4,694 research outputs found

    Nursing student–nurse teacher cooperation using mobile technology during the clinical practicum

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    The purpose of this three-phase study was to describe the use of mobile devices in nursing student–nurse teacher cooperation during the clinical practicum, to develop a novel alternative called mobile cooperation intervention (MCI) for this cooperation and to evaluate its effectiveness on the students’ clinical learning outcomes and acceptability from the perspective of nursing students. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of nursing education and thus the outcomes of patient care. In Phase I, an integrative review of use of the mobile devices in nursing student–nurse teacher cooperation during the clinical practicum was conducted. In Phase II, the CLES+T scale was further developed. Additionally, a mobile application called Study@CampusPro (App) and a mobile cooperation intervention (MCI) were developed. In Phase III, a randomised controlled trial design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the MCI on nursing students’ clinical learning outcomes, i.e. the individual outcomes (competence and self-efficacy) and contextual outcomes (quality of the clinical learning environment). Data were collected using three instruments (1) the Nurse Competence Scale (NCS), (2) the Self-efficacy in Clinical Performance instrument (SECP) and (3) the Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and Nurse Teacher scale (CLES+T2). Eligible nursing students (n=102) were randomly allocated to an intervention group (n=52) with mobile cooperation and a control group (n=50) with standard cooperation. The congruence between the nursing students’ self-assessed competence and the mentors’ assessments of the students’ competence was examined by comparing the nursing students’ self-assessments and their mentors’ (n=95) assessments. Moreover, a process evaluation was conducted by examining the students’ acceptability of the MCI by using a process evaluation questionnaire (Peq) developed for this study and the System Usability Scale (SUS) and student essays. The methods of analysis used in this study were critical appraisal, thematic and content analysis as well as descriptive statistics and statistical modelling. There have been only a few studies (n=17) on nursing student–nurse teacher mobile cooperation and their methodological weaknesses are evident. The MCI was found to be significantly effective in facilitating nursing student–nurse teacher cooperation and as effective as standard cooperation in improving the clinical learning outcomes of nursing students. The older age was shown to be significantly associated with improvements in the competence in the whole study population. Students’ self-assessed theoretical knowledge and practical skills prior to the clinical practicum were also shown to be significantly associated with the quality experienced of the clinical learning environment. In the control group, the students’ self-assessed competence showed a weak but significant congruence with their mentors’ assessments. The MCI was given a high degree of acceptance among students and the App’s usability was rated as rather good. The items developed for the T -subscale of the CLES+T scale, on which the CLES+T2 scale were based, demonstrated an appropriate level of content validity and good internal consistency. This study suggests there is potential in the MCI to improve the quality of the nurse teacher’s pedagogical cooperation with students and