18 research outputs found

    Estimating Jones and HOMFLY polynomials with One Clean Qubit

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    The Jones and HOMFLY polynomials are link invariants with close connections to quantum computing. It was recently shown that finding a certain approximation to the Jones polynomial of the trace closure of a braid at the fifth root of unity is a complete problem for the one clean qubit complexity class. This is the class of problems solvable in polynomial time on a quantum computer acting on an initial state in which one qubit is pure and the rest are maximally mixed. Here we generalize this result by showing that one clean qubit computers can efficiently approximate the Jones and single-variable HOMFLY polynomials of the trace closure of a braid at any root of unity.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, revised in response to referee comment

    Approximating the Turaev-Viro Invariant of Mapping Tori is Complete for One Clean Qubit

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    The Turaev-Viro invariants are scalar topological invariants of three-dimensional manifolds. Here we show that the problem of estimating the Fibonacci version of the Turaev-Viro invariant of a mapping torus is a complete problem for the one clean qubit complexity class (DQC1). This complements a previous result showing that estimating the Turaev-Viro invariant for arbitrary manifolds presented as Heegaard splittings is a complete problem for the standard quantum computation model (BQP). We also discuss a beautiful analogy between these results and previously known results on the computational complexity of approximating the Jones polynomial.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, presented at TQC '11. Added reference

    Quantum Algorithms For: Quantum Phase Estimation, Approximation Of The Tutte Polynomial And Black-box Structures

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    In this dissertation, we investigate three different problems in the field of Quantum computation. First, we discuss the quantum complexity of evaluating the Tutte polynomial of a planar graph. Furthermore, we devise a new quantum algorithm for approximating the phase of a unitary matrix. Finally, we provide quantum tools that can be utilized to extract the structure of black-box modules and algebras. While quantum phase estimation (QPE) is at the core of many quantum algorithms known to date, its physical implementation (algorithms based on quantum Fourier transform (QFT) ) is highly constrained by the requirement of high-precision controlled phase shift operators, which remain difficult to realize. In the second part of this dissertation, we introduce an alternative approach to approximately implement QPE with arbitrary constantprecision controlled phase shift operators. The new quantum algorithm bridges the gap between QPE algorithms based on QFT and Kitaevā€™s original approach. For approximating the eigenphase precise to the nth bit, Kitaevā€™s original approach does not require any controlled phase shift operator. In contrast, QPE algorithms based on QFT or approximate QFT require controlled phase shift operators with precision of at least Pi/2n. The new approach fills the gap and requires only arbitrary constant-precision controlled phase shift operators. From a physical implementation viewpoint, the new algorithm outperforms Kitaevā€™s approach. iii The other problem we investigate relates to approximating the Tutte polynomial. We show that the problem of approximately evaluating the Tutte polynomial of triangular graphs at the points (q, 1/q) of the Tutte plane is BQP-complete for (most) roots of unity q. We also consider circular graphs and show that the problem of approximately evaluating the Tutte polynomial of these graphs at the point (e 2Ļ€i/5 ,eāˆ’2Ļ€i/5 ) is DQC1-complete and at points (q k , 1 + 1āˆ’qāˆ’k (q 1/2āˆ’qāˆ’1/2) 2 ) for some integer k is in BQP. To show that these problems can be solved by a quantum computer, we rely on the relation of the Tutte polynomial of a planar G graph with the Jones and HOMFLY polynomial of the alternating link D(G) given by the medial graph of G. In the case of our graphs the corresponding links are equal to the plat and trace closures of braids. It is known how to evaluate the Jones and HOMFLY polynomial for closures of braids. To establish the hardness results, we use the property that the images of the generators of the braid group under the irreducible Jones-Wenzl representations of the Hecke algebra have finite order. We show that for each braid b we can efficiently construct a braid Ėœb such that the evaluation of the Jones and HOMFLY polynomials of their closures at a fixed root of unity leads to the same value and that the closures of Ėœb are alternating links. The final part of the dissertation focuses on finding the structure of a black-box module or algebra. Suppose we are given black-box access to a finite module M or algebra over a finite ring R, and a list of generators for M and R. We show how to find a linear basis and structure constants for M in quantum poly(log |M|) time. This generalizes a recent quantum algorithm of Arvind et al. which finds a basis representation for rings. We then show that iv our algorithm is a useful primitive allowing quantum computers to determine the structure of a finite associative algebra as a direct sum of simple algebras. Moreover, it solves a wide variety of problems regarding finite modules and rings. Although our quantum algorithm is based on Abelian Fourier transforms, it solves problems regarding the multiplicative structure of modules and algebras, which need not be commutative. Examples include finding the intersection and quotient of two modules, finding the additive and multiplicative identities in a module, computing the order of an module, solving linear equations over modules, deciding whether an ideal is maximal, finding annihilators, and testing the injectivity and surjectivity of ring homomorphisms. These problems appear to be exponentially hard classically