3 research outputs found

    Technische Bildung im Sachunterricht der Grundschule

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    Technical education in primary school is a relevant topic for the Gesellschaft für Didaktik des Sachunterrichts (Society for the Didactics of Science Education in Primary Schools) - this is already shown by the designation of a separate perspective in the Perspektiverahmen Sachunterricht. However, research results in the field of technical learning can currently only be found sporadically. In research conferences on technical education that have been taking place since 2017, colleagues have presented research projects on children's learning preconditions and conditions, the impact of teaching settings, the importance of the interplay between thinking and acting, the importance of language in technical learning, children's abilities in the area of analytical thinking, etc. In addition, colleagues posed the question of how and whether schools have equipment available that would make technical education possible in the first place. These perspectives and (preliminary) research findings are summarised in this volume.Technische Bildung in der Grundschule ist für die Gesellschaft für Didaktik des Sachunterrichts ein relevantes Thema – dies zeigt schon die Ausweisung einer eigenen Perspektive im Perspektivrahmen Sachunterricht. Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich des Technischen Lernens findet man derzeit jedoch nur vereinzelt. In seit 2017 stattfindenden Forschungstagungen zur Technischen Bildung haben sich Kolleginnen und Kollegen in Forschungsprojekten mit Lernvoraussetzungen und -bedingungen von Kindern, Wirkweise von Unterrichtssettings, die Bedeutung des Zusammenspiels von Denken und Handeln, die Bedeutung der Sprache im technischen Lernen, Fähigkeiten von Kindern im Bereich des analytischen Denkens etc. vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus stellten sich Kolleginnen die Frage, wie und ob Schulen Ausstattungen zur Verfügung haben, die technische Bildung überhaupt erst ermöglichen würden. Diese Erkenntnisperspektiven und (vorläufigen) Forschungserkenntnisse sind in vorliegendem Band zusammengefasst. (DIPF/Orig.

    Etablierung eines begabungsfördernden Lernumfeldes für Mädchen im Bereich Informatik

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    Different gender specific behaviours of girls and boys are recognisable by parents from birth, and show themselves in more stable emotions for girls, and higher irritability and impulsivity for boys. However, research into the differences in development of interests, attitude, and professional orientation, or even their origin, hasn’t yielded any unambiguous results. These differences lead -amongst others- to a significantly smaller representation of women in computer science and other technical subjects. There are numerous measures and initiatives which try to introduce girls and young women to computer science and other technical subjects. Since the reasons for these gender specific differences are still mostly unclear, most measures lack a scientific basis. In this presentation, the state of the art of research in different research areas is summarised and measurable differences in fundamental attitudes towards technical subjects between boys and girls are identified. The didactic measures, conceived from these observations tightly focussed on girls in the age range of 11-12 years, are presented, and the evaluated medium-to-strong effects discussed