6,655 research outputs found

    Spherical tangible user interfaces in mixed reality

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    The popularity of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) has grown rapidly in recent years, both in academia and commercial applications. This is rooted in technological advances and affordable head-mounted displays (HMDs). Whether in games or professional applications, HMDs allow for immersive audio-visual experiences that transport users to compelling digital worlds or convincingly augment the real world. However, as true to life as these experiences have become in a visual and auditory sense, the question remains how we can model interaction with these virtual environments in an equally natural way. Solutions providing intuitive tangible interaction would bear the potential to fundamentally make the mixed reality (MR) spectrum more accessible, especially for novice users. Research on tangible user interfaces (TUIs) has pursued this goal by coupling virtual to real-world objects. Tangible interaction has been shown to provide significant advantages for numerous use cases. Spherical tangible user interfaces (STUIs) present a special case of these devices, mainly due to their ability to fully embody any spherical virtual content. In general, spherical devices increasingly transition from mere technology demonstrators to usable multi-modal interfaces. For this dissertation, we explore the application of STUIs in MR environments primarily by comparing them to state-of-the-art input techniques in four different contexts. Thus, investigating the questions of embodiment, overall user performance, and the ability of STUIs relying on their shape alone to support complex interaction techniques. First, we examine how spherical devices can embody immersive visualizations. In an initial study, we test the practicality of a tracked sphere embodying three kinds of visualizations. We examine simulated multi-touch interaction on a spherical surface and compare two different sphere sizes to VR controllers. Results confirmed our prototype's viability and indicate improved pattern recognition and advantages for the smaller sphere. Second, to further substantiate VR as a prototyping technology, we demonstrate how a large tangible spherical display can be simulated in VR. We show how VR can fundamentally extend the capabilities of real spherical displays by adding physical rotation to a simulated multi-touch surface. After a first study evaluating the general viability of simulating such a display in VR, our second study revealed the superiority of a rotating spherical display. Third, we present a concept for a spherical input device for tangible AR (TAR). We show how such a device can provide basic object manipulation capabilities utilizing two different modes and compare it to controller techniques with increasing hardware complexity. Our results show that our button-less sphere-based technique is only outperformed by a mode-less controller variant that uses physical buttons and a touchpad. Fourth, to study the intrinsic problem of VR locomotion, we explore two opposing approaches: a continuous and a discrete technique. For the first, we demonstrate a spherical locomotion device supporting two different locomotion paradigms that propel a user's first-person avatar accordingly. We found that a position control paradigm applied to a sphere performed mostly superior in comparison to button-supported controller interaction. For discrete locomotion, we evaluate the concept of a spherical world in miniature (SWIM) used for avatar teleportation in a large virtual environment. Results showed that users subjectively preferred the sphere-based technique over regular controllers and on average, achieved lower task times and higher accuracy. To conclude the thesis, we discuss our findings, insights, and subsequent contribution to our central research questions to derive recommendations for designing techniques based on spherical input devices and an outlook on the future development of spherical devices in the mixed reality spectrum.Die PopularitĂ€t von Virtual Reality (VR) und Augmented Reality (AR) hat in den letzten Jahren rasant zugenommen, sowohl im akademischen Bereich als auch bei kommerziellen Anwendungen. Dies ist in erster Linie auf technologische Fortschritte und erschwingliche Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs) zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. Ob in Spielen oder professionellen Anwendungen, HMDs ermöglichen immersive audiovisuelle Erfahrungen, die uns in fesselnde digitale Welten versetzen oder die reale