1,161 research outputs found

    Semisupervised Speech Data Extraction from Basque Parliament Sessions and Validation on Fully Bilingual Basque–Spanish ASR

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    In this paper, a semisupervised speech data extraction method is presented and applied to create a new dataset designed for the development of fully bilingual Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems for Basque and Spanish. The dataset is drawn from an extensive collection of Basque Parliament plenary sessions containing frequent code switchings. Since session minutes are not exact, only the most reliable speech segments are kept for training. To that end, we use phonetic similarity scores between nominal and recognized phone sequences. The process starts with baseline acoustic models trained on generic out-of-domain data, then iteratively updates the models with the extracted data and applies the updated models to refine the training dataset until the observed improvement between two iterations becomes small enough. A development dataset, involving five plenary sessions not used for training, has been manually audited for tuning and evaluation purposes. Cross-validation experiments (with 20 random partitions) have been carried out on the development dataset, using the baseline and the iteratively updated models. On average, Word Error Rate (WER) reduces from 16.57% (baseline) to 4.41% (first iteration) and further to 4.02% (second iteration), which corresponds to relative WER reductions of 73.4% and 8.8%, respectively. When considering only Basque segments, WER reduces on average from 16.57% (baseline) to 5.51% (first iteration) and further to 5.13% (second iteration), which corresponds to relative WER reductions of 66.7% and 6.9%, respectively. As a result of this work, a new bilingual Basque–Spanish resource has been produced based on Basque Parliament sessions, including 998 h of training data (audio segments + transcriptions), a development set (17 h long) designed for tuning and evaluation under a cross-validation scheme and a fully bilingual trigram language model.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (OPEN-SPEECH project, PID2019-106424RB-I00) and by the Basque Government under the general support program to research groups (IT-1704-22)

    Frame-level features conveying phonetic information for language and speaker recognition

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    150 p.This Thesis, developed in the Software Technologies Working Group of the Departmentof Electricity and Electronics of the University of the Basque Country, focuseson the research eld of spoken language and speaker recognition technologies.More specically, the research carried out studies the design of a set of featuresconveying spectral acoustic and phonotactic information, searches for the optimalfeature extraction parameters, and analyses the integration and usage of the featuresin language recognition systems, and the complementarity of these approacheswith regard to state-of-the-art systems. The study reveals that systems trained onthe proposed set of features, denoted as Phone Log-Likelihood Ratios (PLLRs), arehighly competitive, outperforming in several benchmarks other state-of-the-art systems.Moreover, PLLR-based systems also provide complementary information withregard to other phonotactic and acoustic approaches, which makes them suitable infusions to improve the overall performance of spoken language recognition systems.The usage of this features is also studied in speaker recognition tasks. In this context,the results attained by the approaches based on PLLR features are not as remarkableas the ones of systems based on standard acoustic features, but they still providecomplementary information that can be used to enhance the overall performance ofthe speaker recognition systems

    Multilingual audio information management system based on semantic knowledge in complex environments

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    This paper proposes a multilingual audio information management system based on semantic knowledge in complex environments. The complex environment is defined by the limited resources (financial, material, human, and audio resources); the poor quality of the audio signal taken from an internet radio channel; the multilingual context (Spanish, French, and Basque that is in under-resourced situation in some areas); and the regular appearance of cross-lingual elements between the three languages. In addition to this, the system is also constrained by the requirements of the local multilingual industrial sector. We present the first evolutionary system based on a scalable architecture that is able to fulfill these specifications with automatic adaptation based on automatic semantic speech recognition, folksonomies, automatic configuration selection, machine learning, neural computing methodologies, and collaborative networks. As a result, it can be said that the initial goals have been accomplished and the usability of the final application has been tested successfully, even with non-experienced users.This work is being funded by Grants: TEC201677791-C4 from Plan Nacional de I + D + i, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness of Spain and from the DomusVi Foundation Kms para recorder, the Basque Government (ELKARTEK KK-2018/00114, GEJ IT1189-19, the Government of Gipuzkoa (DG18/14 DG17/16), UPV/EHU (GIU19/090), COST ACTION (CA18106, CA15225)

