11 research outputs found

    Estimation of the Rate-Distortion Function

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    Motivated by questions in lossy data compression and by theoretical considerations, we examine the problem of estimating the rate-distortion function of an unknown (not necessarily discrete-valued) source from empirical data. Our focus is the behavior of the so-called "plug-in" estimator, which is simply the rate-distortion function of the empirical distribution of the observed data. Sufficient conditions are given for its consistency, and examples are provided to demonstrate that in certain cases it fails to converge to the true rate-distortion function. The analysis of its performance is complicated by the fact that the rate-distortion function is not continuous in the source distribution; the underlying mathematical problem is closely related to the classical problem of establishing the consistency of maximum likelihood estimators. General consistency results are given for the plug-in estimator applied to a broad class of sources, including all stationary and ergodic ones. A more general class of estimation problems is also considered, arising in the context of lossy data compression when the allowed class of coding distributions is restricted; analogous results are developed for the plug-in estimator in that case. Finally, consistency theorems are formulated for modified (e.g., penalized) versions of the plug-in, and for estimating the optimal reproduction distribution.Comment: 18 pages, no figures [v2: removed an example with an error; corrected typos; a shortened version will appear in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory

    Neural Estimation of the Rate-Distortion Function With Applications to Operational Source Coding

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    A fundamental question in designing lossy data compression schemes is how well one can do in comparison with the rate-distortion function, which describes the known theoretical limits of lossy compression. Motivated by the empirical success of deep neural network (DNN) compressors on large, real-world data, we investigate methods to estimate the rate-distortion function on such data, which would allow comparison of DNN compressors with optimality. While one could use the empirical distribution of the data and apply the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm, this approach presents several computational challenges and inaccuracies when the datasets are large and high-dimensional, such as the case of modern image datasets. Instead, we re-formulate the rate-distortion objective, and solve the resulting functional optimization problem using neural networks. We apply the resulting rate-distortion estimator, called NERD, on popular image datasets, and provide evidence that NERD can accurately estimate the rate-distortion function. Using our estimate, we show that the rate-distortion achievable by DNN compressors are within several bits of the rate-distortion function for real-world datasets. Additionally, NERD provides access to the rate-distortion achieving channel, as well as samples from its output marginal. Therefore, using recent results in reverse channel coding, we describe how NERD can be used to construct an operational one-shot lossy compression scheme with guarantees on the achievable rate and distortion. Experimental results demonstrate competitive performance with DNN compressors

    Maximal-Capacity Discrete Memoryless Channel Identification

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    The problem of identifying the channel with the highest capacity among several discrete memoryless channels (DMCs) is considered. The problem is cast as a pure-exploration multi-armed bandit problem, which follows the practical use of training sequences to sense the communication channel statistics. A capacity estimator is proposed and tight confidence bounds on the estimator error are derived. Based on this capacity estimator, a gap-elimination algorithm termed BestChanID is proposed, which is oblivious to the capacity-achieving input distribution and is guaranteed to output the DMC with the largest capacity, with a desired confidence. Furthermore, two additional algorithms NaiveChanSel and MedianChanEl, that output with certain confidence a DMC with capacity close to the maximal, are introduced. Each of those algorithms is beneficial in a different regime and can be used as a subroutine in BestChanID. The sample complexity of all algorithms is analyzed as a function of the desired confidence parameter, the number of channels, and the channels' input and output alphabet sizes. The cost of best channel identification is shown to scale quadratically with the alphabet size, and a fundamental lower bound for the required number of channel senses to identify the best channel with a certain confidence is derived

    Estimating the Rate-Distortion Function by Wasserstein Gradient Descent

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    In the theory of lossy compression, the rate-distortion (R-D) function R(D)R(D) describes how much a data source can be compressed (in bit-rate) at any given level of fidelity (distortion). Obtaining R(D)R(D) for a given data source establishes the fundamental performance limit for all compression algorithms. We propose a new method to estimate R(D)R(D) from the perspective of optimal transport. Unlike the classic Blahut--Arimoto algorithm which fixes the support of the reproduction distribution in advance, our Wasserstein gradient descent algorithm learns the support of the optimal reproduction distribution by moving particles. We prove its local convergence and analyze the sample complexity of our R-D estimator based on a connection to entropic optimal transport. Experimentally, we obtain comparable or tighter bounds than state-of-the-art neural network methods on low-rate sources while requiring considerably less tuning and computation effort. We also highlight a connection to maximum-likelihood deconvolution and introduce a new class of sources that can be used as test cases with known solutions to the R-D problem.Comment: Accepted as conference paper at NeurIPS 202

    On the MIMO Channel capacity for the Nakagami-m Channel

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    On the MIMO Channel Capacity for the Nakagami-mm Channel

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    On the MIMO Channel Capacity for the Nakagami-m Channel

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    Estimation of the rate-distortion function

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    Motivated by questions in lossy data compression and by theoretical considerations, the problem of estimating the rate-distortion function of an unknown (not necessarily discrete-valued) source from empirical data is examined. The focus is the behavior of the so-called "plug-in" estimator, which is simply the rate-distortion function of the empirical distribution of the observed data. Sufficient conditions are given for its consistency, and examples are provided demonstrating that in certain cases it fails to converge to the true rate-distortion function. The analysis of its performance is complicated by the fact that the rate-distortion function is not continuous in the source distribution; the underlying mathematical problem is closely related to the classical problem of establishing the consistency of maximum-likelihood estimators (MLEs). General consistency results are given for the plug-in estimator applied to a broad class of sources, including all stationary and ergodic ones. A more general class of estimation problems is also considered, arising in the context of lossy data compression when the allowed class of coding distributions is restricted; analogous results are developed for the plug-in estimator in that case. Finally, consistency theorems are formulated for modified (e.g., penalized) versions of the plug-in, and for estimating the optimal reproduction distribution. © 2008 IEEE