4 research outputs found

    Can virtual reality predict body part discomfort and performance of people in realistic world for assembling tasks?

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    This paper presents our work on relationship of evaluation results between virtual environment (VE) and realistic environment (RE) for assembling tasks. Evaluation results consist of subjective results (BPD and RPE) and objective results (posture and physical performance). Same tasks were performed with same experimental configurations and evaluation results were measured in RE and VE respectively. Then these evaluation results were compared. Slight difference of posture between VE and RE was found but not great difference of effect on people according to conventional ergonomics posture assessment method. Correlation of BPD and performance results between VE and RE are found by linear regression method. Moreover, results of BPD, physical performance, and RPE in VE are higher than that in RE with significant difference. Furthermore, these results indicates that subjects feel more discomfort and fatigue in VE than RE because of additional effort required in VE

    Features of Preschoolers Attribution Physical Properties of Virtual Objects at Haptic Recognition

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    В статье представлено экспериментальное исследование атрибуции физических свойств виртуальным объектам детьми дошкольного возраста. Авторы исходили из гипотезы о том, что дети опираются на известные им характеристики реальных физических объектов при восприятии виртуальных объектов.An experimental study of the attribution of physical properties to virtual objects by preschool children presented in the article. The authors proceeded from the hypothesis that children rely on the characteristics of real physical objects known to them when they perceive virtual objects

    Design research in the Netherlands 2000 : 24-25 May, 2000, Eindhoven

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    Estimation of Virtually Perceived Length

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