    An Overview of the IberSpeech-RTVE 2022 Challenges on Speech Technologies

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    Evaluation campaigns provide a common framework with which the progress of speech technologies can be effectively measured. The aim of this paper is to present a detailed overview of the IberSpeech-RTVE 2022 Challenges, which were organized as part of the IberSpeech 2022 conference under the ongoing series of Albayzin evaluation campaigns. In the 2022 edition, four challenges were launched: (1) speech-to-text transcription; (2) speaker diarization and identity assignment; (3) text and speech alignment; and (4) search on speech. Different databases that cover different domains (e.g., broadcast news, conference talks, parliament sessions) were released for those challenges. The submitted systems also cover a wide range of speech processing methods, which include hidden Markov model-based approaches, end-to-end neural network-based methods, hybrid approaches, etc. This paper describes the databases, the tasks and the performance metrics used in the four challenges. It also provides the most relevant features of the submitted systems and briefly presents and discusses the obtained results. Despite employing state-of-the-art technology, the relatively poor performance attained in some of the challenges reveals that there is still room for improvement. This encourages us to carry on with the Albayzin evaluation campaigns in the coming years.This work was partially supported by Radio Televisión Española through the RTVE Chair at the University of Zaragoza, and Red Temática en Tecnologías del Habla (RED2022-134270-T), funded by AEI (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación); It was also partially funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant 101007666; in part by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/ PRTR under Grants PDC2021-120846C41 PID2021-126061OB-C44, and in part by the Government of Aragon (Grant Group T3623R); it was also partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (OPEN-SPEECH project, PID2019-106424RB-I00) and by the Basque Government under the general support program to research groups (IT-1704-22), and by projects RTI2018-098091-B-I00 and PID2021-125943OB-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and ERDF) as well

    GTH-UPM system for search on speech evaluation

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    This paper describes the GTH-UPM system for the Albayzin 2014 Search on Speech Evaluation. Teh evaluation task consists of searching a list of terms/queries in audio files. The GTH-UPM system we are presenting is based on a LVCSR (Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition) system. We have used MAVIR corpus and the Spanish partition of the EPPS (European Parliament Plenary Sessions) database for training both acoustic and language models. The main effort has been focused on lexicon preparation and text selection for the language model construction. The system makes use of different lexicon and language models depending on the task that is performed. For the best configuration of the system on the development set, we have obtained a FOM of 75.27 for the deyword spotting task

    BUCEADOR hybrid TTS for blizzard challenge 2011

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    This paper describes the Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems presented by the Buceador Consortium in the Blizzard Challenge 2011 evaluation campaign. The main system is a concatenative hybrid one that tries to combine the strong points of both statistical and unit selection synthesis (i.e. robustness and segmental naturalness respectively). The hybrid system has reached results significantly above average as far as similarity and naturalness are concerned, with no significant differences with most of the systems in the intelligibility task. This clearly improves the performance achieved in previous participations, and shows the validity of the hybrid approach proposed. Besides, an HMM-based system was built for the ES1 intelligibility tasks, using an HNM-based vocoder.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    BUCEADOR, a multi-language search engine for digital libraries

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    This paper presents a web-based multimedia search engine built within the Buceador (www.buceador.org) research project. A proof-of-concept tool has been implemented which is able to retrieve information from a digital library made of multimedia documents in the 4 official languages in Spain (Spanish, Basque, Catalan and Galician). The retrieved documents are presented in the user language after translation and dubbing (the four previous languages + English). The paper presents the tool functionality, the architecture, the digital library and provide some information about the technology involved in the fields of automatic speech recognition, statistical machine translation, text-to-speech synthesis and information retrieval. Each technology has been adapted to the purposes of the presented tool as well as to interact with the rest of the technologies involved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version