29 research outputs found

    Everything is a Race and Nakamoto Always Wins

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    Nakamoto invented the longest chain protocol, and claimed its security by analyzing the private double-spend attack, a race between the adversary and the honest nodes to grow a longer chain. But is it the worst attack? We answer the question in the affirmative for three classes of longest chain protocols, designed for different consensus models: 1) Nakamoto\u27s original Proof-of-Work protocol; 2) Ouroboros and SnowWhite Proof-of-Stake protocols; 3) Chia Proof-of-Space protocol. As a consequence, exact characterization of the maximum tolerable adversary power is obtained for each protocol as a function of the average block time normalized by the network delay. The security analysis of these protocols is performed in a unified manner by a novel method of reducing all attacks to a race between the adversary and the honest nodes

    Leaderless Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus

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    Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) consensus has recently gained much attention because of its intriguing connection with blockchains. Several state-of-the-art BFT consensus protocols have been proposed in the age of blockchains such as Tendermint [5], Pala [9], Streamlet [8], HotStuff [23], and Fast-HotStuff [17]. These protocols are all leader-based (i.e., protocols run in a series of views, and each view has a delegated node called the leader to coordinate all consensus decisions). To make progress, leader-based BFT protocols usually rely on view synchronization, which is an ad-hoc way of rotating the leader and synchronizing nodes to the same view with the leader for enough overlap time. However, many studies and system implementations show that existing methods of view synchronization are complicated and bug-prone [2], [15], [16], [19]. In this paper, we aim to design a leaderless Byzantine fault tolerant (LBFT) protocol, in which nodes simply compete to propose blocks (containing a batch of clients' requests) without the need of explicit coordination through view synchronization. LBFT also enjoys several other desirable features emphasized recently by the research community, such as the chain structure, pipelining techniques, and advanced cryptography [5], [6], [9], [17], [23]. With these efforts, LBFT can achieve both good performance (e.g., O(n)or O(nlog(n)) message complexity) and prominent simplicity.Comment: 13 page, 4 figure

    Safe Permissionless Consensus

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    Nakamoto\u27s consensus protocol works in a permissionless model, where nodes can join and leave without notice. However, it guarantees agreement only probabilistically. Is this weaker guarantee a necessary concession to the severe demands of supporting a permissionless model? This paper shows that, at least in a benign failure model, it is not. It presents Sandglass, the first permissionless consensus algorithm that guarantees deterministic agreement and termination with probability 1 under general omission failures. Like Nakamoto, Sandglass adopts a hybrid synchronous communication model, where, at all times, a majority of nodes (though their number is unknown) are correct and synchronously connected, and allows nodes to join and leave at any time

    Time-Restricted Double-Spending Attack on PoW-based Blockchains

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    Numerous blockchain applications are designed with tasks that naturally have finite durations, and hence, a double-spending attack (DSA) on such blockchain applications leans towards being conducted within a finite timeframe, specifically before the completion of their tasks. Furthermore, existing research suggests that practical attackers typically favor executing a DSA within a finite timeframe due to their limited computational resources. These observations serve as the impetus for this paper to investigate a time-restricted DSA (TR-DSA) model on Proof-of-Work based blockchains. In this TR-DSA model, an attacker only mines its branch within a finite timeframe, and the TR-DSA is considered unsuccessful if the attacker's branch fails to surpass the honest miners' branch when the honest miners' branch has grown by a specific number of blocks. First, we developed a general closed-form expression for the success probability of a TR-DSA. This developed probability not only can assist in evaluating the risk of a DSA on blockchain applications with timely tasks, but also can enable practical attackers with limited computational resources to assess the feasibility and expected reward of launching a TR-DSA. In addition, we provide rigorous proof that the success probability of a TR-DSA is no greater than that of a time-unrestricted DSA where the attacker indefinitely mines its branch. This result implies that blockchain applications with timely tasks are less vulnerable to DSAs than blockchain applications that provide attackers with an unlimited timeframe for their attacks. Furthermore, we show that the success probability of a TR-DSA is always smaller than one even though the attacker controls more than half of the hash rate in the network. This result alerts attackers that there is still a risk of failure in launching a TR-DSA even if they amass a majority of the hash rate in the network.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2304.0996

