202 research outputs found

    Fast-Convergent Learning-aided Control in Energy Harvesting Networks

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    In this paper, we present a novel learning-aided energy management scheme (LEM\mathtt{LEM}) for multihop energy harvesting networks. Different from prior works on this problem, our algorithm explicitly incorporates information learning into system control via a step called \emph{perturbed dual learning}. LEM\mathtt{LEM} does not require any statistical information of the system dynamics for implementation, and efficiently resolves the challenging energy outage problem. We show that LEM\mathtt{LEM} achieves the near-optimal [O(ϵ),O(log(1/ϵ)2)][O(\epsilon), O(\log(1/\epsilon)^2)] utility-delay tradeoff with an O(1/ϵ1c/2)O(1/\epsilon^{1-c/2}) energy buffers (c(0,1)c\in(0,1)). More interestingly, LEM\mathtt{LEM} possesses a \emph{convergence time} of O(1/ϵ1c/2+1/ϵc)O(1/\epsilon^{1-c/2} +1/\epsilon^c), which is much faster than the Θ(1/ϵ)\Theta(1/\epsilon) time of pure queue-based techniques or the Θ(1/ϵ2)\Theta(1/\epsilon^2) time of approaches that rely purely on learning the system statistics. This fast convergence property makes LEM\mathtt{LEM} more adaptive and efficient in resource allocation in dynamic environments. The design and analysis of LEM\mathtt{LEM} demonstrate how system control algorithms can be augmented by learning and what the benefits are. The methodology and algorithm can also be applied to similar problems, e.g., processing networks, where nodes require nonzero amount of contents to support their actions

    In-Network Distributed Solar Current Prediction

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    Long-term sensor network deployments demand careful power management. While managing power requires understanding the amount of energy harvestable from the local environment, current solar prediction methods rely only on recent local history, which makes them susceptible to high variability. In this paper, we present a model and algorithms for distributed solar current prediction, based on multiple linear regression to predict future solar current based on local, in-situ climatic and solar measurements. These algorithms leverage spatial information from neighbors and adapt to the changing local conditions not captured by global climatic information. We implement these algorithms on our Fleck platform and run a 7-week-long experiment validating our work. In analyzing our results from this experiment, we determined that computing our model requires an increased energy expenditure of 4.5mJ over simpler models (on the order of 10^{-7}% of the harvested energy) to gain a prediction improvement of 39.7%.Comment: 28 pages, accepted at TOSN and awaiting publicatio

    Decentralized Delay Optimal Control for Interference Networks with Limited Renewable Energy Storage

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    In this paper, we consider delay minimization for interference networks with renewable energy source, where the transmission power of a node comes from both the conventional utility power (AC power) and the renewable energy source. We assume the transmission power of each node is a function of the local channel state, local data queue state and local energy queue state only. In turn, we consider two delay optimization formulations, namely the decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (DEC-POMDP) and Non-cooperative partially observable stochastic game (POSG). In DEC-POMDP formulation, we derive a decentralized online learning algorithm to determine the control actions and Lagrangian multipliers (LMs) simultaneously, based on the policy gradient approach. Under some mild technical conditions, the proposed decentralized policy gradient algorithm converges almost surely to a local optimal solution. On the other hand, in the non-cooperative POSG formulation, the transmitter nodes are non-cooperative. We extend the decentralized policy gradient solution and establish the technical proof for almost-sure convergence of the learning algorithms. In both cases, the solutions are very robust to model variations. Finally, the delay performance of the proposed solutions are compared with conventional baseline schemes for interference networks and it is illustrated that substantial delay performance gain and energy savings can be achieved

    Prediction of harvestable energy for self-powered wearable healthcare devices: filling a gap

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    Self-powered or autonomously driven wearable devices are touted to revolutionize the personalized healthcare industry, promising sustainable medical care for a large population of healthcare seekers. Current wearable devices rely on batteries for providing the necessary energy to the various electronic components. However, to ensure continuous and uninterrupted operation, these wearable devices need to scavenge energy from their surroundings. Different energy sources have been used to power wearable devices. These include predictable energy sources such as solar energy and radio frequency, as well as unpredictable energy from the human body. Nevertheless, these energy sources are either intermittent or deliver low power densities. Therefore, being able to predict or forecast the amount of harvestable energy over time enables the wearable to intelligently manage and plan its own energy resources more effectively. Several prediction approaches have been proposed in the context of energy harvesting wireless sensor network (EH-WSN) nodes. In their architectural design, these nodes are very similar to self-powered wearable devices. However, additional factors need to be considered to ensure a deeper market penetration of truly autonomous wearables for healthcare applications, which include low-cost, low-power, small-size, high-performance and lightweight. In this paper, we review the energy prediction approaches that were originally proposed for EH-WSN nodes and critique their application in wearable healthcare devices. Our comparison is based on their prediction accuracy, memory requirement, and execution time. We conclude that statistical techniques are better designed to meet the needs of short-term predictions, while long-term predictions require the hybridization of several linear and non-linear machine learning techniques. In addition to the recommendations, we discuss the challenges and future perspectives of these technique in our review

