3 research outputs found


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     レーダ (RADAR: RAdio Detection And Ranging) はアンテナから電波を照射し,ターゲットからの反射波を計測することで,目標検知及び距離計測を行うリモートセンシングシステムである.計測にマイクロ波を利用するため天候や雲などの影響を受けずに計測を行うことが可能である.距離は,送受信時刻の時間差で計測されるため,その計測性能を確保するためには,高分解能高精度な受信信号の到来時間推定が必要である.従来では,相関処理を用いたパルス圧縮手法が広く用いられている.同手法は,送信信号を周波数変調することで等価的に送信帯域を広げ,高い分解能を得る.同技術の距離分解能は送信信号帯域B の逆数に比例するため,高分解能化を図るためには,送信信号の広帯域化が必要である.我国では,電波の周波数利用は,電波法により厳しく制約されており,パルス圧縮技術による高分解能化には限界がある上利用可能帯域に制限が存在する.同問題を解決するため,送信信号の周波数帯域に依存しない高分解能手法が求められている.近年,送信信号の周波数帯域に依存しない到来時間推定法として,圧縮センシング (CS: Compressed Sensing) と呼ばれる手法が注目されている.圧縮センシングは,劣決定で表される観測モデルにおいて,原信号の時間または空間分布が十分にスパースであることを条件に,原信号を推定する手法である.同手法は磁気共鳴画像 (MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging) の高速撮像などの医用画像処理や,超解像技法によるブラックホール撮像研究等,多様な分野への応用がなされている.レーダ信号処理においても,目標の空間・時間分布がスパースである場合は多数存在する.これに注目し,筆者は帯域制限信号に対し圧縮センシングを適応した高分解能到来時間推定法を提案する.しかし,通常のl1 ノルム最小化に基づく最適化手法では雑音に対するロバスト性が低いという問題点を有する.同問題を解決するため,本論文では事前情報に相互相関出力を用いた階層ベイズモデルに基づく圧縮センシングを提案する.階層ベイズモデルは脳磁図における逆問題解法として研究が進められており,事前情報の追加が容易であるという特徴を有する.提案法では,相互相関処理出力のピーク付近に目標が存在するという事前情報を階層ベイズモデルに導入することで,高分解能な到来時間推定を実現する.数値計算において,複数の帯域制限信号に対し提案法を適用し,その到来時間推定性能を評価する.さらに,複数金属球を目標に用いた実験を行い,得られたデータに対し提案法を適用し,従来法に比べ分解能及び推定精度が向上することを示す.電気通信大学201

    MIMO Radar Waveform Design and Sparse Reconstruction for Extended Target Detection in Clutter

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    This dissertation explores the detection and false alarm rate performance of a novel transmit-waveform and receiver filter design algorithm as part of a larger Compressed Sensing (CS) based Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) bistatic radar system amidst clutter. Transmit-waveforms and receiver filters were jointly designed using an algorithm that minimizes the mutual coherence of the combined transmit-waveform, target frequency response, and receiver filter matrix product as a design criterion. This work considered the Probability of Detection (P D) and Probability of False Alarm (P FA) curves relative to a detection threshold, τ th, Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC), reconstruction error and mutual coherence measures for performance characterization of the design algorithm to detect both known and fluctuating targets and amidst realistic clutter and noise. Furthermore, this work paired the joint waveform-receiver filter design algorithm with multiple sparse reconstruction algorithms, including: Regularized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (ROMP), Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit (CoSaMP) and Complex Approximate Message Passing (CAMP) algorithms. It was found that the transmit-waveform and receiver filter design algorithm significantly outperforms statically designed, benchmark waveforms for the detection of both known and fluctuating extended targets across all tested sparse reconstruction algorithms. In particular, CoSaMP was specified to minimize the maximum allowable P FA of the CS radar system as compared to the baseline ROMP sparse reconstruction algorithm of previous work. However, while the designed waveforms do provide performance gains and CoSaMP affords a reduced peak false alarm rate as compared to the previous work, fluctuating target impulse responses and clutter severely hampered CS radar performance when either of these sparse reconstruction techniques were implemented. To improve detection rate and, by extension, ROC performance of the CS radar system under non-ideal conditions, this work implemented the CAMP sparse reconstruction algorithm in the CS radar system. It was found that detection rates vastly improve with the implementation of CAMP, especially in the case of fluctuating target impulse responses amidst clutter or at low receive signal to noise ratios (β n). Furthermore, where previous work considered a τ th=0, the implementation of a variable τ th in this work offered novel trade off between P D and P FA in radar design to the CS radar system. In the simulated radar scene it was found that τ th could be moderately increased retaining the same or similar P D while drastically improving P FA. This suggests that the selection and specification of the sparse reconstruction algorithm and corresponding τ th for this radar system is not trivial. Rather, a tradeoff was noted between P D and P FA based on the choice and parameters of the sparse reconstruction technique and detection threshold, highlighting an engineering trade-space in CS radar system design. Thus, in CS radar system design, the radar designer must carefully choose and specify the sparse reconstruction technique and appropriate detection threshold in addition to transmit-waveforms, receiver filters and building the dictionary of target impulse responses for detection in the radar scene

    Estimation of Extended Targets Based on Compressed Sensing in Cognitive Radar System

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