236,100 research outputs found

    Encouraging Ethical Behavior in the Workplace by Way of the Classroom: Examining the Use of Social Media in Marketing Ethics Instruction to Influence Millennialsā€˜ Perception of Workplace Ethics

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    An emphasis on marketing ethics instruction in higher education may be needed now more than ever. The Ethics Resource Center (ERC) reports that employees of the millennial generation are less cognizant of unethical practices in the workplace than previous generations, and suggests that the millennials\u27 exposure and frequency to social media contributes to their disregard of unethical workplace behavior (ā€•2011 National Business Ethics Survey,ā€– 2012). Social media communication is popular among the millennial generation and is a requirement for modern-day businesses; yet, the nature of social media seems to be affecting this new generation of employees negatively. Could social media be used positively in marketing ethics instruction to enhance inductive learning of the millennial generation and encourage ethical workplace behavior? This quasi-experimental study sought to answer that question through a control and treatment group research design. Both groups received the same marketing ethics instruction, but the treatment group engaged in instruction through social media while the control groupā€˜s instruction was delivered in class. A comparison of pre- and post-surveys of both groups sought to evaluate if social media could be used to make a positive impact on millennialsā€˜ ethical workplace behavior. Noteworthy findings of the study included: (1) The preference of a closed Facebook page for academic use rather than other social media formats; (2) The tendency of frequent YouTube users to respond unethically to workplace behavior and marketing ethics scenarios; and (3) The support for marketing ethics instruction as a standalone course

    Islamic Principles in Marketing: An Overview of Islamic Marketing mix in Social-Media Campaign

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    The increasing number of internet users among Muslims worldwide has open opportunities for business players to develop Islamic marketing and get attention from them. Social media becomes a popular platform for the Muslim community to interact, communicate, and share regarding humanity, education, donation, and the Islamic lifestyle. This paper arranges to analyzes the Islamic marketing mix that must be existed in social media campaigns. The Islamic principles in marketing are the main key to determine whether businesses not only provide sharia-compliant products and services but also succeed to comminates it based on Islamic ethics and value. The library research was conducted in research methodology to review marketing theory and concept from an Islamic perspective. Findings. The analytical result shows that the integrated Islamic principles such as halalan tayyiban, anti-monopoly, gharar, speculation, excessive action, manipulative sales tactic, etc., should be eliminated in the marketing mix in social media campaigns. All that aims to ensure marketing activities run properly according to Shariah principles

    GWU Program to Spotlight Ethics in Social Media

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    Social media ethics will be in the spotlight during Gardner-Webb Universityā€™s Dimensions program Nov. 17 in the Tucker Student Center. The program begins at 9:25 a.m. and is free and open to the public. Joe Jones, a digital and social media marketing professional for 12 years, will be the guest speaker.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/gardner-webb-newscenter-archive/2055/thumbnail.jp

    Social media usage in B2B firms

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    Digital marketing is defined as a mix of web and social media interactions between different stakeholders. Most of the empirical studies have looked at business-to-customers and customers-to-customers while few have considered its strategic importance in business-to-business and/or organizations-to-organizations. This study aims to fill a gap in the literature by exploring the current use of the Social Media platform, such as Facebook, by Business-to-Business (B2B) organizations in promoting their products and/or services as well as in engaging with key players. Key digital metrics, including SEO rankings and keywords, are looked at through the use of various marketing analytics tools (e.g. SEMrush, Ahrefs). A combination of archival data and netnography have been used to analyse market gaps with regards to social media interactions in B2B contexts. Results of this study indicate that Facebook is an important marketing platform under-utilized by marketing specialists to gain potential customer groups (individuals and organizations). Social media design and its integration using marketing analytics softwares is necessary to explore new market opportunities in B2B contexts. By proper utilization of Facebook as a part of the marketing mix, B2B firms can harness the power of organic advertising to increase customer knowledge and facilitate buyer's information search. However, it is suggested to do so respecting fundamentals of ethics and corporate responsibilities towards societal goods


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    Etika u marketingu je tema koja otvara niz različitih pitanja i područje čije značenje raste. Cilj ovog rada je naglasiti važnost etičkih problema u marketingu, pomoći vam da naučite etički odlučivati u marketingu. Shvatite li značenje etike u marketingu, bit će vam lakÅ”e prepoznavati i rjeÅ”avati etičke probleme nekog poduzeća ili medija. Problemi vezani uz etiku u marketingu stari su kao i sam marketing. Ovaj rad daje pregled uloge i značenja etike u marketinÅ”kim odlukama. Prvo se pojmovno određuje etika u marketingu, potom se raspravlja o čimbenicima koji utječu na etičko odlučivanje u marketingu. Izdvojeni su, etički problemi u marketingu: raspravlja se o načinu podizanja razine etičnosti u marketinÅ”kim odlukama i utjecaj koji marketinÅ”ke odluke imaju na druÅ”tvo. Rad je zaključen uspoređivanjem moralnog i etičkog kodeksa. Možemo zaključiti da je etika za poduzeće uvijek dugoročno rentabilna. Etika i etično ponaÅ”anje uvijek su rezultat pojedinačne, osobne odluke. Želja za ostvarivanjem neke trenutačne koristi poslovne ljude može navesti na neetično ponaÅ”anje. Neetično ponaÅ”anje doista može rezultirati kratkoročnim uspjehom, ali nipoÅ”to ne može biti temelj dugoročno profitabilnom, uistinu marketinÅ”kom poslovanju. PotroÅ”ači / korisnici, poslovni subjekti i druÅ”tvo u cjelini prepoznaju, osuđuju i izbjegavaju neetične pojedince, poduzeća i medije.Ethics in marketing is a theme that opens series of different questions and is an area of an increasing importance. The goal of this work is to illuminate the importance of ethical problems in marketing and help you gain ability of ethical deciding in marketing. If you do comprehend the meaning of ethics in marketing it will ease you the solution of ethical problems of certain firms or media. Problems related with marketing ethics are as old as marketing itself. This work gives insight on role and meaning of ethics and social responsibility in marketing decision making. First we define the ethics in marketing, after what we discuss the factors which influence ethical decision making in marketing. Selected ethical problems in marketing are: It is discussed how to raise the ethical level in marketing decision making and influence of marketing decisions on society is discussed. Also some of existing strategies which involve in work of social responsibility of marketing are shown. The work is concluded in comparison of moral and ethical code. We can conclude that ethics are profitable for a firm on a long term basis. Ethics and ethical behavior are always the result in unique, personal decision. The desire of a certain short run indulgence can make people do some unethical behavior. Unethical behavior could result in a moment success, but it could never be a basis for a long term profitable, truly marketing business. Customers/buyers, business subjects and society, always recognize and judge unethical people, firms and media

    Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Kedai Usaha Mie Jeng-Kang Menurut Perspektif Etika Bisnis Islam

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    The business world has developed rather quickly, one of the issues that frequently arises has to do with marketing. Creating a suitable plan is essential to achieving business goals. Every company has a unique marketing plan, however there are many businesspeople who continue to be challenging and frequently fail to grow their companies. The purpose of this study is to find out how to apply the marketing strategy of Kedai Usaha Mie Jeng-Kang according to the perspective of Islamic business ethics. This research was conducted with a descriptive qualitative approach and is a field research. From the study's findings, it can be inferred that Kedai Usaha Mie Jeng-Kang uses a 4P marketing mix, which includes a product strategy for cuisine manufactured from instant noodles, a pricing point that is affordable, a location that is spacious, cool and suitable facilities. Adequate offline promotion is done via word of mouth and personal contact, while online promotion is done via social media. Based on the perspective of Islamic business ethics, the marketing carried out is in accordance with Islamic marketing ethics which consists of the ethics of piety, shidiq, al-adl, khidmah, al-amanah, keeping promises, husnudzon, not doing backbiting and not doing riswah

    Exploring the Effects of Linguistic Elements of Social Media Corporate Apologies on Consumer Responses

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    In the current landscape of social media, consumers bring product and service failure complaints directly to brands daily. Whether such complaints are routine or hold potential for great consequence, social mediaā€™s viral nature means any brand-to-consumer interaction could become a public crisis if handled incorrectly. Corporate apologies are an effective strategy to mitigate negative audience sentiment and reduce online interactions that damage brand reputation. This study will manipulate previously identified but largely untested linguistic components of corporate apologies on Twitter, including personal greetings and closures and directives, to test their effects on consumersā€™ perceived apology sincerity, forgiveness, purchase intentions, and brand advocacy. This analysis builds on prior literature in social psychology, public relations, and business ethics to contribute insights into effective social media apologies to marketing knowledge and practice

    Social Media and Dentistry

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    Numerous social media platforms are accessible to healthcare professionals and to patients. The aim of this study was to determine the role of social media platforms in the academic life of undergraduate and postgraduate dental students, and general dentists and specialists working in an academic setting. A cross-sectional survey was conducted targeting 4th and 5th year dentistry students, postgraduate clinical assistants, qualified dentists, and specialists working at an Oral Health Centre. The survey questions focused on the role of social media sites in the academic setting, and how these can be used to interact on a professional basis in sharing knowledge efficiently and for teaching, as a marketing tool and the ethics related to its use. Most participants appreciated the use of social media to share and receive information for educational purposes. They indicated that online communication increases the spread of information and knowledge efficiently and timeously. They also specified taking advantage of this efficient spread amongst the population as a marketing tool to gain patients. Though there are some individuals who do not quite agree and have suspicions for ethical or personal reasons, and they explained this by indicating that once something is posted online it cannot be removed. The study concluded that the use of social media in dentistry has positive and negative aspects, thus the hesitancy to use it and suspicions expressed by participants. Information placed online should be closely monitored even after having received permission to do so


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    This thesis sought to discover how the use of media for missions developed within the Pentecostal tradition. In order to accomplish this, the historical development of the print medium and the introduction of radio will be analyzed. Additionally, methods of visual media will be introduced by discussing televangelism, media and theology, and the ethics of missions photojournalism. From there, the thesis transitions to the current use of digital media. Digital media today includes, but is not limited to, electronic newsletters, photos, videos, and social media. For the sake of this paper, only those for digital media mediums/platforms will be discussed. The use of digital media will also be discussed in regard to visual storytelling and media marketing. Lastly, todayā€™s digital media will be applied to missions by discussing the role of digital media within the missional fundraising process for current and coming generations of missionaries

    Analyzing Religious Conflicts On Social Media Based On The First Principle Of Pancasila

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    The development of communication technology is accelerating. Whatever happens in Indonesia can easily be sent through the Internet network. Social media is a communication and marketing tool where people can share their thoughts, ideas and experiences with others. It is a form of electronic media that allows people to create content and share it with the public. Social media has many positive and negative effects on society. If people do not use social media wisely and it goes viral, it can lead to unwanted conflicts. One of them is the religious conflict that is currently widespread, thus becoming a real threat to the Indonesian nation. The threat is not only in the real world, but also in cyberspace. Many people are indirectly uploading what is on their minds to social media, which can cause others to be offended. This is the beginning of religious conflict on social media. This is where the role of the government as well as the community is to understand that we live together in differences of ethnicity, religion and language. The role of the government can also be to firmly control the application of press laws and journalistic ethics. In addition, the role of the community is also important, namely by not being easily provoked by media coverage that is not balanced and seems to favor one particular group
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