for being used as an alternative cooperation method in supporting students’ clinical learning outcomes.Hoitotyön opiskelijan ja opettajan välinen mobiiliteknologia-avusteinen ohjaus harjoittelun aikana Tämän kolmivaiheisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata mobiililaitteiden käyttöä opiskelijan ja opettajan välisessä harjoittelun aikaisessa ohjauksessa, kehittää mobiiliohjausinterventio (MCI) tähän ohjaukseen ja arvioida intervention vaikuttavuutta opiskelijan kliinisiin oppimistuloksiin ja intervention hyväksyttävyyttä opiskelijoiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on edistää hoitotyön koulutuksen laatua ja siten hoitotyön tuloksia. Vaiheessa I tehtiin integratiivinen katsaus mobiililaitteiden käytöstä hoitotyön opiskelijan ja opettajan välisessä harjoittelun aikaisessa ohjauksessa. Vaiheessa II jatkokehitettiin kliininen oppimisympäristö, ohjaus ja opettaja (CLES+T) -mittaria sekä kehitettiin mobiiliapplikaatio Study@CampusPro (App) ja mobiiliohjausinterventio (MCI). Vaiheessa III toteutettiin satunnaistettu kontrolloitu tutkimus, jossa mitattiin mobiiliohjausintervention vaikuttavuutta hoitotyön opiskelijoiden kliinisiin oppimistuloksiin, yksilösidonnaisiin (kompetenssi ja minäpystyvyys) ja kontekstisidonnaisiin (kliinisen oppimisympäristön laatu) seuraavilla mittareilla: (1) Sairaanhoitajien ammattipätevyysmittari (NCS), (2) Self-efficacy in Clinical Performance (SECP) -mittari ja (3) CLES+T2 -mittari. Tutkimukseen soveltuvat hoitotyön opiskelijat (n=102) satunnaistettiin mobiiliohjausta saavaan interventioryhmään (n=52) ja standardiohjausta saavaan kontrolliryhmään (n=50). Opiskelijoiden kompetenssin itsearviointien vastaavuutta ohjaajien arvioimaan opiskelijoiden kompetenssiin tarkasteltiin vertaamalla opiskelijoiden itsearviointeja ohjaajien (n=95) arviointeihin. Lisäksi toteutettiin prosessievaluaatio, jossa selvitettiin opiskelijoiden mobiiliohjausintervention hyväksyttävyyttä tätä tutkimusta varten kehitetyllä prosessievaluaatiokyselyllä (Peq), SUS -mittarilla ja opiskelijoiden esseillä. Analyysimenetelminä olivat kriittinen arviointi, temaattinen ja sisällön analyysi sekä kuvailevat tilastolliset menetelmät ja tilastollinen mallintaminen. Mobiililaitteiden käytöstä hoitotyön opiskelijan ja opettajan välisessä harjoittelun aikaisessa ohjauksessa on rajoitetusti aikaisempia tutkimuksia (n=17) ja niissä on havaittavissa menetelmällisiä heikkouksia. Mobiiliohjausinterventio osoittautui tehokkaaksi menetelmäksi hoitotyön opiskelijan ja opettajan välisessä harjoittelun aikaisessa ohjauksessa sekä yhtä tehokkaaksi edistämään opiskelijoiden kliinisiä oppimistuloksia kuin standardiohjaus. Opiskelijan korkeammalla iällä ja kompetenssin kasvulla oli merkitsevä yhteys koko tutkimuspopulaatiossa. Opiskelijoiden itsearvioimilla teoreettisilla tiedoilla ja käytännön taidoilla ennen harjoittelua sekä koetulla kliinisen oppimisympäristön laadulla oli merkitsevä yhteys. Kontrolliryhmässä oli heikko vastaavuus opiskelijoiden ja ohjaajien arvioiman opiskelijoiden kompetenssin välillä. Mobiiliohjausinterventio oli erittäin hyväksyttävä ja mobiiliapplikaation käytettävyys oli melko hyvä opiskelijoiden arvioimana. CLES+T -mittariin kehitetyt uudet T2 -osion väittämät, jotka olivat perustana CLES+T2 -mittarille, olivat sisällöllisesti valideja ja johdonmukaisia. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa mobiiliohjausinterventiolla olevan potentiaalia edistää hoitotyön opettajan pedagogisen ohjauksen laatua ja se soveltuu vaihtoehtoiseksi ohjausmenetelmäksi tukemaan opiskelijan kliinisiä oppimistuloksia