Welt ĂŒberzeugend erweitern. Doch so lebensecht diese Erfahrungen in visueller und auditiver Hinsicht geworden sind, so bleibt doch die Frage, wie die Interaktion mit diesen virtuellen Umgebungen auf ebenso natĂŒrliche Weise gestaltet werden kann. Lösungen, die eine intuitive, greifbare Interaktion ermöglichen, hĂ€tten das Potenzial, das Spektrum der Mixed Reality (MR) fundamental zugĂ€nglicher zu machen, insbesondere fĂŒr Unerfahrene. Die Forschung an Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) hat dieses Ziel durch das Koppeln virtueller und realer Objekte verfolgt und so hat sich gezeigt, dass greifbare Interaktion fĂŒr zahlreiche AnwendungsfĂ€lle signifikante Vorteile bietet. Spherical Tangible User Interfaces (STUIs) stellen einen Spezialfall von greifbaren Interfaces dar, insbesondere aufgrund ihrer FĂ€higkeit, beliebige sphĂ€rische virtuelle Inhalte vollstĂ€ndig verkörpern zu können. Generell entwickeln sich sphĂ€rische GerĂ€te zunehmend von reinen Technologiedemonstratoren zu nutzbaren multimodalen Instrumenten, die auf eine breite Palette von Interaktionstechniken zurĂŒckgreifen können. Diese Dissertation untersucht primĂ€r die Anwendung von STUIs in MR-Umgebungen durch einen Vergleich mit State-of-the-Art-Eingabetechniken in vier verschiedenen Kontexten. Dies ermöglicht die Erforschung der Bedeutung der Verkörperung virtueller Objekte, der Benutzerleistung im Allgemeinen und der FĂ€higkeit von STUIs, die sich lediglich auf ihre Form verlassen, komplexe Interaktionstechniken zu unterstĂŒtzen. ZunĂ€chst erforschen wir, wie sphĂ€rische GerĂ€te immersive Visualisierungen verkörpern können. Eine erste Studie ergrĂŒndet die Praxistauglichkeit einer einfach konstruierten, getrackten Kugel, die drei Arten von Visualisierungen verkörpert. Wir testen simulierte Multi-Touch-Interaktion auf einer sphĂ€rischen OberflĂ€che und vergleichen zwei KugelgrĂ¶ĂŸen mit VR-Controllern. Die Ergebnisse bestĂ€tigten die Praxistauglichkeit des Prototyps und deuten auf verbesserte Mustererkennung sowie Vorteile fĂŒr die kleinere Kugel hin. Zweitens, um die ValiditĂ€t von VR als Prototyping-Technologie zu bekrĂ€ftigen, demonstrieren wir, wie ein großes, anfassbares sphĂ€risches Display in VR simuliert werden kann. Es zeigt sich, wie VR die Möglichkeiten realer sphĂ€rischer Displays substantiell erweitern kann, indem eine simulierte Multi-Touch-OberflĂ€che um die FĂ€higkeit der physischen Rotation ergĂ€nzt wird. Nach einer ersten Studie, die die generelle Machbarkeit der Simulation eines solchen Displays in VR evaluiert, zeigte eine zweite Studie die Überlegenheit des drehbaren sphĂ€rischen Displays. Drittens prĂ€sentiert diese Arbeit ein Konzept fĂŒr ein sphĂ€risches EingabegerĂ€t fĂŒr Tangible AR (TAR). Wir zeigen, wie ein solches Werkzeug grundlegende FĂ€higkeiten zur Objektmanipulation unter Verwendung von zwei verschiedenen Modi bereitstellen kann und vergleichen es mit Eingabetechniken deren HardwarekomplexitĂ€t zunehmend steigt. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die kugelbasierte Technik, die ohne Knöpfe auskommt, nur von einer Controller-Variante ĂŒbertroffen wird, die physische Knöpfe und ein Touchpad verwendet und somit nicht auf unterschiedliche Modi angewiesen ist. Viertens, um das intrinsische Problem der Fortbewegung in VR zu erforschen, untersuchen wir zwei gegensĂ€tzliche AnsĂ€tze: eine kontinuierliche und eine diskrete Technik. FĂŒr die erste prĂ€sentieren wir ein sphĂ€risches EingabegerĂ€t zur Fortbewegung, das zwei verschiedene Paradigmen unterstĂŒtzt, die einen First-Person-Avatar entsprechend bewegen. Es zeigte sich, dass das Paradigma der direkten Positionssteuerung, angewandt auf einen Kugel-Controller, im Vergleich zu regulĂ€rer Controller-Interaktion, die zusĂ€tzlich auf physische Knöpfe zurĂŒckgreifen kann, meist besser abschneidet. Im Bereich der diskreten Fortbewegung evaluieren wir das Konzept einer kugelförmingen Miniaturwelt (Spherical World in Miniature, SWIM), die fĂŒr die Avatar-Teleportation in einer großen virtuellen Umgebung verwendet werden kann. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine subjektive Bevorzugung der kugelbasierten Technik im Vergleich zu regulĂ€ren Controllern und im Durchschnitt eine schnellere Lösung der Aufgaben sowie eine höhere Genauigkeit. Zum Abschluss der Arbeit diskutieren wir unsere Ergebnisse, Erkenntnisse und die daraus resultierenden BeitrĂ€ge zu unseren zentralen Forschungsfragen, um daraus Empfehlungen fĂŒr die Gestaltung von Techniken auf Basis kugelförmiger EingabegerĂ€te und einen Ausblick auf die mögliche zukĂŒnftige Entwicklung sphĂ€rischer EingabegrĂ€te im Mixed-Reality-Bereich abzuleiten