    STAKESURE: Proof of Stake Mechanisms with Strong Cryptoeconomic Safety

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    As of July 15, 2023, Ethererum, which is a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain [1] has around 410 Billion USD in total assets on chain (popularly referred to as total-value-locked, TVL) but has only 33 Billion USD worth of ETH staked in securing the underlying consensus of the chain [2]. A preliminary analysis might suggest that as the amount staked is far less (11x less) than the value secured, the Ethereum blockchain is insecure and "over-leveraged" in a purely cryptoeconomic sense. In this work, we investigate how Ethereum, or, more generally, any PoS blockchain can be made secure despite this apparent imbalance. Towards that end, we attempt to formalize a model for analyzing the cryptoeconomic safety of PoS blockchain, which separately analyzes the cost-of-corruption, the cost incurred by an attacker, and the profit-from-corruption, the profit gained by an attacker. We derive sharper bounds on profit-from-corruption, as well as new confirmation rules that significantly decrease this upper-bound. We evaluate cost-of-corruption and profit-from-corruption only from the perspective of attacking safety. Finally, we present a new "insurance" mechanism, STAKESURE, for allocating the slashed funds in a PoS system, that has several highly desirable properties: solving common information problem in existing blockchains, creating a mechanism for provably safe bridging, and providing the first sharp solution for automatically adjusting how much economic security is sufficient in a PoS system. Finally, we show that the system satisfies a notion of strong cryptoeconomic safety, which guarantees that no honest transactor ever loses money, and creates a closed system of Karma, which not only ensures that the attacker suffers a loss of funds but also that the harmed parties are sufficiently compensated.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Transaction Capacity, Security and Latency in Blockchains

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    We analyze how secure a block is after the block becomes k-deep, i.e., security-latency, for Nakamoto consensus under an exponential network delay model. We give parameter regimes for which transactions are safe when sufficiently deep in the chain. We compare our results for Nakamoto consensus under bounded network delay models and obtain analogous bounds for safety violation threshold. Next, modeling the blockchain system as a batch service queue with exponential network delay, we connect the security-latency analysis to sustainable transaction rate of the queue system. As our model assumes exponential network delay, batch service queue models give a meaningful trade-off between transaction capacity, security and latency. As adversary can attack the queue service to hamper the service process, we consider two different attacks for adversary. In an extreme scenario, we modify the selfish-mining attack for this purpose and consider its effect on the sustainable transaction rate of the queue

    Security Analysis of Filecoin's Expected Consensus in the Byzantine vs Honest Model

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    Filecoin is the largest storage-based open-source blockchain, both by storage capacity (>11EiB) and market capitalization. This paper provides the first formal security analysis of Filecoin's consensus (ordering) protocol, Expected Consensus (EC). Specifically, we show that EC is secure against an arbitrary adversary that controls a fraction β\beta of the total storage for βm<1−e−(1−β)m\beta m< 1- e^{-(1-\beta)m}, where mm is a parameter that corresponds to the expected number of blocks per round, currently m=5m=5 in Filecoin. We then present an attack, the nn-split attack, where an adversary splits the honest miners between multiple chains, and show that it is successful for βm≥1−e−(1−β)m\beta m \ge 1- e^{-(1-\beta)m}, thus proving that βm=1−e−(1−β)m\beta m= 1- e^{-(1-\beta)m} is the tight security threshold of EC. This corresponds roughly to an adversary with 20%20\% of the total storage pledged to the chain. Finally, we propose two improvements to EC security that would increase this threshold. One of these two fixes is being implemented as a Filecoin Improvement Proposal (FIP).Comment: AFT 202

