8 research outputs found

    MsPrompt: Multi-step Prompt Learning for Debiasing Few-shot Event Detection

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    Event detection (ED) is aimed to identify the key trigger words in unstructured text and predict the event types accordingly. Traditional ED models are too data-hungry to accommodate real applications with scarce labeled data. Besides, typical ED models are facing the context-bypassing and disabled generalization issues caused by the trigger bias stemming from ED datasets. Therefore, we focus on the true few-shot paradigm to satisfy the low-resource scenarios. In particular, we propose a multi-step prompt learning model (MsPrompt) for debiasing few-shot event detection, that consists of the following three components: an under-sampling module targeting to construct a novel training set that accommodates the true few-shot setting, a multi-step prompt module equipped with a knowledge-enhanced ontology to leverage the event semantics and latent prior knowledge in the PLMs sufficiently for tackling the context-bypassing problem, and a prototypical module compensating for the weakness of classifying events with sparse data and boost the generalization performance. Experiments on two public datasets ACE-2005 and FewEvent show that MsPrompt can outperform the state-of-the-art models, especially in the strict low-resource scenarios reporting 11.43% improvement in terms of weighted F1-score against the best-performing baseline and achieving an outstanding debiasing performance

    TTL: transformer-based two-phase transfer learning for cross-lingual news event detection

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    Today, we have access to a vast data amount, especially on the internet. Online news agencies play a vital role in this data generation, but most of their data is unstructured, requiring an enormous effort to extract important information. Thus, automated intelligent event detection mechanisms are invaluable to the community. In this research, we focus on identifying event details at the sentence and token levels from news articles, considering their fine granularity. Previous research has proposed various approaches ranging from traditional machine learning to deep learning, targeting event detection at these levels. Among these approaches, transformer-based approaches performed best, utilising transformers’ transferability and context awareness, and achieved state-of-the-art results. However, they considered sentence and token level tasks as separate tasks even though their interconnections can be utilised for mutual task improvements. To fill this gap, we propose a novel learning strategy named Two-phase Transfer Learning (TTL) based on transformers, which allows the model to utilise the knowledge from a task at a particular data granularity for another task at different data granularity, and evaluate its performance in sentence and token level event detection. Also, we empirically evaluate how the event detection performance can be improved for different languages (high- and low-resource), involving monolingual and multilingual pre-trained transformers and language-based learning strategies along with the proposed learning strategy. Our findings mainly indicate the effectiveness of multilingual models in low-resource language event detection. Also, TTL can further improve model performance, depending on the involved tasks’ learning order and their relatedness concerning final predictions

    Text Embedding-based Event Detection for Social and News Media

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    Today, social and news media are the leading platforms that distribute newsworthy content, and most internet users access them regularly to get information. However, due to the data’s unstructured nature and vast volume, manual analyses to extract information require enormous effort. Thus, automated intelligent mechanisms have become crucial. The literature presents several emerging approaches for social and news media event detection, along with distinct evolutions, mainly due to the variations in the media. However, most available social media event detection approaches primarily rely on data statistics, ignoring linguistics, making them vulnerable to information loss. Also, the available news media event detection approaches mostly fail to capture long-range text dependencies and support predictions of low-resource languages (i.e. languages with relatively fewer data). The possibility of utilising interconnections between different data levels to improve final predictions also has not been adequately explored. This research investigates how the characteristics of text embeddings built using prediction-based models that have proven capabilities to capture linguistics can be used in event detection while defeating available limitations. Initially, it redefines the problem of event detection based on two data granularities, coarse- and fine-grained levels, to allow systems to tackle different information requirements. Mainly, the coarse-grained level targets the notification of event occurrences and the fine-grained level targets the provision of event details. Following the new definition, this research proposes two novel approaches for coarse- and fine-grained level event detections on social media, Embed2Detect and WhatsUp, mainly utilising linguistics captured by self-learned word embeddings and their hierarchical relationships in dendrograms. For news media event detection, this proposes a TRansformer-based Event Document classification architecture (TRED) involving long-sequence and cross-lingual transformer encoders and a novel learning strategy, Two-phase Transfer Learning (TTL), supporting the capturing of long-range dependencies and data level interconnections. All the proposed approaches have been evaluated on recent real datasets, covering four aspects crucial for event detection: accuracy, efficiency, expandability and scalability. Social media data from two diverse domains and news media data from four high- and low-resource languages are mainly involved. The obtained results reveal that the proposed approaches outperform the state-of-the-art methods despite the data diversities, proving their accuracy and expandability. Additionally, the evaluations on efficiency and scalability adequately confirm the methods’ appropriateness for (near) real-time processing and ability to handle large data volumes. In summary, the achievement of all crucial requirements evidences the potential and utility of proposed approaches for event detection in social and news media

    Type Hierarchy Enhanced Event Detection without Triggers

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    Event detection (ED) aims to detect events from a given text and categorize them into event types. Most of the current approaches to ED rely heavily on the human annotations of triggers, which are often costly and affect the application of ED in other fields. However, triggers are not necessary for the event detection task. We propose a novel framework called Type Hierarchy Enhanced Event Detection Without Triggers (THEED) to avoid this problem. More specifically, We construct a type hierarchy concept module using the external knowledge graph Probase to enhance the semantic representation of event types. In addition, we divide input instances into word-level and context-level representations, which can make the model use different level features. The experimental result indicates that our proposed approach achieves better improvement. Additionally, it is significantly competitive with mainstream trigger-based models

    Type Hierarchy Enhanced Event Detection without Triggers

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    Event detection (ED) aims to detect events from a given text and categorize them into event types. Most of the current approaches to ED rely heavily on the human annotations of triggers, which are often costly and affect the application of ED in other fields. However, triggers are not necessary for the event detection task. We propose a novel framework called Type Hierarchy Enhanced Event Detection Without Triggers (THEED) to avoid this problem. More specifically, We construct a type hierarchy concept module using the external knowledge graph Probase to enhance the semantic representation of event types. In addition, we divide input instances into word-level and context-level representations, which can make the model use different level features. The experimental result indicates that our proposed approach achieves better improvement. Additionally, it is significantly competitive with mainstream trigger-based models

    Chinese Event Detection without Triggers Based on Dual Attention

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    In natural language processing, event detection is a critical step in event extraction, aiming to detect the occurrences of events and categorize them. Currently, the defects of Chinese event detection based on triggers include polysemous triggers and trigger-word mismatches, which reduce the accuracy of event detection models. Therefore, event detection without triggers based on dual attention (EDWTDA), a trigger-free model that can skip the trigger identification process and determine event types directly, is proposed to fix the problems mentioned above. EDWTDA adopts a dual attention mechanism, integrating local and global attention. Local attention captures key semantic information in sentences and simulates hidden event trigger words to solve the problem of trigger-word mismatch, while global attention digs for the context of documents, fixing the problem of polysemous triggers. Besides, event detection is transformed into a binary classification task to avoid problems caused by multiple tags. Meanwhile, the sample imbalance brought about by the transformation is settled with the application of the focal loss function. The experimental results on the ACE 2005 Chinese corpus show that, compared with the best baseline model, JMCEE, the accuracy rate, recall rate, and F1-score of the proposed model increased by 3.40%, 3.90%, and 3.67%, respectively