno effect are present to analyse its recent testing experiment in connection with a description of transition in quantum information entropy. Finally, the Cini's model for the correlation between the states of the measured system and the detector is generalized for the case with many energy-level.Comment: ITP.SUNYSB preprint Sep.,199
