2 research outputs found

    Visibility Estimation of Traffic Signals under Rainy Weather Conditions for Smart Driving Support

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    Abstract-The aim of this work is to support a driver by notifying the information of traffic signals in accordance with their visibility. To avoid traffic accidents, the driver should detect and recognize surrounding objects, especially traffic signals. However, when driving a vehicle under rainy weather conditions, it is difficult for drivers to detect or to recognize objects existing in the road environment in comparison with fine weather conditions. Therefore, this paper proposes a method for estimating the visibility of traffic signals for drivers under rainy weather conditions by image processing. The proposed method is based on the concept of visual noise known in the field of cognitive science, and extracts two types of visual noise features which ware considered that they affect the visibility of traffic signals. We expect to improve the accuracy of visibility estimation by combining the visual noise features with the texture feature introduced in a previous work. Experimental results showed that the proposed method could estimate the visibility of traffic signals more accurately under rainy weather conditions

    Kontextsensitive Erkennung und Interpretation fahrrelevanter statischer Verkehrselemente

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Methoden und Verfahren zur Umwelterkennung und Situationsinterpretation entwickelt, mit denen statische Verkehrselemente (Verkehrszeichen und Ampeln) erkannt und im Kontext der Verkehrssituation interpretiert werden. Die Praxistauglichkeit der entwickelten Methoden und Verfahren wird durch umfangreiche Experimente demonstriert, bei denen auf die Verwendung realer Daten, kostengünstiger Sensorik und Echtzeitverarbeitung Wert gelegt wird