6 research outputs found

    Assessment of Snow Status Changes Using L-HH Temporal-Coherence Components at Mt. Dagu, China

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    Multitemporal Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) horizontally transmitted and horizontally received (HH) coherence data was decomposed into temporal-coherence, spatial-coherence, and thermal noise components. The multitemporal data spanned between February and May of 2008, and consisted of two pairs of interferometric SAR (InSAR) images formed by consecutive repeat passes. With the analysis of ancillary data, a snow increase process and a snow decrease process were determined. Then, the multiple temporal-coherence components were used to study the variation of thawing and freezing statuses of snow because the components can mostly reflect the temporal change of the snow that occurred between two data acquisitions. Compared with snow mapping results derived from optical images, the outcomes from the snow increase process and the snow decrease process reached an overall accuracy of 71.3% and 79.5%, respectively. Being capable of delineating not only the areas with or without snow cover but also status changes among no-snow, wet snow, and dry snow, we have developed a critical means to assess the water resource in alpine areas

    Modeling of Subsurface Scattering from Ice Sheets for Pol-InSAR Applications

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    Remote sensing is a fundamental tool to measure the dynamics of ice sheets and provides valuable information for ice sheet projections under a changing climate. There is, however, the potential to further reduce the uncertainties in these projections by developing innovative remote sensing methods. One of these remote sensing techniques, the polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry (Pol-InSAR), is known since decades to have the potential to assess the geophysical properties below the surface of ice sheets, because of the penetration of microwave signals into dry snow, firn, and ice. Despite this, only very few studies have addressed this topic and the development of robust Pol-InSAR applications is at an early stage. Two potential Pol-InSAR applications are identified as the motivation for this thesis. First, the estimation and compensation of the penetration bias in digital elevation models derived with SAR interferometry. This bias can lead to errors of several meters or even tens of meters in surface elevation measurements. Second, the estimation of geophysical properties of the subsurface of glaciers and ice sheets using Pol-InSAR techniques. There is indeed potential to derive information about melt-refreeze processes within the firn, which are related to density and affect the mass balance. Such Pol-InSAR applications can be a valuable information source with the potential for monthly ice sheet wide coverage and high spatial resolution provided by the next generation of SAR satellites. However, the required models to link the Pol-InSAR measurements to the subsurface properties are not yet established. The aim of this thesis is to improve the modeling of the vertical backscattering distribution in the subsurface of ice sheets and its effect on polarimetric interferometric SAR measurements at different frequencies. In order to achieve this, polarimetric interferometric multi-baseline SAR data at different frequencies and from two different test sites on the Greenland ice sheet are investigated. This thesis contributes with three concepts to a better understanding and to a more accurate modeling of the vertical backscattering distribution in the subsurface of ice sheets. First, the integration of scattering from distinct subsurface layers. These are formed by refrozen melt water in the upper percolation zone and cause an interesting coherence undulation pattern, which cannot be explained with previously existing models. This represents a first link between Pol-InSAR data and geophysical subsurface properties. The second step is the improved modeling of the general vertical backscattering distribution of the subsurface volume. The advantages of more flexible volume models are demonstrated, but interestingly, the simple modification of a previously existing model with a vertical shift parameter lead to the best agreement between model and data. The third contribution is the model based compensation of the penetration bias, which is experimentally validated. At the investigated test sites, it becomes evident that the model based estimates of the surface elevations are more accurate than the interferometric phase center locations, which are conventionally used to derive surface elevations of ice sheets. This thesis therefore improves the state of the art of subsurface scattering modeling for Pol-InSAR applications, demonstrates the model-based penetration bias compensation, and makes a further research step towards the retrieval of geophysical subsurface information with Pol-InSAR

    Applications of SAR Interferometry in Earth and Environmental Science Research

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    This paper provides a review of the progress in regard to the InSAR remote sensing technique and its applications in earth and environmental sciences, especially in the past decade. Basic principles, factors, limits, InSAR sensors, available software packages for the generation of InSAR interferograms were summarized to support future applications. Emphasis was placed on the applications of InSAR in seismology, volcanology, land subsidence/uplift, landslide, glaciology, hydrology, and forestry sciences. It ends with a discussion of future research directions

