6 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Security of Mobile Agent Platforms

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    Mobile agents are software entities that can migrate autonomously throughout a network from host to host. This means they are not bounded to the platform they begin execution. This feature of agents makes them a very attractive technology, and in fact it has been argued many times in the literature that mobile agents help to reduce network traffic and perform tasks more efficient. However, security issues have not yet been fully investigated and in fact, mobile agent platforms sometimes they neglect the security issues involved with agent mobility. This paper presents a security related evaluation of 8 main mobile agent platforms

    Mobile Application Security Platforms Survey

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    Nowadays Smartphone and other mobile devices have become incredibly important in every aspect of our life. Because they have practically offered same capabilities as desktop workstations as well as come to be powerful in terms of CPU (Central processing Unit), Storage and installing numerous applications. Therefore, Security is considered as an important factor in wireless communication technologies, particularly in a wireless ad-hoc network and mobile operating systems. Moreover, based on increasing the range of mobile application within variety of platforms, security is regarded as on the most valuable and considerable debate in terms of issues, trustees, reliabilities and accuracy. This paper aims to introduce a consolidated report of thriving security on mobile application platforms and providing knowledge of vital threats to the users and enterprises. Furthermore, in this paper, various techniques as well as methods for security measurements, analysis and prioritization within the peak of mobile platforms will be presented. Additionally, increases understanding and awareness of security on mobile application platforms to avoid detection, forensics and countermeasures used by the operating systems. Finally, this study also discusses security extensions for popular mobile platforms and analysis for a survey within a recent research in the area of mobile platform security

    A survey of security issue in multi-agent systems

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    Multi-agent systems have attracted the attention of researchers because of agents' automatic, pro-active, and dynamic problem solving behaviors. Consequently, there has been a rapid development in agent technology which has enabled us to provide or receive useful and convenient services in a variety of areas such as banking, transportation, e-business, and healthcare. In many of these services, it is, however, necessary that security is guaranteed. Unless we guarantee the security services based on agent-based systems, these services will face significant deployment problems. In this paper, we survey existing work related to security in multi-agent systems, especially focused on access control and trust/reputation, and then present our analyses. We also present existing problems and discuss future research challenges. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V 2011

    virtualization for effective risk free network security assessment

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    Computer networks security is a hard issue, which continuously evolves due to the change of technologies, architectures and algorithms and the growing complexity of architectures and systems. This question is enforced in distributed contexts where the lack of a central authority imposes to set up a proper strategy for both passive and active security. Moreover, it is also essential to test the strategy under as many attack scenarios as possible, to discover and tackle unforeseen situations; this cannot be easily performed on the real system without avoiding either security risks (when it is running) or high costs (if the system must be disconnected from the network during tests). A viable solution is represented by the use of virtualization technologies. Leveraging virtualization permits us to set up an effective and efficient real network duplicate, which can be used for the assessment of security in a non-trivial, risk-free and costs saving fashion

    A Methodology for Modelling Mobile Agent-Based Systems (Mobile agent Mobility Methodology - MaMM)

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    Mobile agents are a particular type of agents that have all the characteristics of an agent and also demonstrate the ability to move or migrate from one node to another in a network environment. Mobile agents have received considerable attention from industry and the research community in recent times due to the fact that their special characteristic of migration help address issues such as network overload, network latency and protocol encapsulation. Due to the current focus in exploiting agent technology mainly in a research environment, there has been an influx of software engineering methodologies for developing multi-agent systems. However, little attention has been given to modelling mobile agents. For mobile agent-based systems to become more widely accepted there is a critical need for a methodology to be developed to address various issues related to modelling mobility of agent . This research study provides an overview of the current approaches, methodologies and modelling languages that can be used for developing multi-agent systems. The overview indicates extensive research on methodologies for modelling multi-agent systems and little on mobility in mobile agent-based systems. An original contribution in this research known as Mobile agent-based Mobility Methodology (MaMM) is the methodology for modelling mobility in mobile agent-based systems using underlying principles of Genetic Algorithms (GA) with emphasis on fitness functions and genetic representation. Delphi study and case studies were employed in carrying out this research