    The Impact of Quick Response (QR) Technology on Anxiety with First Semester Nursing Students related to the Performance of Psychomotor Skills with Patients in Clinical

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    Anxiety seen with first semester nursing students in a clinical setting when performing psychomotor skills can be a root cause of fear, lack of confidence, ill symptoms, and can lead to unsafe practice ultimately causing injury to patients. The learning and practicing of psychomotor skills occur prior to students first clinical experience, and in most cases over a short period of time. Implementation of Quick Response (QR) technology linked to psychomotor skills during didactic, allowed students quick access to review skills prior to performing skills within the clinical setting. In conclusion, a decrease in anxiety was noted by first semester nursing students during their clinical with access to skills learned prior to clinical

    Curriculum Committee Report - November 15, 2018

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    Graduate Council Minutes - November 29, 2018

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    Effectiveness of a mobile cooperation intervention during the clinical practicum of nursing students: a parallel group randomized controlled trial protocol

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    AimThe aim of this study was to describe a study protocol for a study evaluating the effectiveness of a mobile cooperation intervention to improve students’ competence level, self-efficacy in clinical performance and satisfaction with the clinical learning environment.BackgroundNursing student–nurse teacher cooperation during the clinical practicum has a vital role in promoting the learning of students. Despite an increasing interest in using mobile technologies to improve the clinical practicum of students, there is limited robust evidence regarding their effectiveness.DesignA multicentre, parallel group, randomized, controlled, pragmatic, superiority trial.MethodsSecond-year pre-registration nursing students who are beginning a clinical practicum will be recruited from one university of applied sciences. Eligible students will be randomly allocated to either a control group (engaging in standard cooperation) or an intervention group (engaging in mobile cooperation) for the 5-week the clinical practicum. The complex mobile cooperation intervention comprises of a mobile application-assisted, nursing student–nurse teacher cooperation and a training in the functions of the mobile application. The primary outcome is competence. The secondary outcomes include self-efficacy in clinical performance and satisfaction with the clinical learning environment. Moreover, a process evaluation will be undertaken. The ethical approval for this study was obtained in December 2014 and the study received funding in 2015.DiscussionThe results of this study will provide robust evidence on mobile cooperation during the clinical practicum, a research topic that has not been consistently studied to date.</p

    Synchronous video-based supervision and feedback in nursing education – a scoping review

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    The purpose of this review was to identify studies and experiences reporting with triadic synchronous video-based supervision (TSVBS) in nursing education. It is important for nursing students to be supervised by preceptors and academic teachers during their practicum. There are some challenges to performing in-person supervision involving those three parties, like long travel distances and the restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. TSVBS may be a solution. There is, however, limited knowledge about TSVBS innurse education. We performed a scoping review focusing on TSVBS to provide an overview of the existing publications on the approach. Only six studies were found describing the use of TSVBS, all of them relating to nurse education. No studiesevaluating the effect of TSVBS were found. Instead, the studies only compared the cost-effectiveness of TSVBS with in-person supervision. The supervisory relationship between the three could also not be separated from a more general teacher-student relationship.Synchronous video-based supervision and feedback in nursing education – a scoping reviewpublishedVersio

    An Innovative Approach to Adult Education in a Two-year BScN Program: Creating Partnerships in Learning

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    Abstract In the program described in this paper, innovation in nursing education is presented as a response to specific tensions between academic and practice environments in the nursing field. As a unique partnership between a university in northern Ontario and three health care delivery organizations in a large urban environment, the Scholar Practitioner Program (SPP) is an accelerated two-year post degree leading to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Using narrative inquiry and cognitive apprentice pedagogies, SPP partners developed an experiential program in which students act as inquirers and co-creators as opposed to receivers of knowledge. Students are also immersed in practice settings throughout the program, supported by clinically based faculty, and connected, at all points, by communication and learning technologies. The benefits, challenges, and opportunities associated with this program from inception to the time of writing are presented for the reader\u27s consideration. The purpose of this reflection on the SPP journey as it includes faculty, students, administrators, and other partners is to inspire others interested in advancing nursing education in Canada. _ Résumé Dans le programme décrit dans cet article, une innovation en formation en sciences infirmières est présentée en réponse à des tensions particulières entre les environnements universitaires et de pratique en sciences infirmières. Un partenariat unique entre une université du Nord de l\u27Ontario et trois organisations de prestation de soins de santé dans un important milieu urbain, le Scholar Practitioner Program (SPP) est un programme post-diplôme accéléré d’une durée de deux ans menant à l’obtention d\u27un baccalauréat en sciences infirmières. À l\u27aide du Narrative inquiry et de pédagogies d’apprentissages cognitifs, les partenaires du SPP ont élaboré un programme expérientiel dans le cadre duquel les étudiantes agissent en tant que chercheures et cocréatrices plutôt que réceptrices de savoirs. Les étudiantes sont aussi en immersion dans un milieu de pratique tout au long du programme, sont appuyées par une professeure rattachée au milieu clinique et sont reliées à tous moments aux technologies de communication et d\u27apprentissage. Les avantages, les défis et les possibilités de ce programme, depuis le début jusqu\u27à l\u27étape de la rédaction, sont présentés aux lecteurs afin qu\u27ils puissent les étudier. Cette réflexion sur le cheminement du SPP, qui implique la participation de professeurs, d’étudiantes, d’administrateurs et d\u27autres partenaires, a pour but d\u27inspirer d’autres personnes qui souhaitent faire progresser la formation en sciences infirmières au Canada

    Undergraduate and Graduate Course Descriptions, 2016 Fall

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    Wright State University undergraduate and graduate course descriptions from Fall 2016

    Undergraduate and Graduate Course Descriptions, 2018 Spring

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    Wright State University undergraduate and graduate course descriptions from Spring 2018
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