273 research outputs found

    Nonparanormal Graph Quilting with Applications to Calcium Imaging

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    Probabilistic graphical models have become an important unsupervised learning tool for detecting network structures for a variety of problems, including the estimation of functional neuronal connectivity from two-photon calcium imaging data. However, in the context of calcium imaging, technological limitations only allow for partially overlapping layers of neurons in a brain region of interest to be jointly recorded. In this case, graph estimation for the full data requires inference for edge selection when many pairs of neurons have no simultaneous observations. This leads to the Graph Quilting problem, which seeks to estimate a graph in the presence of block-missingness in the empirical covariance matrix. Solutions for the Graph Quilting problem have previously been studied for Gaussian graphical models; however, neural activity data from calcium imaging are often non-Gaussian, thereby requiring a more flexible modeling approach. Thus, in our work, we study two approaches for nonparanormal Graph Quilting based on the Gaussian copula graphical model, namely a maximum likelihood procedure and a low-rank based framework. We provide theoretical guarantees on edge recovery for the former approach under similar conditions to those previously developed for the Gaussian setting, and we investigate the empirical performance of both methods using simulations as well as real data calcium imaging data. Our approaches yield more scientifically meaningful functional connectivity estimates compared to existing Gaussian graph quilting methods for this calcium imaging data set

    Sparse Median Graphs Estimation in a High Dimensional Semiparametric Model

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    In this manuscript a unified framework for conducting inference on complex aggregated data in high dimensional settings is proposed. The data are assumed to be a collection of multiple non-Gaussian realizations with underlying undirected graphical structures. Utilizing the concept of median graphs in summarizing the commonality across these graphical structures, a novel semiparametric approach to modeling such complex aggregated data is provided along with robust estimation of the median graph, which is assumed to be sparse. The estimator is proved to be consistent in graph recovery and an upper bound on the rate of convergence is given. Experiments on both synthetic and real datasets are conducted to illustrate the empirical usefulness of the proposed models and methods

    Joint Estimation of Multiple Graphical Models from High Dimensional Time Series

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    In this manuscript we consider the problem of jointly estimating multiple graphical models in high dimensions. We assume that the data are collected from n subjects, each of which consists of T possibly dependent observations. The graphical models of subjects vary, but are assumed to change smoothly corresponding to a measure of closeness between subjects. We propose a kernel based method for jointly estimating all graphical models. Theoretically, under a double asymptotic framework, where both (T,n) and the dimension d can increase, we provide the explicit rate of convergence in parameter estimation. It characterizes the strength one can borrow across different individuals and impact of data dependence on parameter estimation. Empirically, experiments on both synthetic and real resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) data illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: 40 page

    Parametric Copula-GP model for analyzing multidimensional neuronal and behavioral relationships

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    One of the main goals of current systems neuroscience is to understand how neuronal populations integrate sensory information to inform behavior. However, estimating stimulus or behavioral information that is encoded in high-dimensional neuronal populations is challenging. We propose a method based on parametric copulas which allows modeling joint distributions of neuronal and behavioral variables characterized by different statistics and timescales. To account for temporal or spatial changes in dependencies between variables, we model varying copula parameters by means of Gaussian Processes (GP). We validate the resulting Copula-GP framework on synthetic data and on neuronal and behavioral recordings obtained in awake mice. We show that the use of a parametric description of the high-dimensional dependence structure in our method provides better accuracy in mutual information estimation in higher dimensions compared to other non-parametric methods. Moreover, by quantifying the redundancy between neuronal and behavioral variables, our model exposed the location of the reward zone in an unsupervised manner (i.e., without using any explicit cues about the task structure). These results demonstrate that the Copula-GP framework is particularly useful for the analysis of complex multidimensional relationships between neuronal, sensory and behavioral variables
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