2 research outputs found

    Position determination using communication systems signals.

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem algoritmu pro určování polohy pomocí signálů vysílaných sítěmi LTE. Algoritmy jsou navrženy v software Matlab. Pro vývoj algoritmů byly využity signály generované dle platných norem.This master thesis describes the design of algorithms for determination of position with signals from LTE networks. Algorithms are designed in Matlab. For the development of algorithms were used signals generated by valid standards

    Performance Analysis of TOA-based Positioning in LTE by utilizing MIMO Feature

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    This paper presents the performance analysis of a TOA-based positioning in LTE by utilizing MIMO feature. In this work, the wireless channels between the mobile terminal (MT) and eNodeBs are modeled by using a geometric-based stochastic channel models in WINNER II to measure the propagation delay. Then, the location of the MT is estimated by using the geometric-based multiple linear line of position (MLLOP) technique. We focus the analysis on the typical urban microcell scenario (B1 Hotspot) with three fixed-located eNodeBs and a randomly located mobile terminal. The simulation works are executed in both LOS and NLOS conditions. We compare the performance of MIMO feature utilization to SISO antenna configuration system based on root mean square error. The results show that utilizing MIMO feature enhances the estimation accuracy. The number of antenna elements at the receiver and transmitter greatly influence the estimation accuracy of MT’s position. The best performance is achieved by utilizing MIMO 4x4 configuration that gives the estimation error of less than 18m and 25m for 67% and 90% of the time respectively