13,885 research outputs found

    Quantifying the Evolutionary Self Structuring of Embodied Cognitive Networks

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    We outline a possible theoretical framework for the quantitative modeling of networked embodied cognitive systems. We notice that: 1) information self structuring through sensory-motor coordination does not deterministically occur in Rn vector space, a generic multivariable space, but in SE(3), the group structure of the possible motions of a body in space; 2) it happens in a stochastic open ended environment. These observations may simplify, at the price of a certain abstraction, the modeling and the design of self organization processes based on the maximization of some informational measures, such as mutual information. Furthermore, by providing closed form or computationally lighter algorithms, it may significantly reduce the computational burden of their implementation. We propose a modeling framework which aims to give new tools for the design of networks of new artificial self organizing, embodied and intelligent agents and the reverse engineering of natural ones. At this point, it represents much a theoretical conjecture and it has still to be experimentally verified whether this model will be useful in practice.

    Neuroevolution on the Edge of Chaos

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    Echo state networks represent a special type of recurrent neural networks. Recent papers stated that the echo state networks maximize their computational performance on the transition between order and chaos, the so-called edge of chaos. This work confirms this statement in a comprehensive set of experiments. Furthermore, the echo state networks are compared to networks evolved via neuroevolution. The evolved networks outperform the echo state networks, however, the evolution consumes significant computational resources. It is demonstrated that echo state networks with local connections combine the best of both worlds, the simplicity of random echo state networks and the performance of evolved networks. Finally, it is shown that evolution tends to stay close to the ordered side of the edge of chaos.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2017 (GECCO '17

    Evolution and Analysis of Embodied Spiking Neural Networks Reveals Task-Specific Clusters of Effective Networks

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    Elucidating principles that underlie computation in neural networks is currently a major research topic of interest in neuroscience. Transfer Entropy (TE) is increasingly used as a tool to bridge the gap between network structure, function, and behavior in fMRI studies. Computational models allow us to bridge the gap even further by directly associating individual neuron activity with behavior. However, most computational models that have analyzed embodied behaviors have employed non-spiking neurons. On the other hand, computational models that employ spiking neural networks tend to be restricted to disembodied tasks. We show for the first time the artificial evolution and TE-analysis of embodied spiking neural networks to perform a cognitively-interesting behavior. Specifically, we evolved an agent controlled by an Izhikevich neural network to perform a visual categorization task. The smallest networks capable of performing the task were found by repeating evolutionary runs with different network sizes. Informational analysis of the best solution revealed task-specific TE-network clusters, suggesting that within-task homogeneity and across-task heterogeneity were key to behavioral success. Moreover, analysis of the ensemble of solutions revealed that task-specificity of TE-network clusters correlated with fitness. This provides an empirically testable hypothesis that links network structure to behavior.Comment: Camera ready version of accepted for GECCO'1
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