2 research outputs found

    Analysis of Enzyme Attachment Methods to Electrode for Glycemic Measurement

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá metodami imobilizace enzymu, potřebného pro měření hladiny glykemie. Jednotlivé metody jsou analyzovány a podrobně popsány, podobně jako funkčnost enzymu v těle. Daná metoda imobilizace byla hledána v rešeršní práci, která byla zaměřena na imobilizaci enzymu nezbytného pro měření glykemie, glukosaoxidasy. V práci jsou taktéž uvedeny chemické reakce ovlivněné enzymem působícím na substrát za vzniku produktu. Z uvedených technik je vybrána metoda zesítěním. Cílem práce bylo ověření imobilizace enzymu pomocí vyrobeného elektrodového systému, zasazeného do správného měřícího obvodu. Experimentálním měřením a následnou analýzou dat byla ověřena úspěšnost imobilizace.The bachelor thesis deals with methods of enzyme immobilization, which are necessary for the measurement of blood glucose levels. Individual methods are analyzed and described in detail, similar to the functionality of the enzyme in the body. The method of immobilization was searched for in the research work, which was focused on the immobilization of the enzyme necessary for the measurement of glycemia, glucose oxidase. The chemical reactions influenced by the enzyme acting on the substrate to produce the product are also mentioned. The cross-linking method is selected from the above techniques. The aim of the work was to verify the immobilization of the enzyme by means of the produced electrode system, inserted into the correct measuring circuit.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Review of present method of glucose from human blood and body fluids assessment

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    The work has been aimed to create an overview of available and used methods and ways to determine the concentration of glucose in body fluids, especially from a technical point of view. It also provides an overview of the clinical features of these methods. The survey found that today's market offers a large number of options and approaches to the issue. There are accurate reference laboratory methods, self-monitoring methods for measuring glucose levels using glucometers, or continuous methods for daily monitoring of blood glucose trends and for insulin pump control. However, it must not be forgotten that the development of full closure of feedback is still not complete today. Individual methods cannot always be compared with each other, precisely because of the focus and the use of these methods. Choosing the right method of blood glucose levels in the body measuring can help patients to manage their diabetes mellitus. The methods listed in the overview are divided in terms of measurement continuity and further according to the invasiveness of the method. Finally, the issues of accuracy in the detection of glycaemia variability and the possibility of further development of these methods are discussed, as it is clear from the survey that the development is focused mainly on continuous methods improving that get to the forefront and also on developing a biosensor that is purely non-invasive and continuous.Web of Science211art. no. 11434