    Master of Science

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    thesisRecent accelerated mass loss offset by increased Arctic precipitation highlights the importance of a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms controlling mass balance on the Greenland ice sheet. Knowledge of the spatiotemporal variability of snow accumulation is critical to accurately quantify mass balance, yet, considerable uncertainty remains in current snow accumulation estimates. Previous studies have shown the potential for large-scale retrievals of snow accumulation rates in regions that experience seasonal melt-refreeze metamorphosis using active microwave remote sensing. Theoretical backscatter models used in these studies to validate the hypothesis that observed decreasing freezing season backscatter signatures are linked to snow accumulation rates suggest the relationship is inverse and linear (dB). The net backscatter measurement is dominated by a Mie scattering response from the underlying ice-facie. Two-way attenuation resulting from a Raleigh scattering response within the overlying layer of snow accumulation forces a decrease in the backscatter measurement over time with increased snow accumulation rates. Backscatter measurements acquired from NASA's Ku-band SeaWinds scatterometer on the QuikSCAT satellite together with spatially calibrated snow accumulation rates acquired from the Polar MM5 mesoscale climate model are used to evaluate this relationship. Regions that experienced seasonal melt-refreeze metamorphosis and potentially formed dominant scattering layers are delineated, iv freeze-up and melt-onset dates identifying the freezing season are detected on a pixel-by-pixel basis, freezing season backscatter time series are linearly regressed, and a microwave snow accumulation metric is retrieved. A simple empirical relationship between the retrieved microwave snow accumulation metric (dB), , and spatially calibrated Polar MM5 snow accumulation rates (m w. e.), , is derived with a negative correlation coefficient of R=-.82 and a least squares linear fit equation of . Results indicate that an inverse relationship exists between decreasing freezing season backscatter decreases and snow accumulation rates; however, this technique fails to retrieve accurate snow accumulation estimates. An alternate geometric relationship is suggested between decreasing freezing season backscatter signatures, snow accumulation rates, and snowpack stratigraphy in the underlying ice-facie, which significantly influences the microwave scattering mechanism. To understand this complex relationship, additional research is required

    Estimating Snow Accumulation From InSAR Correlation Observations

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    Evolution de la surface de neige sur le plateau Antarctique (observation in situ et satellite)

