708 research outputs found

    Estimating the Security of Lattice-based Cryptosystems

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    Encryption and signature schemes based on worst-case lattice problems are promising candidates for the post-quantum era, where classic number-theoretic assumptions are rendered false. Although there have been many important results and breakthroughs in lattice cryptography, the questions of how to systematically evaluate their security in practice and how to choose secure parameters are still open. This is mainly due to the fact that most security proofs are essentially asymptotic statements. In addition, the hardness of the underlying complexity assumption is controlled by several interdependent parameters rather than just a simple bit length as in many classic schemes. With our work, we close this gap by providing a framework that (1) distills a hardness estimate out of a given parameter set and (2) relates the complexity of practical lattice-based attacks to symmetric bit security for the first time. Our approach takes various security levels, or attacker types, into account. Moreover, we use it to predict long-term security in a similar fashion as the results that are collected on www.keylength.com. In contrast to the experiments by Gama and Nguyen (Eurocrypt 2008), our estimates are based on precisely the family of lattices that is relevant in modern lattice-based cryptography. Our framework can be applied in two ways: Firstly, to assess the hardness of the (few) proposed parameter sets so far and secondly, to propose secure parameters in the first place. Our methodology is applicable to essentially all lattice-based schemes that are based on the learning with errors problem (LWE) or the small integer solution problem (SIS) and it allows us to compare efficiency and security across different schemes and even across different types of cryptographic primitives

    Cryptography from tensor problems

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    We describe a new proposal for a trap-door one-way function. The new proposal belongs to the "multivariate quadratic" family but the trap-door is different from existing methods, and is simpler

    Heterogeneous implementation of a Voronoi cell-based SVP solver

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    This paper presents a new, heterogeneous CPU+GPU attacks against lattice-based (postquantum) cryptosystems based on the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP), a central problem in lattice-based cryptanalysis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first SVP-attack against lattice-based cryptosystems using CPUs and GPUs simultaneously. We show that Voronoi-cell based CPU+GPU attacks, algorithmically improved in previous work, are suitable for the proposed massively parallel platforms. Results show that 1) heterogeneous platforms are useful in this scenario, as they increment the overall memory available in the system (as GPU's memory can be used effectively), a typical bottleneck for Voronoi-cell algorithms, and we have also been able to increase the performance of the algorithm on such a platform, by successfully using the GPU as a co-processor, 2) this attack can be successfully accelerated using conventional GPUs and 3) we can take advantage of multiple GPUs to attack lattice-based cryptosystems. Experimental results show a speedup up to 7.6× for 2 GPUs hosted by an Intel Xeon E5-2695 v2 CPU (12 cores ×2 sockets) using only 1 core and gains in the order of 20% for 2 GPUs hosted by the same machine using all 22 CPU threads (2 are reserved for orchestrating the GPUs), compared to single-CPU execution using the entire 24 threads available.This work was supported in part by the Instituto de Telecomunicações, in part by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) under Grant UID/EEA/50008/2019 and Grant PTDC/EEI-HAC/30485/2017, and in part by the National Funds through the Portuguese Funding Agency, FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, under Grant UID/EEA/50014/2019. The work of A. Mariano was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Grant 382285730

    Information- and Coding-Theoretic Analysis of the RLWE Channel

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    Several cryptosystems based on the \emph{Ring Learning with Errors} (RLWE) problem have been proposed within the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process, e.g. NewHope. Furthermore, there are systems like Kyber which are based on the closely related MLWE assumption. Both previously mentioned schemes feature a non-zero decryption failure rate (DFR). The combination of encryption and decryption for these kinds of algorithms can be interpreted as data transmission over noisy channels. To the best of our knowledge this paper is the first work that analyzes the capacity of this channel. We show how to modify the encryption schemes such that the input alphabets of the corresponding channels are increased. In particular, we present lower bounds on their capacities which show that the transmission rate can be significantly increased compared to standard proposals in the literature. Furthermore, under the common assumption of stochastically independent coefficient failures, we give lower bounds on achievable rates based on both the Gilbert-Varshamov bound and concrete code constructions using BCH codes. By means of our constructions, we can either increase the total bitrate (by a factor of 1.841.84 for Kyber and by factor of 77 for NewHope) while guaranteeing the same \emph{decryption failure rate} (DFR). Moreover, for the same bitrate, we can significantly reduce the DFR for all schemes considered in this work (e.g., for NewHope from 2−2162^{-216} to 2−127692^{-12769}).Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 3 table
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