8 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of a 2D video-based markerless motion capture system to a conventional marker-based approach during a counter movement jump (CMJ). Twenty-three healthy participants performed CMJ while data were collected simultaneously via a marker-based (Oqus) and a 2D video-based motion capture system (Miqus, both: Qualisys AB, Gothenburg, Sweden). The 2D video data was further processed using Theia3D (Theia Markerless Inc.), both sets of data were analysed concurrently in Visual3D (C-motion, Inc). Excellent agreement between systems with ICCs \u3e0.988 exists for Jump height (mean average error of 0.35 cm) and ankle and knee sagittal plane angles (RMS differences \u3c 5°). The hip joint showed highe


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of a video-based markerless motion capture system to a conventional marker-based approach during a counter movement jump (CMJ). Twenty-three healthy participants performed CMJ while data was collected simultaneously via a marker-based (Oqus) and a 2D video-based motion capture system (Miqus, both: Qualisys). The video data was further processed to 3D-data using Theia3D (Theia Markerless Inc.). Excellent agreement between systems with ICCs \u3e0.99 exists for jump height (mean average error of -0.27 cm) and sagittal ankle and knee plane angles (RMSD \u3c 5°). The hip joint showed an average RMSD of 21° with a strong correlation of 0.80. As such the markerless system is capable of detecting jump height, sagittal ankle and knee joint angles and 3D joint positions of a CMJ to a high accurac

    Using the Microsoft Kinect to assess human bimanual coordination

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    Optical marker-based systems are the gold-standard for capturing three-dimensional (3D) human kinematics. However, these systems have various drawbacks including time consuming marker placement, soft tissue movement artifact, and are prohibitively expensive and non-portable. The Microsoft Kinect is an inexpensive, portable, depth camera that can be used to capture 3D human movement kinematics. Numerous investigations have assessed the Kinect\u27s ability to capture postural control and gait, but to date, no study has evaluated it\u27s capabilities for measuring spatiotemporal coordination. In order to investigate human coordination and coordination stability with the Kinect, a well-studied bimanual coordination paradigm (Kelso, 1984, Kelso; Scholz, & Schöner, 1986) was adapted. ^ Nineteen participants performed ten trials of coordinated hand movements in either in-phase or anti-phase patterns of coordination to the beat of a metronome which was incrementally sped up and slowed down. Continuous relative phase (CRP) and the standard deviation of CRP were used to assess coordination and coordination stability, respectively.^ Data from the Kinect were compared to a Vicon motion capture system using a mixed-model, repeated measures analysis of variance and intraclass correlation coefficients (2,1) (ICC(2,1)).^ Kinect significantly underestimated CRP for the the anti-phase coordination pattern (p \u3c.0001) and overestimated the in-phase pattern (p\u3c.0001). However, a high ICC value (r=.097) was found between the systems. For the standard deviation of CRP, the Kinect exhibited significantly higher variability than the Vicon (p \u3c .0001) but was able to distinguish significant differences between patterns of coordination with anti-phase variability being higher than in-phase (p \u3c .0001). Additionally, the Kinect was unable to accurately capture the structure of coordination stability for the anti-phase pattern. Finally, agreement was found between systems using the ICC (r=.37).^ In conclusion, the Kinect was unable to accurately capture mean CRP. However, the high ICC between the two systems is promising and the Kinect was able to distinguish between the coordination stability of in-phase and anti-phase coordination. However, the structure of variability as movement speed increased was dissimilar to the Vicon, particularly for the anti-phase pattern. Some aspects of coordination are nicely captured by the Kinect while others are not. Detecting differences between bimanual coordination patterns and the stability of those patterns can be achieved using the Kinect. However, researchers interested in the structure of coordination stability should exercise caution since poor agreement was found between systems

    The Influence Of Sex And Body Size On The Validity Of The Microsoft Kinect For Measuring Knee Motion During Landing

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    Measuring knee motion during landing is a method to evaluate knee injury risk. Three-dimensional (3D) motion capture is inaccessible, and the Microsoft Kinect is an alternative to measure knee motion. The primary objective was to evaluate the influence of sex and body size on the validity of the Kinect to measure knee motion during landing. A secondary objective was to compare knee motion between females and males with high and low body mass index (BMI). We assessed frontal plane knee kinematics of 40 (10 per group of females and males with high and low BMI) participants during landing with the Kinect and 3D motion capture. Good agreement between methods was found for the knee ankle separation ratio across groups, but there was low agreement between methods for measuring knee abduction. The high BMI group regardless of sex had more knee abduction than the low BMI group when measured with motion capture

    A New Approach to Arabic Sign Language Recognition System

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    A New Approach to Arabic Sign Language Recognition System

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