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    La surface de neige sur le Plateau Antarctique joue un rôle important dans l'étude du bilan de masse et d'énergie de surface. Ses caractéristiques dépendent des interactions entre les conditions atmosphériques et le haut du manteau neigeux, à travers notamment les précipitations, la redistribution de neige par le vent et le métamorphisme. L'ensemble des aspects de la surface, i.e. le type de cristaux, la rugosité, la densité, l'albédo , sont regroupés sous la formule état de surface. L'objectif de cette thèse est l'étude de l'état de surface et de son évolution, en fonction des conditions atmosphériques, à l'aide d'observations in situ et satellite. L'analyse conjointe d'observations in situ, essentiellement à partir de photographies infrarouges de la surface (développement d'un algorithme examinant la texture des images), et satellite, principalement l'émission micro-onde du manteau neigeux (utilisation du rapport de polarisation sensible à la densité proche de la surface), a permis de montrer une dynamique rapide de la surface à Dôme C. En particulier, des périodes où le givre recouvre entièrement la surface sont observées et représentent environ 45% du temps. Cette dynamique est aussi caractérisée par des élévations rapides et importantes de la surface, pouvant être largement supérieures à l'accumulation annuelle moyenne de 8 cm (jusqu'à 20 cm en 2 heures). Le vent est déterminant dans l'évolution de la surface. Plus particulièrement, ces travaux ont montrés l'importance de la direction du vent pour la disparition du givre (perpendiculaire à la direction dominante, i.e. le sud-ouest). Enfin, la corrélation entre présence de givre et rapport de polarisation a permis d'étendre ces résultats sur les 10 années d'observation du satellite et ouvre la voie à la détection des précipitations par télédétection. La modélisation de l'émission micro-onde à 19 et 37 GHz a ensuite été menée à Dôme C à l'aide d'un modèle de transfert radiatif (DMRT-ML). Les propriétés du manteau neigeux (taille des grains, densité et température), utilisées en entrée du modèle, ont été mesurées durant la campagne d'été 2010 - 2011. Les résultats des simulations montrent que la densité de la neige proche de la surface est principalement responsable des variations du rapport de polarisation. Cette densité a ainsi été inversée à Dôme C sur 10 ans. Elle montre une tendance pluriannuelle à la baisse de 10 kg m-3 a-1, superposée à un cycle annuel et à des variations journalières / hebdomadaires. La mesure in situ de la densité et l'observation du givre coïncident avec les variations rapides de la densité estimée. L'évolution pluriannuelle conséquente mérite d'être prise en compte pour l'étude du bilan de masse de surface, les causes probables étant une hausse des précipitations ou une baisse de l'intensité du vent. Suivant une méthodologie similaire, l'évolution de la densité de surface a été déduite pour l'ensemble de l'Antarctique. Les variations spatiales mettent en évidence une tendance claire à la diminution de la densité sur une grande région entre Dôme C et Vostok et une région à l'est de Dôme C où elle augmente. À plus grande échelle, le rapport de polarisation moyen montre de grandes variations, signatures de la stratification en densité du manteau neigeux. L'étude de l'altimétrie satellite permettrat de corroborer ces résultats.The snow surface on the Antarctic Plateau plays an important role to study the surface mass and energy balance. Its characteristics depend on interactions between the atmospheric conditions and the top of the snowpack such as snowfall, snow remobilization by the wind and metamorphism. All the surface characteristics like type of crystals, roughness, density, albedo are rounded up the expression surface state. Objective of this thesis is to study the surface state and its evolution due to atmospheric conditions, from satellite and in situ observations. Analyzing together in situ and satellite observations, respectively from infrared pictures of the snow surface (developing an algorithm to study the image texture) and microwave emission of snow (using the polarization ratio that principally depends on the snow density near the surface), showed that the surface quickly evolves at Dome C. Specifically, periods where hoar covers totally the surface are observed and represents around 45% of time. Surface evolution is also characterized by rapid and high increase of the surface height which could be widely higher than the mean annual accumulation of 8 cm (to 20 cm in 2 hours). The wind is essential for the snow surface evolution. Especially, these works showed that wind direction changes during the disappearance of hoar crystals (perpendicular to the prevailing direction, i.e. the Southwest). Finally, correlation between presence of hoar on the surface and polarization ratio extended these results for the 10 years of satellite observation. It shows the potential to detect precipitation events from passive microwave observation. Modeling microwave emission at 19 and 37 GHz was performed at Dome C by a radiative transfer model (DMRT-ML). Snowpack properties (grain size, density and temperature) used as model inputs were measured during the 2010 2011 summer field campaign. Simulations results showed that the snow density near the surface is mainly responsible of the variations of polarization ratio. Surface density was thus estimated at Dome C for 10 years. The density evolution show a multi-annual trend of 10 kg m-3 a-1 decreasing, superimposed by an annual cycle and daily / weekly variations. In situ measurements of density and hoar observation are coincident with the rapid evolutions of estimated density. The substantial multi-annual decrease of density should be included in surface mass balance study because the causes are probably an increase of precipitation or a decrease of wind speed. Similar method was used to deduce the evolution of the near-surface snow surface for whole Antarctica. Spatial variations bring out a clear decrease trend of surface density over a large area between Dome C and Vostok and an area in the East of Dome C where density increases. For the whole Antarctic, the mean polarization ratio shows large variations which correspond to variations of the density stratification of the snowpack. Spatial altimetry would be useful to confirm these results.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF