3 research outputs found

    Uncertainties in the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Remote Sensing Reflectance for Assessing Diurnal Variability of Biogeochemical Processes

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    Short-term (sub-diurnal) biological and biogeochemical processes cannot be fully captured by the current suite of polar-orbiting satellite ocean color sensors, as their temporal resolution is limited to potentially one clear image per day. Geostationary sensors, such as the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) from the Republic of Korea, allow the study of these short-term processes because their orbit permit the collection of multiple images throughout each day for any area within the sensors field of regard. Assessing the capability to detect sub-diurnal changes in in-water properties caused by physical and biogeochemical processes characteristic of open ocean and coastal ocean ecosystems, however, requires an understanding of the uncertainties introduced by the instrument and/or geophysical retrieval algorithms. This work presents a study of the uncertainties during the daytime period for an ocean region with characteristically low-productivity with the assumption that only small and undetectable changes occur in the in-water properties due to biogeochemical processes during the daytime period. The complete GOCI mission data were processed using NASAs SeaDAS/l2gen package. The assumption of homogeneity of the study region was tested using three-day sequences and diurnal statistics. This assumption was found to hold based on the minimal diurnal and day-to-day variability in GOCI data products. Relative differences with respect to the midday value were calculated for each hourly observation of the day in order to investigate what time of the day the variability is greater. Also, the influence of the solar zenith angle in the retrieval of remote sensing reflectances and derived products was examined. Finally, we determined that the uncertainties in water-leaving remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) for the 412,443, 490, 555, 660 and 680 nm bands on GOCI are 8.05 x 10(exp -4), 5.49 x 10(exp -4), 4.48 x 10(exp -4), 2.51 x 10(exp -4), 8.83 x 10(exp -5), and 1.36 x 10(exp -4)/sr, respectively, and 1.09 x 10(exp -2)/cu.mgm for the chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a), 2.09 x 10(exp -3)/m for the absorption coefficient of chromophoric dissolved organic matter at 412 nm (a(sub g) (412)), and 3.7 mg/cu.m for particulate organic carbon (POC). These R(sub rs) values can be considered the threshold values for detectable changes of the in-water properties due to biological, physical or biogeochemical processes from GOCI

    Evaluation of Stray Light Correction for GOCI Remote Sensing Reflectance Using in Situ Measurements

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    The Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) is the world’s first ocean color sensor in geostationary orbit. Although the GOCI has shown excellent radiometric performance with little long-term radiometric degradation and a high signal-to-noise ratio, there are radiometric artefacts in GOCI Level 1 products caused by stray light detected within the GOCI optics. To correct the radiometric bias, we developed an image-based correction algorithm called the correction of the interslot discrepancy using the minimum noise fraction transform (CIDUM) in a previous study and evaluated its performance with respect to the physical radiometric quantity stored in Level 1 products, i.e., top-of-atmosphere radiance. This study evaluated the performance of the CIDUM algorithm in terms of remote sensing reflectance, which is one of the most important products in ocean color remote sensing. The resultant CIDUM-corrected remote sensing reflectance products were validated using both relative (within the image) and absolute references (in situ measurements). Image validation showed that CIDUM corrected the bias in remote sensing reflectance (up to 20%) and reduced the bias to ≤5% in the tested image. In situ validation showed that relative uncertainty was reduced by around 10% within the visible bands and the correlation between the in situ and GOCI radiometric data was enhanced