    Natural user interfaces for interdisciplinary design review using the Microsoft Kinect

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    As markets demand engineered products faster, waiting on the cyclical design processes of the past is not an option. Instead, industry is turning to concurrent design and interdisciplinary teams. When these teams collaborate, engineering CAD tools play a vital role in conceptualizing and validating designs. These tools require significant user investment to master, due to challenging interfaces and an overabundance of features. These challenges often prohibit team members from using these tools for exploring designs. This work presents a method allowing users to interact with a design using intuitive gestures and head tracking, all while keeping the model in a CAD format. Specifically, Siemens\u27 TeamcenterÂź Lifecycle Visualization Mockup (Mockup) was used to display design geometry while modifications were made through a set of gestures captured by a Microsoft KinectTM in real time. This proof of concept program allowed a user to rotate the scene, activate Mockup\u27s immersive menu, move the immersive wand, and manipulate the view based on head position. This work also evaluates gesture usability and task completion time for this proof of concept system. A cognitive model evaluation method was used to evaluate the premise that gesture-based user interfaces are easier to use and learn with regards to time than a traditional mouse and keyboard interface. Using a cognitive model analysis tool allowed the rapid testing of interaction concepts without the significant overhead of user studies and full development cycles. The analysis demonstrated that using the KinectTM is a feasible interaction mode for CAD/CAE programs. In addition, the analysis pointed out limitations in the gesture interfaces ability to compete time wise with easily accessible customizable menu options

    Augmented reality meeting table: a novel multi-user interface for architectural design

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    Immersive virtual environments have received widespread attention as providing possible replacements for the media and systems that designers traditionally use, as well as, more generally, in providing support for collaborative work. Relatively little attention has been given to date however to the problem of how to merge immersive virtual environments into real world work settings, and so to add to the media at the disposal of the designer and the design team, rather than to replace it. In this paper we report on a research project in which optical see-through augmented reality displays have been developed together with prototype decision support software for architectural and urban design. We suggest that a critical characteristic of multi user augmented reality is its ability to generate visualisations from a first person perspective in which the scale of rendition of the design model follows many of the conventions that designers are used to. Different scales of model appear to allow designers to focus on different aspects of the design under consideration. Augmenting the scene with simulations of pedestrian movement appears to assist both in scale recognition, and in moving from a first person to a third person understanding of the design. This research project is funded by the European Commission IST program (IST-2000-28559)

    Measuring user experience for virtual reality

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    In recent years, Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) have seen a drastic increase in popularity, especially in terms of consumer-ready hardware and software. These technologies have the potential to create new experiences that combine the advantages of reality and virtuality. While the technology for input as well as output devices is market ready, only a few solutions for everyday VR - online shopping, games, or movies - exist, and empirical knowledge about performance and user preferences is lacking. All this makes the development and design of human-centered user interfaces for VR a great challenge. This thesis investigates the evaluation and design of interactive VR experiences. We introduce the Virtual Reality User Experience (VRUX) model based on VR-specific external factors and evaluation metrics such as task performance and user preference. Based on our novel UX evaluation approach, we contribute by exploring the following directions: shopping in virtual environments, as well as text entry and menu control in the context of everyday VR. Along with this, we summarize our findings by design spaces and guidelines for choosing optimal interfaces and controls in VR.In den letzten Jahren haben Virtual Reality (VR) und 3D User Interfaces (3DUI) stark an PopularitĂ€t gewonnen, insbesondere bei Hard- und Software im Konsumerbereich. Diese Technologien haben das Potenzial, neue Erfahrungen zu schaffen, die die Vorteile von RealitĂ€t und VirtualitĂ€t kombinieren. WĂ€hrend die Technologie sowohl fĂŒr Eingabe- als auch fĂŒr AusgabegerĂ€te marktreif ist, existieren nur wenige Lösungen fĂŒr den Alltag in VR - wie Online-Shopping, Spiele oder Filme - und es fehlt an empirischem Wissen ĂŒber Leistung und BenutzerprĂ€ferenzen. Dies macht die Entwicklung und Gestaltung von benutzerzentrierten BenutzeroberflĂ€chen fĂŒr VR zu einer großen Herausforderung. Diese Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Evaluation und Gestaltung von interaktiven VR-Erfahrungen. Es wird das Virtual Reality User Experience (VRUX)- Modell eingefĂŒhrt, das auf VR-spezifischen externen Faktoren und Bewertungskennzahlen wie Leistung und BenutzerprĂ€ferenz basiert. Basierend auf unserem neuartigen UX-Evaluierungsansatz leisten wir einen Beitrag, indem wir folgende interaktive Anwendungsbereiche untersuchen: Einkaufen in virtuellen Umgebungen sowie Texteingabe und MenĂŒsteuerung im Kontext des tĂ€glichen VR. Die Ergebnisse werden außerdem mittels Richtlinien zur Auswahl optimaler Schnittstellen in VR zusammengefasst

    Computational interaction techniques for 3D selection, manipulation and navigation in immersive VR

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    3D interaction provides a natural interplay for HCI. Many techniques involving diverse sets of hardware and software components have been proposed, which has generated an explosion of Interaction Techniques (ITes), Interactive Tasks (ITas) and input devices, increasing thus the heterogeneity of tools in 3D User Interfaces (3DUIs). Moreover, most of those techniques are based on general formulations that fail in fully exploiting human capabilities for interaction. This is because while 3D interaction enables naturalness, it also produces complexity and limitations when using 3DUIs. In this thesis, we aim to generate approaches that better exploit the high potential human capabilities for interaction by combining human factors, mathematical formalizations and computational methods. Our approach is focussed on the exploration of the close coupling between specific ITes and ITas while addressing common issues of 3D interactions. We specifically focused on the stages of interaction within Basic Interaction Tasks (BITas) i.e., data input, manipulation, navigation and selection. Common limitations of these tasks are: (1) the complexity of mapping generation for input devices, (2) fatigue in mid-air object manipulation, (3) space constraints in VR navigation; and (4) low accuracy in 3D mid-air selection. Along with two chapters of introduction and background, this thesis presents five main works. Chapter 3 focusses on the design of mid-air gesture mappings based on human tacit knowledge. Chapter 4 presents a solution to address user fatigue in mid-air object manipulation. Chapter 5 is focused on addressing space limitations in VR navigation. Chapter 6 describes an analysis and a correction method to address Drift effects involved in scale-adaptive VR navigation; and Chapter 7 presents a hybrid technique 3D/2D that allows for precise selection of virtual objects in highly dense environments (e.g., point clouds). Finally, we conclude discussing how the contributions obtained from this exploration, provide techniques and guidelines to design more natural 3DUIs
