7,823 research outputs found

    Complete Graphs, Hilbert Series, and the Higgs branch of the 4d N=2 (An,Am)(A_n,A_m) SCFT's

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    The strongly interacting 4d N=2 SCFT's of type (An,Am)(A_n,A_m) are the simplest examples of models in the (G,Gβ€²)(G,G^\prime) class introduced by Cecotti, Neitzke, and Vafa in arXiv:1006.3435. These systems have a known 3d N=4 mirror only if h(An)h(A_n) divides h(Am)h(A_m), where hh is the Coxeter number. By 4d/2d correspondence, we show that in this case these systems have a nontrivial global flavor symmetry group and, therefore, a non-trivial Higgs branch. As an application of the methods of arXiv:1309.2657, we then compute the refined Hilbert series of the Coulomb branch of the 3d mirror for the simplest models in the series. This equals the refined Hilbert series of the Higgs branch of the (An,Am)(A_n,A_m) SCFT, providing interesting information about the Higgs branch of these non-lagrangian theories.Comment: 20 page

    Topological finiteness properties of monoids. Part 1: Foundations

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    We initiate the study of higher dimensional topological finiteness properties of monoids. This is done by developing the theory of monoids acting on CW complexes. For this we establish the foundations of MM-equivariant homotopy theory where MM is a discrete monoid. For projective MM-CW complexes we prove several fundamental results such as the homotopy extension and lifting property, which we use to prove the MM-equivariant Whitehead theorems. We define a left equivariant classifying space as a contractible projective MM-CW complex. We prove that such a space is unique up to MM-homotopy equivalence and give a canonical model for such a space via the nerve of the right Cayley graph category of the monoid. The topological finiteness conditions left-Fn\mathrm{F}_n and left geometric dimension are then defined for monoids in terms of existence of a left equivariant classifying space satisfying appropriate finiteness properties. We also introduce the bilateral notion of MM-equivariant classifying space, proving uniqueness and giving a canonical model via the nerve of the two-sided Cayley graph category, and we define the associated finiteness properties bi-Fn\mathrm{F}_n and geometric dimension. We explore the connections between all of the these topological finiteness properties and several well-studied homological finiteness properties of monoids which are important in the theory of string rewriting systems, including FPn\mathrm{FP}_n, cohomological dimension, and Hochschild cohomological dimension. We also develop the corresponding theory of MM-equivariant collapsing schemes (that is, MM-equivariant discrete Morse theory), and among other things apply it to give topological proofs of results of Anick, Squier and Kobayashi that monoids which admit presentations by complete rewriting systems are left-, right- and bi-FP∞\mathrm{FP}_\infty.Comment: 59 pages, 1 figur

    Continuous renormalization for fermions and Fermi liquid theory

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    I derive a Wick ordered continuous renormalization group equation for fermion systems and show that a determinant bound applies directly to this equation. This removes factorials in the recursive equation for the Green functions, and thus improves the combinatorial behaviour. The form of the equation is also ideal for the investigation of many-fermion systems, where the propagator is singular on a surface. For these systems, I define a criterion for Fermi liquid behaviour which applies at positive temperatures. As a first step towards establishing such behaviour in d ge 2, I prove basic regularity properties of the interacting Fermi surface to all orders in a skeleton expansion. The proof is a considerable simplification of previous ones.Comment: LaTeX, 3 eps figure

    Curves having one place at infinity and linear systems on rational surfaces

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    Denoting by Ld(m0,m1,...,mr){\mathcal L}_d(m_0,m_1,...,m_r) the linear system of plane curves passing through r+1r+1 generic points p0,p1,...,prp_0,p_1,...,p_r of the projective plane with multiplicity mim_i (or larger) at each pip_i, we prove the Harbourne-Hirschowitz Conjecture for linear systems Ld(m0,m1,...,mr){\mathcal L}_d(m_0,m_1,...,m_r) determined by a wide family of systems of multiplicities m=(mi)i=0r\bold{m}=(m_i)_{i=0}^r and arbitrary degree dd. Moreover, we provide an algorithm for computing a bound of the regularity of an arbitrary system m\bold{m} and we give its exact value when m\bold{m} is in the above family. To do that, we prove an H1H^1-vanishing theorem for line bundles on surfaces associated with some pencils ``at infinity''.Comment: This is a revised version of a preprint of 200

    Parallel Processing of Large Graphs

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    More and more large data collections are gathered worldwide in various IT systems. Many of them possess the networked nature and need to be processed and analysed as graph structures. Due to their size they require very often usage of parallel paradigm for efficient computation. Three parallel techniques have been compared in the paper: MapReduce, its map-side join extension and Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP). They are implemented for two different graph problems: calculation of single source shortest paths (SSSP) and collective classification of graph nodes by means of relational influence propagation (RIP). The methods and algorithms are applied to several network datasets differing in size and structural profile, originating from three domains: telecommunication, multimedia and microblog. The results revealed that iterative graph processing with the BSP implementation always and significantly, even up to 10 times outperforms MapReduce, especially for algorithms with many iterations and sparse communication. Also MapReduce extension based on map-side join usually noticeably presents better efficiency, although not as much as BSP. Nevertheless, MapReduce still remains the good alternative for enormous networks, whose data structures do not fit in local memories.Comment: Preprint submitted to Future Generation Computer System

    Deterministic Approximation of Random Walks in Small Space

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    We give a deterministic, nearly logarithmic-space algorithm that given an undirected graph G, a positive integer r, and a set S of vertices, approximates the conductance of S in the r-step random walk on G to within a factor of 1+epsilon, where epsilon>0 is an arbitrarily small constant. More generally, our algorithm computes an epsilon-spectral approximation to the normalized Laplacian of the r-step walk. Our algorithm combines the derandomized square graph operation [Eyal Rozenman and Salil Vadhan, 2005], which we recently used for solving Laplacian systems in nearly logarithmic space [Murtagh et al., 2017], with ideas from [Cheng et al., 2015], which gave an algorithm that is time-efficient (while ours is space-efficient) and randomized (while ours is deterministic) for the case of even r (while ours works for all r). Along the way, we provide some new results that generalize technical machinery and yield improvements over previous work. First, we obtain a nearly linear-time randomized algorithm for computing a spectral approximation to the normalized Laplacian for odd r. Second, we define and analyze a generalization of the derandomized square for irregular graphs and for sparsifying the product of two distinct graphs. As part of this generalization, we also give a strongly explicit construction of expander graphs of every size
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