    Scheduling Tasks on Intermittently-Powered Real-Time Systems

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    Batteryless systems go through sporadic power on and off phases due to intermittently available energy; thus, they are called intermittent systems. Unfortunately, this intermittence in power supply hinders the timely execution of tasks and limits such devices’ potential in certain application domains, e.g., healthcare, live-stock tracking. Unlike prior work on time-aware intermittent systems that focuses on timekeeping [1, 2, 3] and discarding expired data [4], this dissertation concentrates on finishing task execution on time. I leverage the data processing and control layer of batteryless systems by developing frameworks that (1) integrate energy harvesting and real-time systems, (2) rethink machine learning algorithms for an energy-aware imprecise task scheduling framework, (3) develop scheduling algorithms that, along with deciding what to compute, answers when to compute and when to harvest, and (4) utilize distributed systems that collaboratively emulate a persistently powered system. Scheduling Framework for Intermittently Powered Computing Systems. Batteryless systems rely on sporadically available harvestable energy. For example, kinetic-powered motion detector sensors on the impalas can only harvest energy when the impalas are moving, which cannot be ascertained in advance. This uncertainty poses a unique real-time scheduling problem where existing real-time algorithms fail due to the interruption in execution time. This dissertation proposes a unified scheduling framework that includes both harvesting and computing. Imprecise Deep Neural Network Inference in Deadline-Aware Intermittent Systems. This dissertation proposes Zygarde- an energy-aware and outcome-aware soft-real-time imprecise deep neural network (DNN) task scheduling framework for intermittent systems. Zygarde leverages the semantic diversity of input data and layer-dependent expressiveness of deep features and infers only the necessary DNN layers based on available time and energy. Zygarde proposes a novel technique to determine the imprecise boundary at the runtime by exploiting the clustering classifiers and specialized offline training of the DNNs to minimize the loss of accuracy due to partial execution. It also proposes a single metric, η to represent a system’s predictability that measures how close a harvesterâs harvesting pattern is to a constant energy source. Besides, Zygarde consists of a scheduling algorithm that takes available time, available energy, impreciseness, and the classifier's performance into account. Scheduling Mutually Exclusive Computing and Harvesting Tasks in Deadline-Aware Intermittent Systems. The lack of sufficient ambient energy to directly power the intermittent systems introduces mutually exclusive computing and charging cycles of intermittently powered systems. This introduces a challenging real-time scheduling problem where the existing real-time algorithms fail due to the lack of interruption in execution time. To address this, this dissertation proposes Celebi, which considers the dynamics of the available energy and schedules when to harvest and when to compute in batteryless systems. Using data-driven simulation and real-world experiments, this dissertation shows that Celebi significantly increases the number of tasks that complete execution before their deadline when power was only available intermittently. Persistent System Emulation with Distributed Intermittent System. Intermittently-powered sensing and computing systems go through sporadic power-on and off periods due to the uncertain availability of energy sources. Despite the recent efforts to advance time-sensitive intermittent systems, such systems fail to capture important target events when the energy is absent for a prolonged time. This event miss limits the potential usage of intermittent systems in fault- intolerant and safety-critical applications. To address this problem, this dissertation proposes Falinks, a framework that allows a swarm of distributed intermittently powered nodes to collaboratively imitate the sensing and computing capabilities of a persistently powered system. This framework provides power-on and off schedules for the swamp of intermittent nodes which has no communication capability with each other.Doctor of Philosoph

    Harvesting-aware energy management for environmental monitoring WSN

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    Wireless sensor networks can be used to collect data in remote locations, especially when energy harvesting is used to extend the lifetime of individual nodes. However, in order to use the collected energy most effectively, its consumption must be managed. In this work, forecasts of diurnal solar energies were made based on measurements of atmospheric pressure. These forecasts were used as part of an adaptive duty cycling scheme for node level energy management. This management was realized with a fuzzy logic controller that has been tuned using differential evolution. Controllers were created using one and two days of energy forecasts, then simulated in software. These controllers outperformed a human-created reference controller by taking more measurements while using less reserve energy during the simulated period. The energy forecasts were comparable to other available methods, while the method of tuning the fuzzy controller improved overall node performance. The combination of the two is a promising method of energy management.Web of Science105art. no. 60