    Modeling Resources in Permissionless Longest-Chain Total-Order Broadcast

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    Blockchain protocols implement total-order broadcast in a permissionless setting, where processes can freely join and leave. In such a setting, to safeguard against Sybil attacks, correct processes rely on cryptographic proofs tied to a particular type of resource to make them eligible to order transactions. For example, in the case of Proof-of-Work (PoW), this resource is computation, and the proof is a solution to a computationally hard puzzle. Conversely, in Proof-of-Stake (PoS), the resource corresponds to the number of coins that every process in the system owns, and a secure lottery selects a process for participation proportionally to its coin holdings. Although many resource-based blockchain protocols are formally proven secure in the literature, the existing security proofs fail to demonstrate why particular types of resources cause the blockchain protocols to be vulnerable to distinct classes of attacks. For instance, PoS systems are more vulnerable to long-range attacks, where an adversary corrupts past processes to re-write the history, than PoW and Proof-of-Storage systems. Proof-of-Storage-based and PoS-based protocols are both more susceptible to private double-spending attacks than PoW-based protocols; in this case, an adversary mines its chain in secret without sharing its blocks with the rest of the processes until the end of the attack. In this paper, we formally characterize the properties of resources through an abstraction called resource allocator and give a framework for understanding longest-chain consensus protocols based on different underlying resources. In addition, we use this resource allocator to demonstrate security trade-offs between various resources focusing on well-known attacks (e.g., the long-range attack and nothing-at-stake attacks)

    Modeling Resources in Permissionless Longest-chain Total-order Broadcast

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    Blockchain protocols implement total-order broadcast in a permissionless setting, where processes can freely join and leave. In such a setting, to safeguard against Sybil attacks, correct processes rely on cryptographic proofs tied to a particular type of resource to make them eligible to order transactions. For example, in the case of Proof-of-Work (PoW), this resource is computation, and the proof is a solution to a computationally hard puzzle. Conversely, in Proof-of-Stake (PoS), the resource corresponds to the number of coins that every process in the system owns, and a secure lottery selects a process for participation proportionally to its coin holdings. Although many resource-based blockchain protocols are formally proven secure in the literature, the existing security proofs fail to demonstrate why particular types of resources cause the blockchain protocols to be vulnerable to distinct classes of attacks. For instance, PoS systems are more vulnerable to long-range attacks, where an adversary corrupts past processes to re-write the history, than Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Storage systems. Proof-of-Storage-based and Proof-of-Stake-based protocols are both more susceptible to private double-spending attacks than Proof-of-Work-based protocols; in this case, an adversary mines its chain in secret without sharing its blocks with the rest of the processes until the end of the attack. In this paper, we formally characterize the properties of resources through an abstraction called resource allocator and give a framework for understanding longest-chain consensus protocols based on different underlying resources. In addition, we use this resource allocator to demonstrate security trade-offs between various resources focusing on well-known attacks (e.g., the long-range attack and nothing-at-stake attacks)

    Crystal: Enhancing Blockchain Mining Transparency with Quorum Certificate

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    Researchers have discovered a series of theoretical attacks against Bitcoin's Nakamoto consensus; the most damaging ones are selfish mining, double-spending, and consistency delay attacks. These attacks have one common cause: block withholding. This paper proposes Crystal, which leverages quorum certificates to resist block withholding misbehavior. Crystal continuously elects committees from miners and requires each block to have a quorum certificate, i.e., a set of signatures issued by members of its committee. Consequently, an attacker has to publish its blocks to obtain quorum certificates, rendering block withholding impossible. To build Crystal, we design a novel two-round committee election in a Sybil-resistant, unpredictable and non-interactive way, and a reward mechanism to incentivize miners to follow the protocol. Our analysis and evaluations show that Crystal can significantly mitigate selfish mining and double-spending attacks. For example, in Bitcoin, an attacker with 30% of the total computation power will succeed in double-spending attacks with a probability of 15.6% to break the 6-confirmation rule; however, in Crystal, the success probability for the same attacker falls to 0.62%. We provide formal end-to-end safety proofs for Crystal, ensuring no unknown attacks will be introduced. To the best of our knowledge, Crystal is the first protocol that prevents selfish mining and double-spending attacks while providing safety proof.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure